Annual (a) and cumulative (b) number of LCZ publications from 2011 to 2022. The 2022 data are for the months from January to November.

Annual (a) and cumulative (b) number of LCZ publications from 2011 to 2022. The 2022 data are for the months from January to November.

Source publication
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The local climate zone (LCZ) has been an important land surface classification used to differentiate urban climate between localities. The general knowledge maps of LCZ studies are needed when LCZ-related research has attracted great attention. This study integrated bibliometrics and critical review to understand the status quo and suggest future r...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... publication changes reflected the knowledge accumulation and development status of the LCZ field. A total of 427 LCZ-related papers were distributed between 2011 and 2022. The LCZ research progressed at a slow pace from 2011 to 2015 (Fig. 2a). Since 2017, the LCZ outputs experienced sharp growth with annual publications increasing by more than 5 times over the last 5 years (Fig. 2a). The cumulative publications over the past decade presented an exponential curve (Fig. 2b), demonstrating the recent surge in interest in the LCZ ...
Context 2
... the knowledge accumulation and development status of the LCZ field. A total of 427 LCZ-related papers were distributed between 2011 and 2022. The LCZ research progressed at a slow pace from 2011 to 2015 (Fig. 2a). Since 2017, the LCZ outputs experienced sharp growth with annual publications increasing by more than 5 times over the last 5 years (Fig. 2a). The cumulative publications over the past decade presented an exponential curve (Fig. 2b), demonstrating the recent surge in interest in the LCZ ...
Context 3
... papers were distributed between 2011 and 2022. The LCZ research progressed at a slow pace from 2011 to 2015 (Fig. 2a). Since 2017, the LCZ outputs experienced sharp growth with annual publications increasing by more than 5 times over the last 5 years (Fig. 2a). The cumulative publications over the past decade presented an exponential curve (Fig. 2b), demonstrating the recent surge in interest in the LCZ ...


... The totality of the built environment is three significant areas: natural, built, and human-based organization environment (social environment). The natural environment, called the biophysical environment, comprises biotic and abiotic subcomponents and conditions of living and non-living things (Fan et al., 2023). The built environment includes the entire environment devoid of the natural environment and, in more specific terms, involves the environment removing the natural ecosystem and replacement with several forms of physical development established in multiple dimensions. ...
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Climate change resulting from weather conditions has recently attracted global attention and concern; such variations have impacted architecture and the built environment, especially on the urban dweller's well-being and other associated urban problems. This systematic review investigates the effects of climate change on the environment and architecture in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria and the potential consequences for inhabitants well-being through a systematic review of scholarly literature from Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Science Direct and Scopus covering the period from 2019 to 2024. The study synthesizes current literature, using rigorous inclusion criteria to find relevant studies conducted globally. It involves an assessment procedure that resulted in 25 articles for analysis. The core of the problem lies in the gaps in that climate change has negatively impacted the environment, architecture and building construction mechanism in the Niger Delta Region. This review systematically observes the methodologies in the selected studies to create a standardized framework for future research using a hybrid review approach. Results reveal that the ongoing incidences of perennial flooding in the region are attributable to climate change across different geographic locations and seasons. The authors proffered some recommendations to mitigate these impacts for future research. However, this systematic review of climate change's impact on the architecture and dwellers' well-being in the built environment in the Niger Delta presents valued insights for policymakers and urban health practitioners, enhances the urban built environment health systems resilience, and well organize communities for the climate change challenges.
... Similarly, the utilization of anthropogenic activity variables is insufficient in numerous previous studies based on the LCZ system [35,36]. Overall, the LCZ system needs to be more closely associated with social indicators, such as human activities [37]. ...
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The urban heat island (UHI) effect, where the temperature in an urban area is higher than in the surrounding rural areas, is becoming a major concern. The concept of a Local Climate Zone (LCZ) system was devised to provide an objective framework for UHI research, which allows for a microscale definition of the UHI effect within urban areas by considering ‘urban’ and ‘rural’ as a continuum versus a dichotomy. However, most LCZ types are classified only by surface structure and coverings, which seem irrelevant to climatological and microscale concepts. In addition, microclimate is influenced by urban metabolism related to human activities as well as structural effects, but the LCZ-classification system does not incorporate these functional concepts. Therefore, this study proposes a novel urban-classification system that addresses the limitations of the LCZ concept by quantifying structural and functional elements of the city at the pedestrian level using S-DoT sensors and semantic segmentation techniques. This study holds significance as it suggests a New-LCZ (N-LCZ) system to support the classification framework of highly valid urban types and follow-up studies related to the UHI. Moreover, the N-LCZ offers a regional urban-planning strategy for sustainable development through a more valid classification system.
... • The bibliometric analysis has the limitation of time lag. (Fan et al. 2023) Bibliometric and critical review of research progress, focuses, and prospects of LCZs based on literature up to November 2022. ...
