Analytical results of the APTWE model and other competing models for the second data set.

Analytical results of the APTWE model and other competing models for the second data set.

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This paper considers three special cases: Exponential, Rayleigh and Lindley of a family of generalized distributions, called alpha power Weibull G (APW-G) family. Some essential and valuable statistical properties of the family of distributions are obtained. The proposed distributions are very flexible and can be used to model data with decreasing,...

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... Ref. Dey, Nassar, and Kumar (2019) developed the inverse Lindly distribution with APT. Ref. Ihtisham, Khalil, Manzoor, Khan, and Ali (2019) offered the APT Pareto distribution, for more see Ahmad, Elgarhy, and Abbas (2018), Elbatal, Ahmed, Elgarhy, and Almarashi (2019), Elbatal, Elgarhy, and Kibria (2021), Hassan, Elgarhy, Mohammed, and Alrajhi (2019). ...
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Alpha power transformed, Burr X family, Moments, Maximum likelihood estimation}, abstract = {In this paper, we discuss a new approach to statistical distributions that has been suggested and is termed the alpha power transformation Burr X family of distributions. The newly offered class of distributions is the mixing between the alpha power transformation and the Burr X class of distributions. This new class helps evaluate data from the real world because it is analytically possible and can be utilized. Many asymmetrical submodels were included in the newly proposed class of distributions. We offer four new submodels that belong to a new class of distributions. These submodels are referred to as the alpha power transformation Burr X exponential distribution, the alpha power transformation Burr X Rayleigh distribution, alpha power transformation Burr X Lindley distribution, and the alpha power transformation Burr X Weibull distribution. The expansion of the alpha power transformation Burr X-G density function was computed to obtain additional statistical characteristics of the newly suggested family of distributions. Several statistical attributes of the alpha power transformation Burr X-G class were obtained. These characteristics include a quantile function, ordinary moments, conditional moments, and moment-generating functions. Estimation of parameters is performed using the maximum likelihood estimation approach. An investigation of the simulation was conducted to evaluate the performance of the maximum likelihood estimation approach. Four data sets taken from the actual world related to radiotherapy, environmental, and engineering sciences were used to demonstrate the significance and application of the suggested family
... Due to the drawbacks of the WD, a number of variants of the distribution has been proposed in the literature with the goal of enhancing its modeling capabilities as well as making it suitable for specific modeling lifetime phenomena. There are some recent discussed variants, such as the exponentiated WD [4], transmuted additive WD [5], Kumaraswamy transmuted exponentiated modified WD [6], Topp-Leone Modified WD [7], Burr X exponentiated WD [8], Kavya-Manoharan exponentiated WD [9], Marshall-Olkin power-generalized WD [10], truncated Cauchy power Weibull-G [11], alpha power transformed Weibull-G [12], Weighted WD [13], exponentiated power generalized Weibull power series family [14], exponentiated truncated inverse Weibull-G [15], odd inverse power generalized WD [16], extended inverse WD [17], Weibull WD (WWD) [18], and exponentiated WWD [19]. However, it is still a challenge to develop a distribution that is well suited for modeling lifetime scenarios characterized by non-monotonic failure rates reflecting real-world situations where the failure rate of a system or component may vary over time. ...
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The Weibull distribution is an important continuous distribution that is cardinal in reliability analysis and lifetime modeling. On the other hand, it has several limitations for practical applications, such as modeling lifetime scenarios with non-monotonic failure rates. However, accurate modeling of non-monotonic failure rates is essential for achieving more accurate predictions, better risk management, and informed decision-making in various domains where reliability and longevity are critical factors. For this reason, we introduce a new three parameter lifetime distribution—the Modified Kies Weibull distribution (MKWD)—that is able to model lifetime scenarios with non-monotonic failure rates. We analyze the statistical features of the MKWD, such as the quantile function, median, moments, mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, coefficient of variation, index of dispersion, moment generating function, incomplete moments, conditional moments, Bonferroni, Lorenz, and Zenga curves, and order statistics. Various measures of uncertainty for the MKWD such as Rényi entropy, exponential entropy, Havrda and Charvat entropy, Arimoto entropy, Tsallis entropy, extropy, weighted extropy and residual extropy are computed. We discuss eight different parameter estimation methods and conduct a Monte Carlo simulation study to evaluate the performance of these different estimators. The simulation results show that the maximum likelihood method leads to the best results. The effectiveness of the newly suggested model is demonstrated through the examination of two different sets of real data. Regression analysis utilizing survival times data demonstrates that the MKWD model offers a superior match compared to other current distributions and regression models.
