Table 2 - uploaded by Carolyn M. Aldwin
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Appraisal Scores: Means and Standard Deviations Depressed Nondepressed
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15 depressed and 72 nondepressed middle-aged persons were repeatedly assessed over a 1-yr period with respect to the thoughts and actions they used in coping in specific stressful episodes. Depressed persons tended to appraise situations as requiring more information in order for them to act, but they were less likely to appraise situations as requ...
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... Tanto as organizações, com suas políticas e práticas, quanto os indivíduos buscam estratégias para aliviar as pressões do dia a dia. É possível considerar as estratégias de combate ao estresse como esforços cognitivos e comportamentais, orientados ao gerenciamento do ambiente, das demandas internas e dos conflitos que afetam o indivíduo (Coyne et al., 1981). O estresse ocupacional representa um risco à saúde, visto que é reconhecido como um conjunto de fatores psicológicos, comportamentais e de distúrbios e doenças médicas (Quick & Henderson, 2016). ...
Resumo Neste artigo o objetivo foi identificar as principais implicações do estresse ocupacional na saúde do trabalhador e na funcionalidade de uma organização bancária localizada em Minas Gerais durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Desenvolvemos um estudo de abordagem quantitativa, por meio de um levantamento (survey) com 306 profissionais bancários. Os dados foram analisados por meio da Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Como resultados, destaca-se a construção de um modelo estrutural no qual é possível verificar implicações e efeitos entre as dimensões individual, social e funcional. Este estudo contribuiu para a discussão das variáveis associadas ao estresse ocupacional, considerando o contexto da pandemia de COVID-19, marcado por adversidades e, até então, com poucos estudos centrados nos profissionais do setor financeiro, especialmente bancários. As relações entre as dimensões serviram de base para identificar as manifestações de estresse ocupacional dos indivíduos e os seus impactos na funcionalidade da organização, considerando o cenário da pandemia.
... Classical psychological literature also shows strong links between youth and adult coping experiences and psychological pathologies related to subjective well-being controlling for individual characteristics. These studies mainly focused on depression (Beck & Greenberg, 1974;Coyne et al., 1981), anxiety (Kondo, 1997;Marks, 1978), and suicidal ideation (Horwitz et al., 2011;Zhang et al., 2012). ...
Using panel data from Luxembourg, we investigate the relationship between young individuals’ perceived coping with the COVID-19 pandemic context and subjective well-being during the short and mid-term phases of the pandemic (i.e., a few months after its outbreak in July 2020 and one year later in July 2021). Additionally, the study examines how this relationship evolves depending on youths’ subjective social status. Luxembourg is an important setting, as it is one of the happiest countries in the world, with the highest GDP per capita. According to our results, perceived coping with the COVID-19 context matters for subjective well-being beyond individual and macro characteristics. We found a strong correlation between perceptions of coping with the COVID-19 pandemic context and subjective well-being in high-social-status individuals and a weaker correlation for low- and middle-social-status individuals. Furthermore, the relationship between perceptions of coping with the pandemic and well-being was stable over time. The article stipulates several reasons for these results, such as a ‘comfort conditioning’ response to the pandemic for young high-social-status individuals.
... Coping is the concerted actions that an individual adopts to mitigate the physical, emotional, or social damage caused by an incident or circumstance (Coyne et al., 1981). There are several different structures for coping and various ways of classifying coping mechanisms, and problem-focused coping vs. emotion-focused coping is one such classification (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). ...