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The local climate zones (LCZs) classification system has emerged as a more refined method for assessing the urban heat island (UHI) effect. However, few researchers have conducted systematic critical reviews and summaries of the research on LCZs, particularly regarding significant advancements of this field in recent years. This paper aims to bridge this gap in scientific research by systematically reviewing the evolution, current status, and future trends of LCZs framework research. Additionally, it critically assesses the impact of the LCZs classification system on climate-responsive urban planning and design. The findings of this study highlight several key points. First, the challenge of large-scale, efficient, and accurate LCZs mapping persists as a significant issue in LCZs research. Despite this challenge, the universality, simplicity, and objectivity of the LCZs framework make it a promising tool for a wide range of applications in the future, especially in the realm of climate-responsive urban planning and design. In conclusion, this study makes a substantial contribution to the advancement of LCZs research and advocates for the broader adoption of this framework to foster sustainable urban development. Furthermore, it offers valuable insights for researchers and practitioners engaged in this field.
... This is because the LST influences the temperature of the underlying urban air (via convection) and underlying substrate (via conduction) (Voogt and Oke 2003) and enables us to collect information on the thermal environment, impervious surface fraction, vegetation characteristics, and soil moisture content (Shahfahad et al. 2023). Therefore, several studies used LST to characterize the urban thermal environment and its influencing factors (Shih et al. 2020;Xu et al. 2021;O'Malley and Kikumoto 2022;Fan et al. 2023). O'Malley and Kikumoto (2022), for instance, adopted daytime LST for the thermal property analysis of LCZs and reported that compact low-rise buildings are vulnerable to high heat intensity, while open mid-rise buildings offer heat reduction capabilities in Tokyo, Japan. ...
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One of the major issues in postulating climate mitigation plans in cities is the lack of reliable quantitative climate data regarding city landscapes for climate models. Therefore, performing a climate-based classification of city landscapes is crucial for developing climate-sensitive urban planning strategies. This study aims to analyse the diurnal and nocturnal thermal characteristics of different local climate zones (LCZs) in Addis Ababa. A variety of cloud-free satellite images of Addis Ababa were utilized for mapping LCZs and land surface temperatures (LSTs), including daytime Sentinel Multispectral Imagery (Sentinel 2A), Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), and nighttime Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER). To perform climate-based classifications of urban and rural areas, we used the World Urban Database and Portal Tool (WUDAPT). The daytime and nighttime LST maps were derived from Landsat-8 and ASTER data to calculate surface urban heat island intensity (SUHII). Then, by developing the statistical relationship between LCZs and LSTs, we quantified the SUHII and explored the thermal characteristics of LCZs. The results showed that the differences in the dry seasonal average daytime and nighttime LST among LCZs are confirmed to be statistically significant. We also found the highest daytime SUHII in heavy industry (7.78 °C), followed by open high-rise (7.44 °C), and then compact low-rise open high-rise (6.51 °C), which indicates these LCZs have warm thermal characteristics. During the night, the LCZ 2 (compact mid-rise) had the highest SUHII. By contrast, LCZ A (dense trees) and LCZ G (water) were found to be the coolest zones during the day. The overall results acquired from this study can provide advanced insight about the thermal characteristics of different LCZs as well as suggest planning strategies for lessening local warming effects.
... De este modo, en función del tiempo, en cada región del planeta se tiene una variabilidad climática (Hernández et al., 2020), dominada principalmente por la interacción océano-atmósfera que ocurren en el Pacífico Norte con frecuencia entre 20 y 30 años (variabilidad climática decadal), y en el Pacífico Ecuatorial con variaciones entre 4 y 7 años (variabilidad climática interanual), las cuales son un condicionante que no puede ser desconocido (Sparacino et al., 2021, Lobeto et al., 2022 e influyen en las dinámicas ambientales y sociales, en una temporalidad inferior o igual a 1 año (variabilidad climática estacional). Así, el dominio de la variabilidad climática a nivel global (Hernández et al., 2020), puede ser entendido desde la Oscilación Decadal del Pacífico (PDO por sus iniciales en inglés) correspondiente a la variabilidad climática decadal, El Niño Oscilación del Sur (ENSO por sus iniciales en inglés) dominante de la variabilidad climática interanual, y la migración de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical (ZCIT) determinante de la variabilidad climática estacional a nivel regional y/o local, tal como lo reportan Mesias et al. (2007), Jaber y Abu-Allaban (2020), y Fan et al. (2023). ...
