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Approach for checking inductive stability and invariance properties for rewrite theories 

Approach for checking inductive stability and invariance properties for rewrite theories 

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The InvA tool supports the deductive verification of safety properties of infinite-state concurrent systems. Given a concurrent system specified as a rewrite theory and a safety formula to be verified, InvA reduces such a formula to inductive properties of the underlying equational theory by means of the application of a few inference rules. Throug...

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Context 1
... approach for proving inductive stability and invariance properties in the InvA tool is depicted in Figure 2. ...

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... The work on verification of inductive invariants in Section 6.3 is closely related to the work on deductive verification of safety properties of rewrite theories in [83,85,84]. They both share the idea of using one-step narrowing to verify inductive invariants, but Section 6.3 revisits this topic in the new setting of constrained narrowing and state properties specified by means of pattern predicates. ...
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