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Anatomy of an error message, Part 4 (or: Debugging a solution) Lastly, we show how to debug a solution to understand a line of code found on the internet.
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... While this trend appears to be changing in recent years [4,5,6], many students and earlycareer scientists are still left with the task of learning quantitative and programming skills largely in a self-directed manner in order to meet their academic or professional goals. This "learning to program" hurdle is so common in biological sciences that it has even been the focus of other 10 Simple Rules articles [7,8]. Here, we focus specifically on self-learning the programming language, R [9], and attempt to provide a roadmap for new R users unable to see a clear path ahead. ...
... For those who may be timid about working with a command line program, you will want to take some time to learn the basics or find a collaborator who can help you navigate this process. Fortunately, there are many good beginners guides available (e.g., [13]) and with a big list of coauthors, you are likely to have at least one who can help. ...
... Nevertheless, topics related to this theme regularly arise throughout graduate school and beyond and thus highlight its importance for learning how to design, undertake, and complete high-quality research. Although there have been several excellent reviews in the 10 simple rules series on topics that are linked to the broader points we raise here, such as guidelines for using statistics [1], managing data [2], and learning to program [3], none have been focused on a discussion of broad conceptual topics that relate to applying statistical approaches in research with new graduate students as a primary audience. Therefore, we offer what we view as 10 important rules for new students to reflect on as they begin to build their statistical skillsets in graduate school. ...
... We suggest that new students consult literature and talk with others in their field to find out which programming languages are commonly used and to understand their strengths and weaknesses with different types of data or analytical approaches before choosing the language(s) on which to focus [3]. For example, one programming language that is free and used widely in the natural resource sciences [17] is the R statistical environment (https://www. ...
... However, a scientist can write her own program(s), using for example Python and Jupyter Notebooks, to automate the analysis process and provide a clear and reusable documentation of exactly how she obtained her results. The continuing digitalization of science, growing interdisciplinarity(Islam and Wells, 2021) and interactions with large volumes of data(Carey and Papin, 2018) make it abundantly clear that every STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) scientist should know how to program(McDonald et al., 2022). While it may initially seem daunting to learn a programming language like Python, the power and freedom it grants the budding programmer ...
Enzyme reactions are highly dependent on reaction conditions. To ensure reproducibility of enzyme reaction parameters, experiments need to be carefully designed and kinetic modelling meticulously executed. Furthermore, to enable the judgement of the quality of enzyme reaction parameters, the experimental conditions, the modelling process as well as the raw data need to be reported comprehensively. By taking these steps, enzyme reaction parameters can be open and FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, re-usable) as well as repeatable, replicable and reproducible. This review discusses these issues and provides a practical guide to designing initial rate experiments for the determination of enzyme reaction parameters and gives an open, FAIR and re-editable example of the kinetic modelling of an enzyme reaction. Both the guide and example are scripted with Python in Jupyter Notebooks and are publicly available ( Finally, the prerequisites of automated data analysis and machine learning algorithms are briefly discussed to provide further motivation for the comprehensive, open and FAIR reporting of enzyme reaction parameters.
... funding bodies, publishers, and other educators have already embraced a team science model in computational biology and thrived [1][2][3][4][5][6][7], others who have not yet fully adopted it risk severely lagging behind the cutting edge. We propose a general solution: "deep integration" between biology and the computational sciences. ...
... Visionaries a decade ago aspired to bridge the domains of computational sciences and biology [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. Since then, computational biology has emerged as a mature scientific discipline. ...
Evolving in sync with the computation revolution over the past 30 years, computational biology has emerged as a mature scientific field. While the field has made major contributions toward improving scientific knowledge and human health, individual computational biology practitioners at various institutions often languish in career development. As optimistic biologists passionate about the future of our field, we propose solutions for both eager and reluctant individual scientists, institutions, publishers, funding agencies, and educators to fully embrace computational biology. We believe that in order to pave the way for the next generation of discoveries, we need to improve recognition for computational biologists and better align pathways of career success with pathways of scientific progress. With 10 outlined steps, we call on all adjacent fields to move away from the traditional individual, single-discipline investigator research model and embrace multidisciplinary, data-driven, team science.
... The better performing languages (C/C++, Fortran, or CUDA) are used in specific instances and with considerable additional effort if the computational burden becomes overwhelming. This is questionable from an efficiency perspective but also problematic in regards to the correctness and accuracy as the translation step leaves room for mistakes and misinterpretation; especially if the translation is done by someone who is not a domain expert [9]. This issue will only become more problematic as the demand for high performance code with good scalability continues to increase to meet the demands of bigger data sets and more detailed models. ...
Increasing emphasis on data and quantitative methods in the biomedical sciences is making biological research more computational. Collecting, curating, processing, and analysing large genomic and imaging data sets poses major computational challenges, as does simulating larger and more realistic models in systems biology. Here we discuss how a relative newcomer among computer programming languages -- Julia -- is poised to meet the current and emerging demands in the computational biosciences, and beyond. Speed, flexibility, a thriving package ecosystem, and readability are major factors that make high-performance computing and data analysis available to an unprecedented degree to "gifted amateurs". We highlight how Julia's design is already enabling new ways of analysing biological data and systems, and we provide a, necessarily incomplete, list of resources that can facilitate the transition into the Julian way of computing.