When an employee leaves his organization, it’s obvious that it creates a massive loss to the company and can have critical negative consequences for the company. Past studies have given due consideration to the reasons for employee turnover intention and have presented many steps to reduce this organizational issue. The need is to understand the strategies adopted by the employees initially to face these organizational challenges. This study aims to understand the Employees’ emotional and problem – focused coping strategies and its effect on their intent to leave. Resilience, and Distress tolerance depicted as the emotion-focused & problem- focused coping strategies adopted by individuals when faced with organization based challenges. The study carried out on employees assigned to managerial and executive positions in selected manufacturing industries of Central India. The data of 300 employees was collected through survey, out of which 260 responses were received having a response rate of 80%. Participants were instructed to sincerely fill out the answers without any bias and assured that their data would be kept anonymous. Further, the data was analyzed through SmartPLS. Findings demonstrate negative influence of high emotional resilience and distress tolerance on employee turnover intention indicating emphasis on inner strength for committed workforce. These findings offer recommendations to Department of human resource that job applicants must be evaluated on resilience and distress tolerance for better adjustments during unprecedented turbulence.
... El significado del término estrés ha tomado diferentes perspectivas con el transcurso de los años, de tal manera que Selye (1946), uno de los primeros en estudiarlo, lo definió como la respuesta ocurrida como consecuencia de cualquier estímulo capaz de generar demandas en el sujeto; sin embargo, transcurrido el tiempo, Coyne et al. (1981), Lazarus (2000) y Lazarus y Folkman (1984) en su modelo de Teoría Transaccional señalan que el estrés es un proceso dinámico en el cual se le da énfasis al papel de los recursos del sujeto en el desencadenamiento del estrés, es así que el afrontamiento ocurriría posterior a la evaluación primaria (se evalúa al estresor, determinándose si este es estresante, amenazante o simplemente es insignificante) y la evaluación secundaria (se evalúa los recursos que cuenta y lo que puede hacer con ellos para afrontar dicha situación) que realiza el sujeto con finalidad de reducir las demandas que le solicita dicho acontecimiento u objeto. En consecuencia, el afrontamiento del estrés es una transacción entre la agrupación de operaciones a nivel cognitivoconductual, dinámicas, llevadas a cabo con la finalidad de superar y sobrellevar las demandas que sugieren los estresores (Lazarus, 2000;Lazarus y Folkman, 1984;Folkman y Lazarus, 1985;Rodriguez et al., 2009). ...
La investigación tuvo por objetivo describir los estilos de afrontamiento al estrés en internos de un establecimiento penitenciario de Perú, 2021, para ello la metodología fue de enfoque cuantitativo con alcance transeccional y diseño no experimental descriptivo. El instrumento usado fue el Inventario Multidimensional de Estimación del Afrontamiento, el cual fue validado en el Perú por Casuso (1996) y Cassaretto et al. (2016). La muestra estuvo conformada por 288 internos (215 sentenciados y 73 procesados) del establecimiento penitenciario de Lurigancho, dicha muestra fue seleccionada, mediante un muestreo no probabilístico, de tipo intencional. Posterior al procesamiento de la data, resulta que el estilo de afrontamiento con mayor frecuencia de uso es aquel centrado en la tarea (27.4%). Por otro lado, con respecto al uso dependiendo de las circunstancias, el 58% usa el estilo centrado en el problema, 58% usa el estilo centrado en las emociones y 50% usa otros estilos, todos ellos independientemente de cuál sea la situación jurídica en la que se encuentren. Se concluye que el estilo de afrontamiento centrado en la tarea es el que usa con mayor frecuencia la muestra de esta investigación.
... Economic stress, in turn, further increases the severity of emotional distress and can precipitate a downward adaptational spin. Correspondingly, emotionally troubled individuals are likely to engage in maladaptive coping strategies that may intensify their troubles (Aldwin & Revenson, 1987;Coyne, Aldwin, & Lazarus, 1981;Felton & Revenson, 1984). Downward spirals have also been related to many organizational phenomena such as corporate failures (Hambrick & D'Aveni, 1988), efficiency and performance (Lindsley et al., 1995), corporate governance (Sundaramurthy & Lewis, 2003), public opinion (Perry & Gonzenbach, 2000), enterprise resource planning systems (Akkermans & van Helden, 2002), creativity (Perry-Smith & Shalley, 2003), and petty tyranny (Ashforth, 1994). ...
