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... this part of the paper, Figure 1 shows diagram of research. ...
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... this part of the paper, Figure 1 shows diagram of research. ...

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Wiele problemów zarządzania związanych z optymalizacją systemów transportowych, projektowaniem systemów informatycznych czy pewnymi zagadnieniami logistycznymi można przedstawić jako zagadnienia sieciowe i rozwiązać je przy użyciu odpowiednich algorytmów matematycznych. Skala planowania przewozów uzależniona jest od ilości ładunków i liczby odbiorc...


... Development of CRITIC method has been done by Diakoulaki and associates [50]. It is used to define the real values of criteria weights, including the intensity of contrast and conflict present in the structure of decision-making issue [51][52][53]. In order to ascertain the criteria contrast, there were applied the standard deviations of normalized criterion values, and coefficients of correlation between all pairs set in columns [54]. ...
... Observed method gives higher weight to criterion, showing the larger standard deviation value, while it is less connected to other criteria [50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59]. ...
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This research is focused to identifying the most suitable plum variety for establishing a new orchard, aiming to achieve optimal outcomes. To accomplish this goal, multi-criteria decision-making model has been developed striving to support decision-making process. The gained results are based on experience of experts engaged in assessment of certain plum varieties. The analysis of collected expert ratings has involved mutual use of 3 methods, where the FUll COnsistency Method (FUCOM) and CRiteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC) methods were applied to determine the weights of selected criteria. The results of applying these methods demonstrated that the Maretability criterion is of highest importance. Besides, the fuzzy MARCOS method (Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to Compromise Solution) has been applied to rank the plum varieties according to expert ratings. Derived results revealed that the "Čačanska rodna" and "Stanley" varieties were ranked as the most favorable, while the "Prezident" variety was assessed as the most unfavorable. Further, gained research outcomes were corroborated by the sensitivity analysis and results validation. This research contributes to improvement of fruit growing in BiH by previous adequate selection of available plum varieties towards the establishing of new orchards and yielding optimal outcomes.
... The MARCOS method, proposed by Stević et al., [22], had much interest by researchers. The method was used widely to solve decision-making problems in different applications [12,34,35]. The evaluation process in MARCOS method depends on the relation between the alternative's score and the reference values (ideal and anti-ideal solution). ...
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The selection of the best location for a facility is generally a complex process especially when considering multiple criteria in the selection process. The costs associated with purchasing the land and related constructions makes the location selection problem a long-term investment decision. Hence, the problem should be analysed carefully with a reliable approach to avoid the consequences that follows awkward decisions. Many multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods are developed recently which made the selection of a suitable MCDM method has become a confusing decision. In this study, measurement alternatives and ranking according to compromise solution (MARCOS) method is used to solve a location selection problem with conflicting criteria. The ranking produced by MARCOS method is analysed by a comparison with other common MCDM methods and a sensitivity analysis. The aim of the comparison to show that the method agreed the choice of the best alternative while the sensitivity analysis is employed to check the robustness and efficiency of this method. The sensitivity analysis includes the sensitivity of weight test and rank reversal (RR) test. The comparison of ranking with different methods showed that MARCOS method has strong ranking correlation with other methods. Moreover, the sensitivity analysis showed the reliability and robustness of MARCOS method as it produced high consistency of ranking through the tests. Thus, this study validates the applicability of MARCOS method to handle the presence of conflicting criteria in location selection problems.
... Future research in this field should aim to extend and refine the existing methodologies, considering the interplay between criteria, embracing uncertainty through fuzzy approaches, and employing advanced aggregation techniques [39][40][41], also BWM can be integrated with Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) and AHP [42], also, the picture fuzzy Aczel-Alsina average aggregation operators can adopted [43] and the parsimonious preference can be integrated with the proposed mode [44] along with recent novel models [45][46][47]. These endeavours can lead to more sophisticated and effective decision support systems for sustainable and resilient urban transport system development, aligning with the evolving complexities and challenges of modern urban environments. ...
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Urban transport system development often involves a central decision-making process by local government representatives or transport company managers. It is imperative to align these decisions with public preferences to ensure public acceptance and long-term sustainability. This study introduces an innovative decision-making model by integrating the Best-Worst Method (BWM) with the Kendall Model (BWM-Kendall) to support the development of urban transport systems. The primary focus is on applying this model for the optimal selection of digital voting tools to enhance citizen engagement in Dublin’s urban transport decision-making process. A detailed case study demonstrates the model’s effectiveness, emphasizing Dublin’s urban transport context. The findings from this study show the BWM-Kendall model can facilitate the formulation of more integrated and sustainable solutions to urban transport challenges, ultimately fostering increased citizen engagement in the decision-making processes related to urban transport development. Furthermore, the evaluation of digital tools involved two distinct groups: experts from academia and industry, adding depth and diversity to the assessment process.