... Como un ejercicio de aplicación de los resultados anteriores, se tuvo en cuenta lo manifestado por Ruiz-Ochoa et al. (2022), quienes evaluaron la gestión hídrica en el departamento del Casanare, a través de los proyectos del POMCA del río Cravo Sur, y encontraron que en su mayoría incluyen la variabilidad climática, pero un porcentaje cercano al 30% requieren ser revisados desde su formulación y gestión en función de la una dinámica temporal del clima. En este sentido, y para dar coherencia a lo trabajado en este artículo, se usó el mismo POMCA, y se encontró que en el Capítulo 1 referido al Diagnóstico Climático, se presentan la evaluación de las condiciones del clima de las tres variables trabajadas (precipitación, temperatura y humedad relativa), pero todo su análisis se centró en la variabilidad climática estacional, la cual está dominada por la migración de la ZCIT (Fan et al., 2023), dejando de lado lo correspondiente a la variabilidad climática interanual y decadal, dominada por el comportamiento de la temperatura superficial del Océano Pacífico Norte y Ecuatorial (Kayano et al., 2019). ...
... De este modo, la gestión integral del recurso hídrico en términos de la variabilidad climática, sobre todo para una región con escasez de información como lo es el departamento del Casanare, liderada por la Corporación Autónoma de la Orinoquia (CORPORINOQUIA) como autoridad ambiental, requiere revisión de los instrumentos administrativos y técnicos para el manejo integral, la planificación y el ordenamiento de cuencas hidrográficas como son los POMCA, esto con el fin de aumentar su accionar desde un contexto de cumplimiento de la normatividad nacional, pero con el conocimiento de la realidad de la variabilidad natural del clima en su región en particular Fan et al., 2023). Así, la inclusión de la variabilidad climática en cada una de las variables ambientales que integran el sistema de una cuenca, debe realizarse de manera tal que, se integre el comportamiento climático del área durante el periodo en estudio en la toma de decisiones (Rojas-Padilla et al., 2013), no dejando de lado los riesgos potenciales en el territorio, asociados al desconocimiento y análisis de la información. ...
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A spatiotemporal analysis is applied to examine the decadal, interannual, and seasonal climatic variability of precipitation (mm), temperature (°C) and relative humidity (%) to improve water management in the state of Casanare (Colombia). Missing data and Pearson's correlation coefficient are calculated, and descriptive statistics are applied. The results show that at the decadal variability, there are no significant differences between the variables. Interannual precipitation decreases in El Niño and increases in La Niña) during phases of the ENSO event. Seasonally, the unimodal cycle dominates for precipitation, with maximum values in May-June. Relative humidity is highest in May and bimodal for temperature, having the highest values (El Niño) in the months of March-April-May and September-October-November while having the lowest values (La Niña) during December-January-February and June-July-August. It is concluded that watershed planning and management instruments should include analysis of regional climate variability.
... A bibliometric or scientometric employs a network visualization based on knowledge and science mapping [26]. Bibliometrics utilize mathematics and statistics to systematically examine voluminous article data, such as tracking published works' regional and temporal distributions [27]. Bibliometrics' primary focus is the analysis of publications related to specific occurrences. ...
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Indigenous entrepreneurship is one of the emerging academic fields. Studying indigenous entrepreneurship creates a dynamic environment because business and entrepreneurship boost rural and urban socio-economic development. Indigenous people are vital to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. 250–600 million indigenous peoples live worldwide, including Africans, Americans, Asians, Europeans, and Oceanians. The government and policymakers have prioritized economic, social, educational, human capital, health, and development policies at the local and international levels to support indigenous communities. Academic and research activities on indigenous populations are lacking due to their importance. Recent studies only represent specific communities and ethnicities in a given geographic area. This study reviews indigenous entrepreneurship using a bibliometric approach. Bibliometrics was used to retrieve 767 journal articles from WoS. Three analyses were performed: citation analysis, co-citation analysis, and co-word analysis. Co-word analysis finds five clusters, and co-citation analysis four. This study examines indigenous entrepreneurship conceptually and practically and suggests a few future directions based on research limitations.
Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a common complication of diabetes, associated with increased rates of amputation and mortality. In recent years, great progress has been made in the treatment of DFU, but there is still a lack of bibliometric research on the treatment of DFU.DFU therapy publications published between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2023 were retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) database for analysis using VOSviewer and CiteSpace analytics. A total of 4833 publications on DFU from 2004 to 2023 were included in the WoSCC database. The United States had the highest productivity with 1463 papers, accounting for 30.27% of the total production, followed by China with 907 papers (18.77%) and England with 438 papers (9.06%). In terms of research institutions and journals, the University of Texas System and Journal of Wound Care published the highest number of papers. High-frequency keywords in the field of DFU therapy mainly concentrated on management, wound healing, and amputation. This study conducted a systematic bibliometric analysis of DFU therapy publications from 2004 and 2025. Improving DFU management, promoting wound healing, and reducing amputation rates are the hotspots and future trends in this field. Our work provides valuable insights into the research trajectory and future avenues of exploration in the field of DFU therapy. These findings provide strong support for academic research and clinical practice.