... Recent extensions of AP transformation family include: AP Marshall-Olkin-G (APMO-G) family [2], extended AP-G family [3], transmuted AP-G family [4], exponential-AP-G family [5], AP transformed Weibull-G family [6], new-extended AP family [7], generalized AP family [8], Gull AP-G family [9] and so on. [10] introduced the generalized odd generalized exponentiated (GOGE-G). ...
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In this paper, we present the Alpha power generalized odd generalized exponential-G (APGOGE-G) family of distributions and provides the most common shapes of the hazard rate function: increasing, decreasing, bathtub, and inverted bathtub. We provide some of its structural properties. We estimate the parameters by maximum likelihood estimation method, and perform a simulation study to verify the asymptotic properties of the estimator for the inverse Weibull baseline. The practicality of the new APGOGE-Rayleigh model is shown through application to uncensored real dataset
... Recently, (Elgarhy et al., 2018) introduced the type-II Topp-Leone-G family (TIITL-G), odds generalized exponential-G family by (Tahir et al., 2015), transmuted family by (Shaw & Buckley, 2009) and for more information see (Alyami et al., 2022a(Alyami et al., , 2022bChettri et al., 2022, pp. 511-535;Eghwerido et al., 2022;Elbatal et al., 2021). The cdf of the TIITL-G family of continuous distribution is provided by: ...
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This study introduces a novel three-parameter time distribution called Type II Topp-Leone exponentiated gamma (TIITL-EG) distribution. This new model offers excellent flexibility in handling skewed data. We analyze various mathematical properties such as ordinary moments, moment-generating functions, and conditional moments. Mean residual life, different entropy measures, and order statistics are computed. Model parameters are estimated using the maximum likelihood method. Finally, we demonstrate the use of this model through real data application, highlighting its versatility.
... Several researchers have employed the transformation to obtain novel distributions produced by the APT-G of distributions. Ref. [55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65] proposed the APT Pareto, APT Weibull, APT Lindley, APT extended exponential, APT inverse Lindley, APT Topp-Leone Weibull, exponential APT-G, transmuted APT-G, APT extended power Lindley, APT Kumaraswamy-Burr III and APT Weibull-G distributions respectively. ...
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This article proposes a new way to increase the flexibility of a family of statistical distributions by adding two additional parameters. The newly proposed family is called the alpha–beta power transformation family of distributions. A specific model, the alpha–beta power exponential distribution, was thoroughly investigated. The hazard rates of the proposed distribution can be decreasing, bathtub-shaped, and unimodal. The derived structural features of the proposed model include explicit formulations for the quantiles, the moments, the moment-generating function, and the incomplete and conditional moments. In addition, estimates of maximum likelihood, least squares, weighted least squares, and minimum distance of Cramér von Mises, von Anderson– Darling, and right-tail Anderson–Darling are obtained for the unknown parameters. Two real data sets were examined to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed approach.
... By including one or more parameters into a basic model, these generalized distributions offer increased flexibility. For instance, the beta-G family by [15], the alpha power transformed family by [16], the alpha power transformed Weibull-G family by [17], the Kumaraswamy-G family by [18], the generalized truncated Fréchet -G family by [19], the exponentiated generalized-G family by [20], the sine Kumaraswamy-G by [21], among others. Marshall & Olkin [22] suggested a general approach to add a new positive shape parameter to a baseline distribution. ...
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In this article, we discuss a new extension of the Rayleigh-Weibull model using the Marshall-Olkin family of distributions. The proposed model is called the Marshall-Olkin-Rayleigh-Weibull (MORW) model. Various statistical properties of the MORW distribution are discussed, including explicit expressions for quantiles, moments, incomplete and conditional moments, some inequality measures, moment generating function, moments of the residual and reversed residual life, the Rényi entropy, and order statistics. Six different estimation methods are considered to investigate the behavior of the model parameters within the MORW model. A Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of these different estimators. In addition, some actuarial measures, such as the Value-at-Risk, the expected shortfall, the tail Value-at-Risk, the tail variance, the tail variance premium, the tail conditional expectation, and the tail standard deviation premium, are calculated. Finally, applying the model to real data sets illustrates the applicability and usefulness of the MORW distribution.