Small losses, measurable incremental negative workplace behaviors that do not align with organizational and societal norms often trigger a dynamic, magnifying process that produces greater undesirable outcomes, which once started, can often result in a downward spiral. Quickly addressing small problems can prevent minor misconduct and wrongdoing from escalating into greater difficulties later that can appear unstoppable. Failure to tackle the small issues and big problems will often follow. Managers should celebrate small victories or wins but also need to address small losses. Just as small wins can result in significant organizational gains, small losses can result in business losses. Keywords: workplace behavior, workplace misconduct, deviation amplifying processes
... Coping with stress is a constantly changing process, where at a certain time individuals will rely more on one form of coping with stress called defensive coping strategies and on other occasions choose to use problem-solving strategies [14], [22] call it problem focus coping and emotional focus coping. ...
... The development of adaptive stress coping for parents will be able to increase togetherness between family members to be closer, able to maintain and manage positive stress levels and reduce stressor reactions both physical and psychological for themselves and family members in their involvement in caring for autistic children. In accordance with the theory that parents who have effective coping are able to reduce stressor reactions to passive caregivers, namely, family members to be involved in caring for autistic children [6], [7], [8] parents with developing adaptive coping are able to seek information, analyze situations that aim to identify problems, develop and consider alternative courses of action, anticipate alternatives, and choose to implement treatment plans for autistic children [14]. Parents with developing adaptive coping are able to increase the togetherness of family members; manage stress levels; think in solving problems [13]; managing social support, especially from family and professional staff [18] to obtain comfort, attention, or assistance that individuals receive [9], [10] from the environment in caring for autistic children [25]. ...
BACKGROUND: The limitations of social interaction, communication, cognitive abilities, behavior patterns, and activities in autistic children are sources of stress for parents. Parents’ negative stress assessment of autistic children causes maladaptive coping and has an impact on inappropriate caring behavior. AIM: Caring of autistic children based on the development of family stress coping models METHODS: This research was observational research by utilizing a cross-sectional approach. Participants of parents of autistic children at the Surabaya Autism Therapy Center. The determination of the amount using the rule of thumb formula in SEM is determined by 7 x 15 parameters of 105. Data collection uses a multi-stage random technique. Test the model reliability using the Structural Equation model - Partial Least Square (SEM - PLS), the structure using R Square, and evaluate using Q-square. RESULT: A significant influence occurred toward stress assessment against stress coping and stress coping against parental behavior in caring for children with autism. CONCLUSION: Parents’ positive assessment of stressors and energy adequacy and good health will make parents able to control themselves and make themselves an important psychological resource in developing adaptive coping. The development of adaptive coping for parents can increase togetherness among family members, maintain and reduce physiological and psychological reactions to stressors, and manage family support and professional staff to obtain comfort, attention, or assistance in improving behavior in caring for autistic children.
... Further, emotional-approach coping requires socializing. Therefore, people who are more emotionally expressive can suffer from negative implications of excessive socializing, whereas people who are less emotionally expressive can benefit from practicing their ability to express their emotions to others (Baker & Berenbaum, 2007;Coyne et al., 1981). This difference shows how the employment of certain coping strategies not only depends on individual differences but also on the type of stressor or stressful situation. ...
The reported high rates of deaths and negative psychological outcomes of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have led to an increased empirical interest in examining the contributing factors of coping during the COVID-19 pandemic. Adolescents living in Arab societies have unique challenges that may increase the likelihood of exhibiting symptoms of stress during this crisis. However, this population has been understudied in this context. The current research aims to elucidate factors that may contribute to Arab Israeli-Palestinian students’ coping abilities during the COVID-19 pandemic by investigating the relationship between coping with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak and both self-control and religiosity. To our knowledge, the present study is the first to investigate the relationship of coping with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak with self-control skills and religiosity among Arab Israeli-Palestinian college students in Israel (n = 465). Correlational analyses and stepwise multiple regression models were used to examine these relationships. The stepwise multiple regression model demonstrated that (1) higher levels of self-control (β = .19, p < .01) and religiosity (β = .16, p < .01) predicted higher levels of adaptive, problem-focused coping, and (2) higher levels of self-control (β = −.21, p < .01) and religiosity (β = −.17, p < .01) predicted lower levels of maladaptive, emotion-focused coping. Thus, the current research demonstrates the importance of these variables in countering stress resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak in non-Western societies. These findings are consistent with previous literature that has addressed the impact of self-control and religiosity in improving coping behaviours in Western societies.