... In this case, it is reasonable to use MCDM methods to determine the best alternative for a particular decision-making problem that includes more than one criterion or alternative (Zavadskas and Turskis 2011). As a matter of fact, MCDM methods are used in engineering (Stojčić et al. 2019;Stević et al. 2022;Kiptum et al. 2022), health (Liu et al. 2019), energy (Kumar et al. 2017), logistics and transport (Dabić-Miletić and Raković 2023;Taletović 2023;Stanimirović et al. 2023), informatics Chakraborty et al. 2023), finance (Baydaş 2022;Baydaş et al. 2023), traffic and transportation (Damjanović et al. 2022;Badi and Bouraima 2023;Huskanović et al. 2023), portfolio selection (Emamat et al. 2022), and sustainable environment (Wei 2021). Despite these improvements, the insistence of rating agencies to still use classical performance metrics implies a fundamental measurement problem related to the goodness and accuracy of the measurement. ...
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The approach of evaluating the final scores of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods according to the strength of association with real-life rankings is interesting for comparing MCDM methods. This approach has recently been applied mostly to financial data. In these studies, where it is emphasized that some methods show more stable success, it would be useful to see the results that will emerge by testing the approach on different data structures more comprehensively. Moreover, not only the final MCDM results but also the performance of normalization techniques and data types (fuzzy or crisp), which are components of MCDM, can be compared using the same approach. These components also have the potential to affect MCDM results directly. In this direction, in our study, the economic performances of G-20 (Group of 20) countries, which have different data structures, were calculated over ten different periodic decision matrices. Ten different crisp-based MCDM methods (COPRAS, CODAS, MOORA, TOPSIS, MABAC, VIKOR (S, R, Q), FUCA, and ELECTRE III) with different capabilities were used to better visualize the big picture. The relationships between two different real-life reference anchors and MCDM methods were used as a basis for comparison. The CODAS method develops a high correlation with both anchors in most periods. The most appropriate normalization technique for CODAS was identified using these two anchors. Interestingly, the maximum normalization technique was the most successful among the alternatives (max, min–max, vector, sum, and alternative ranking-based). Moreover, we compared the two main data types by comparing the correlation results of crisp-based and fuzzy-based CODAS. The results were very consistent, and the “Maximum normalization-based fuzzy integrated CODAS procedure” was proposed to decision-makers to measure the economic performance of the countries.
... For the purpose of determining the weighting coefficients of the six factors based on which the LPI ranking was performed, three methods were applied: CRITIC (Huskanović et al., 2023), MEREC (Keshavarz-Ghorabaee et al., 2021), and Entropy (Chatterjee & Chakraborty, 2023;Puška et al., 2023). Because it is very difficult to consult proper experts from this field, who should cover the territory of the EU, we have used three different objective methods for determining criteria weights. ...
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The impact of logistics performance in the era of sustainable mobility on the overall economic development of a country is inevitable. It can even be said to represent an extremely important component in identifying economic conditions and provides the possibility of defining adequate strategies. In this article, the evaluation of the member countries of the European Union was carried out on the basis of the logistics performance index (LPI) according to the latest report of the World Bank (WB). A unique and original Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach has been created, and it involves the application of four methods: Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation, Method based on the Removal Effects of Criteria, and Entropy and Fuzzy ROV (Range of Value). The weighting coefficients of six factors were obtained with the first three methods in crisp form, so they were converted into Triangular Fuzzy Number. The Fuzzy ROV method has been created for the first time in the literature and represents a great contribution from the methodological aspect. The results of the developed model and the applied steps show that there are certain differences in the rankings compared to the World Bank report, with a note that the best-ranked countries have maintained their positions. In addition, verification tests of the originally obtained results were created, with an emphasis on the importance of evaluation parameter values and their impact on the LPI ranking.
... Using geographic information systems (GIS) and MCDM methods including CRITIC (CRiteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation), MABAC (Multi-Attributive Border Approximation area Comparison) and FUCOM (FUll COnsistency Method), Tulun et al. (2023) identified the best available area for establishing a biogas plant in Konya Closed Basin (KCB). Huskanović et al. (2023) developed a CRITIC-MARCOS (Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to COmpromise Solution) model. Indeed, they used the CRITIC tool to determine values of criteria that were then applied in the MARCOS method for weighting normalized matrix. ...