... As a result, a large number of unique distributions have been extended and improved over the last decade. Just one example: the compounded Bell−G by [24], truncated Cauchy power Weibull−G by [25], alpha power transformed Weibull−G by [26], generalized truncated Fréchet−G by [27], generalized inverted Kumaraswamy−G by [28], Type II exponentiated half logistic−G by [29], Marshall-Olkin odd Burr III−G by [30], new extended cosine−G by [31], odd generalized N-H−G by [32], sine-exponentiated Weibull−G by [33], Type II half-logistic odd Fréchet−G by [34], sine Burr−G by [35], exponentiated M−G by [36], generalized odd Burr III−G by [37], truncated burr X−G by [38], Topp-Leone odd Fréchet−G by [39], new truncated Muth−G by [40], ratio exponentiated general−G by [41] and odd inverse power generalized Weibull−G by [42]. Recently, [43] suggested the heavy-tailed (HT) family of distributions as an alternative model for fitting HT data. ...
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This article presents a new extension of the three-parameter log-logistic distribution, the so-called heavy-tailed log-logistic (HTLL) distribution. Some important mathematical properties of the new HTLL distribution are calculated. In addition, some numerical results of moments for the HTLL distribution are calculated. Extensive simulations were performed to investigate the estimation of the model parameters using many established approaches, including maximum likelihood (ML), least squares (LS), weighted least squares (WLS), Cramer-von Mises (CVM), Anderson-Darling (AD), and right-tail Anderson-Darling (RTAD). The simulation results show that the AD approach has the highest efficiency among these approaches. The usefulness of the newly proposed model is demonstrated by analyzing two real data sets.
... Alpha-Power Exponentiated Inverse Rayleigh distribution and its application to real and simulated data by [11]. Alpha Power Transformed Weibull-G Family of Distributions: Theory and Applications by [12]. The Alpha Power Exponentiated Inverse Exponential distribution and its application to Italy's COVID-19 mortality rate data by [13], compared the new distribution with other distributions and it outperformed the other distributions. ...
... The Survival (Reliability) and Hazard (Failure rate) functions corresponding to the EAPIEx distribution are given respectively as; (12) and ...
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The primary purpose of this research is to develop a model that can be used to simulate the UK COVID-19 mortality rate data. In this case, the Exponentiated Alpha Power Inverted Exponential distribution, abbreviated as EAPIEx distribution, is used with two shapes and one scale parameter(s). The statistical properties of the new distribution are derived and investigated, and the method of maximum likelihood estimation was used to estimate the unknown parameters of the new distribution. The estimator's effectiveness is assessed, and the Monte Carlo simulation results of the estimates are reported in tabular form. The EAPIEx distribution was utilized to analyze the flexibility and adaptability of the distribution using UK COVID-19 Mortality Rate Data, and it turned out to perform better than the other models used in this study.
... By inserting (1) and (2) into (3) and (4) (5) and the associated density is obtained as: ...
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The fitting of lifetime distribution in real-life data has been studied in various fields of research. With the theory of evolution still applicable, more complex data from real-world scenarios will continue to emerge. Despite this, many researchers have made commendable efforts to develop new lifetime distributions that can fit this complex data. In this paper, we utilized the KM-transformation technique to increase the flexibility of the power Lindley distribution, resulting in the Kavya-Manoharan Power Lindley (KMPL) distribution. We study the mathematical treatments of the KMPL distribution in detail and adapt the widely used method of maximum likelihood to estimate the unknown parameters of the KMPL distribution. We carry out a Monte Carlo simulation study to investigate the performance of the Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLEs) of the parameters of the KMPL distribution. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the KMPL distribution for data fitting, we use a real dataset comprising the waiting time of 100 bank customers. We compare the KMPL distribution with other models that are extensions of the power Lindley distribution. Based on some statistical model selection criteria, the summary results of the analysis were in favor of the KMPL distribution. We further investigate the density fit and probability-probability (p-p) plots to validate the superiority of the KMPL distribution over the competing distributions for fitting the waiting time dataset.
... Alpha Power Exponentiated Inverse Rayleigh distribution and its applications to real and simulated data by [15]. Alpha Power Transformed Weibull-G Family of Distributions: Theory and Applications by [16]. Alpha Power Inverted Exponential Distribution: Properties and Application by [17]. ...
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This paper major goal is to create a model that may be used to model Italy's Covid-19 Mortality rate. The Alpha Power Exponentiated Inverse Exponential distribution, often known as the APEIEx distribution, is employed in this situation with two shapes and one or more scale parameters. In this work, significant statistical features including the Survival function, Hazard function, Quantile function, the Middle value (Median), the Lower (1 st) quantile, the Upper (3 rd) quantile, the r th Moment, the Moment generating function, and the order statistics are investigated. With the aid of the BFGS method, the parameters of the proposed distribution are determined using maximum likelihood estimation.