... Further possibilities are to lower the level of ambition or to learn new ways of behaviour. This strategy is useful when the person considers that there is a possibility to 'solve' the situation (Coyne et al., 1981;Lazarus & Folkman, 1984;1987). Related to sexual harassment, a problem-focused coping strategy could be to confront the harassing peers, tell the teacher or openly discuss the problem in the classroom. ...
... This strategy implies a change of the experience instead of the problem/situation itself and is used when a person is facing dilemmas that are experienced as unchangeable. To reduce the threat, one can re-evaluate the situation, for example, by telling oneself that things could have been worse, ignoring the situation, withdrawing, blaming oneself, avoiding one's emotions or seeking social support (Coyne et al., 1981;Lazarus & Folkman, 1984, 1987. Uncovering the girls handling of sexual harassment, the intention is to explore in what ways girls might impact processes of sexual harassment. ...
... Given the more or less frequent presence or risk of sexual harassment in their lives, the girls reflect on how they manage stressful situations. The findings below are categorised into three main coping strategies following Coyne et al., (1981) and Lazarus & Folkman (1984;1987), namely, problem-focused behavioural strategies, emotion-focused cognitive strategies, and emotion-focused behavioural strategies. ...
The aim of this study is to contribute knowledge about Swedish school girls’ perspectives of sexual harassment and their relations to peers when exposed to violence in terms of sexual harassment, both online and offline. The empirical data was collected through pair interviews where 28 girls participated. The theoretical framework was based on coping strategies that people use when facing stressful situations. The transcribed empirical data was read and interpreted based on what appeared to be important and decisive related to the theoretical framework. The found strategies are divided into three main categories, namely, problem-focused behavioural strategies, emotion-focused cognitive strategies, and emotion-focused behavioural strategies. The results show that the girls use different strategies depending on if the harassment occurs online or offline and if the perpetrator is known or unknown. Problem-focused cognitive strategies are used due to the specific context. Emotion-focused cognitive strategies are foremost used if the perpetrator is a known friend.
... The severity of depressive symptoms was assessed using HAM-D-21 as a clinician-rated assessment and BDI-II as a self-report assessment. Further, the Brief COPE questionnaire [17] was used, as a self-report measure of different coping behaviors and cognitions in response to stressful situations. On the Brief COPE, "Avoidant Coping" is generally considered less effective in the management of stress and "Approach Coping" is associated with proactive behaviors in the face of adversity. ...
In this report, we present the first case of depression showing symptomatic improvement with an auditory training program – Music for the Mind 2 – added to a standard treatment regimen. This commercially available program combines advanced psychoacoustic techniques with the improvisational art of Ostad Elahi (1895–1974) to encourage active listening by targeting early auditory information processing (EAIP) pathways. We introduced MFM2 as an add-on therapy to standard treatment over a 3-week period and administered the listening regimen (minimum 20 min per day) to a young Caucasian male with a first episode of major depression. We assessed the impact of MFM2 on depressive symptomatology as well as his coping mechanisms and mindfulness. The results showed that through targeting EAIP pathways and thus accessing higher-order cognitive functions (e.g., active listening), recovery from depressive symptoms may be influenced. Further studies are needed to investigate the impact of auditory training, particularly MFM2, on clinical outcomes, brain structure, and function on more subjects. Through this case report, we introduce an innovative, safe, and effective music medicine that may provide opportunities to enhance the lives of people with depression.