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The importance of determining the appropriate location for the construction of the main centers of a company is quite tangible, so much so that the senior managers of an organization are trying to find the appropriate decision-making methods in this regard. In discrete decision-making methods, we see the existence of a decision-making matrix containing information on different options compared to the problem evaluation criteria. In this paper, a new decision-making method is presented in a way that tries to evaluate options more accurately by considering the possibility of changing the criteria's desirability in different ranges. It is not always appropriate to increase\decrease a positive\negative criterion. Even in some situations, crossing a certain limit can reduce the desirability of the desired criterion. Therefore, we will introduce the concept of value alteration boundaries for evaluation criteria in the formation of a decision matrix, which tries to examine the decision problems more realistically. Also, in the examination of alternatives, with simultaneous attention to ideal, anti-ideal and average solutions, evaluation and ranking based on accumulation and skewness of alternatives are presented. The present paper has examined the validation of methods by examining several numerical examples and also evaluating the candidate locations for the construction of a central warehouse in Gohar Zamin Mining and Industrial Company. Also, sensitivity analysis includes checking with other existing multi-criteria decision-making methods, changes in the number of problem options and checking the stability of the method, changes in the weight of the criteria and changes in the value alteration boundaries. Analysis of results shows that the proposed methods are efficient and suitable for dealing with multi-criteria decision-making problems. Graphical abstract
... The CRITIC technique evaluates all information about the criteria and determines the criterion weights through standard deviation and correlation processes [99][100][101]. This technique provides a more comprehensive result since it takes other criteria into account; thus, this advantage has enabled this technique to be integrated into studies more popularly than other objective techniques. ...
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Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) applications consist of techniques that enable the decision maker to make clearer decisions in scenarios where there is more than one alternative and criterion. The general approach for sensitivity analysis in MCDA applications implies sensitivity to the weight coefficient. In this study, as an alternative approach, we reinterpret sensitivity by using the statistical relationship between the final ranking produced by an MCDA method and a constant external factor. Thus, we both verify through an anchor and reveal to what extent the change in the weight coefficient changes the external relations of MCDA. The motivation for this study is to propose an alternative sensitivity methodology. On the other hand, brand value is a parameter that contains critical information about the future of the company, which has not integrated into financial performance studies made with MCDAs before. To that end, the financial performance of 31 companies with the highest brand value in Turkey and trading on Borsa Istanbul between 2013 and 2022 was analyzed with seven different MCDA applications via integrating brand value into the criteria for the first time. The study's findings revealed that the proposed innovative sensitivity tests produced similarly robust results as traditional tests. In addition, brand value has been proved to be an advantageous criterion to be implemented into MCDAs for financial performance problems through the sensitivity analysis made.
... They are very important in terms of internal transport, as well as efficiency. The goal and purpose of the paper Huskanović et al. [13] was to develop a model that would help in selecting the best solution. The CRITIC method was used to determine the weights of the criteria, while the MARCOS method was used for ranking; i.e., the selection of the most convenient forklift. ...
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This review paper investigates the application of various multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods in the context of warehouse management, considering papers published from 2010 to date. Warehouses often face many challenges, including efficient inventory management, space optimization, proper resource allocation, and optimal supplier selection. This paper focuses on several well-known MCDM methods that are often used in the context of warehouse management. Full consistency method (FUCOM), analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), weighted aggregated sum product assessment (WASPAS), criteria importance through intercriteria correlation (CRITIC), measurement of alternatives and ranking according to the compromise solution (MARCOS), best worst method (BMW), evaluation based on distance from average solution (EDAS), correlation coefficient and the standard deviation (CCSD), indifference threshold-based attribute ratio analysis (ITARA), and simple additive weighting (SAW) are some of the methods reviewed in the paper, as well as certain fuzzy versions of the methods. This review paper provides a brief comprehensive overview of the application of these methods in the context of warehouse management. Data collection leads to results that tell us that the methods are mainly used in solving problems during the selection of warehouse location, the selection of warehouse equipment, and also in the management of the warehouse itself and the performance of its management. It has also been seen that the methods are useful even in "green" logistics, as well as in inventory management.
Introduction/purpose: Intralogistics involves the organization, control, realization, and optimization of material and information flows within a technologically integrated system. The selection and application of appropriate material handling equipment (MHE) play a crucial role in shaping intralogistics systems. This paper aims to define guidelines for selecting MHE based on scientific research. The methodology implemented to achieve this goal comprises several fundamental steps. Methods: The initial step involves analyzing three typical groups of tasks in (intra)logistics systems: transshipment, internal transport, and production activities. The analysis focuses on identifying and describing key task parameters, such as the type of unit load, quantity, flow intensity, and the location and timing of task initiation and completion. Next, there is a step devoted to the analysis of relevant scientific research. The literature is searched according to specific criteria, such as publication year, keywords, and citation count, to form a database of relevant papers. The analysis focuses on identifying and linking the parameters of practical tasks with those described in the literature and on the characteristics of the MHE used to facilitate the selection of appropriate MHE for these tasks. Results: Following this, in the third step, the observed task is classified according to standard task types found in the literature. Conclusion: Finally, in the last/fourth step, regression analysis is applied to define the guidelines for MHE selection based on the frequency of use of specific MHE groups for certain task groups as described in the literature.