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Analysis of the advantages and limitations of mixed methods approaches

Analysis of the advantages and limitations of mixed methods approaches

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Mixed methods research is an approach that combines both quantitative and qualitative methods into a single study in order to provide a broader and more complete vision of a problem. Mixed methodologies are employed when both comparative analysis and the development of aspects of the study need to be undertaken comprehensively and in depth. The use...

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... the main advantages and limitations of each mixed methods approach are explored. This information is organized in Table 2. All approaches offer advantages and limitations, but generally, it is possible to consider that the integration and analysis of data in a sequential approach are easier than in a concurrent design. ...


... This research employed a mixed-methods research design, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques. The rationale for adopting a mixed-methods approach was to gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricate issue of land degradation and its impacts on smallholder agriculture and food sovereignty in the Volta Region (Almeida, 2018). The mixedmethods paradigm facilitated the integration of quantitative data, which provided measurable and statistically significant trends, with qualitative data, which offered profound insights into the lived experiences, perspectives, and context-specific nuances of the phenomenon under investigation (Dawadi et al., 2021). ...
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The severe and accelerating loss of land quality and productivity is widely acknowledged at all geographic scales, from the global scale down to the local level, across the world. Global food yield has decreased by 13% as a result of the 40% moderate degradation and 9% severe degradation of agricultural land. This study examines the dynamics of land degradation and its impacts on smallholder agriculture and food sovereignty in Ghana’s Volta Region, focusing on the Ho Municipality. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research combines remote sensing analysis, quantitative surveys of 200 smallholder farmers, and qualitative interviews with experts and farmers. Findings reveal a concerning trend of increasing land degradation, with areas experiencing degradation rising from 2% in 2013 to 5% in 2023. The study demonstrates significant impacts on crop yields and farm income, with 87% of surveyed farmers reporting negative effects on their crop production due to land degradation. Smallholder farmers have adopted various coping strategies, with compost application (62.5%) and chemical fertilizer use (60%) being the most prevalent practices. The research highlights a discrepancy between scientific measurements and farmers’ perceptions of land degradation, emphasizing the importance of integrating local knowledge with technical assessments. The study contributes to the existing literature by providing a detailed, localized analysis of land degradation dynamics and their implications for smallholder agriculture and food sovereignty in the region. It offers valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners, underscoring the urgent need for targeted interventions to address land degradation while supporting sustainable agriculture and food security in Ghana and similar contexts.
... Mixed methods research has been described as a "critical component in the advancement of social science, especially education research" (Timans, Wouters & Heilbron, 2019). The mixed methods approach is associated with strategies that include gathering information in a concurrent or consecutive way utilizing strategies that are drawn from both quantitative and qualitative manner that best address the research questions (Almeida, 2018). The use of an eclectic approach ensures that the research will be strengthened and will reduce the wastage of potentially useful information. ...
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Baseline surveys from different countries have found out that there is a weak connectivity between theory and practice in the labour market, which is attributed to the lack of industry involvement in TVET academic programmes. Due to the inability of TVET institutions in the North Rift Region, Kenya to produce workforce with hands-on skills, there was a need for research on training approaches on integration of competency-based education. The purpose of this study was to establish the extent to which workplace experience learning has been integrated in TVET institutions. The study adopted the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. The study utilized the descriptive survey research design. The study targeted 6 principals, 6 industrial liaison officers, 1092 trainers, 18 industry supervisors and 22600 trainees. The sample size was 700 respondents comprising of 6 principals, 6 industrial liaison officers, 293 trainers, 18 industry supervisors and 377 trainees. A purposive sampling technique was used to select principals, industrial liaison officers and industry supervisors. Stratified random sampling and simple random sampling techniques were used to select trainers and trainees from various TVET institutions. The data were collected using questionnaires, interview schedules and document analysis. The instruments were piloted in one of the TVET institutions in the South Rift region of Kenya. Cronbach Alpha coefficient was used to test the reliability of instruments. The quantitative data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics comprised of frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation. Inferential statistics involved correlation and multiple regression analysis. Qualitative data were analyzed using thematic method. The study findings revealed that workplace experience (r = .638, p < 0.001) in TVET institutions. The study findings revealed that there was positive linear effect of workplace experience (β3 = .273, p = 0.000) on quality education. The study concluded that. There were inadequate workshops thus hampering trainees from regularly participating in practical aspects of CBET instruction. Lower academic requirements set for recruitment into the TVET programs were creating a negative attitude and perception that CBET was for low achievers. The study recommended that trainers need to understand the market trends. Article visualizations: </p
... This study uses a mixed methods approach that combines quantitative and qualitative methods to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies in increasing sales of agricultural products in the era of information technology transformation (Almeida, 2018). This approach was chosen to answer the need for empirical analysis as well as explore the in-depth perspectives of business actors and experts involved in the marketing of agricultural products. ...
... The study employed a concurrent embedded mixed-method design, which involved the simultaneous collection and analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data within a single study. This integration aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research topic (Almeida, 2018). The research design combined elements of quasi-experimental research with mixed methods, particularly a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design conducted within a mega-sized national high school, consisting of 6,000 students and 194 staff members. ...
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This study investigates the effectiveness of Video-Based Teaching and Learning (VBTL) strategy in enhancing mathematics performance across diverse subjects. Employing a concurrent embedded mixed-method pretest-posttest approach with a control group and quasi-experimental design, initial assessments revealed comparable pretest math performance levels between control and experimental groups. However, subsequent analysis unveiled substantial differences in posttest math performance. Notably, in Linear Inequalities and System, the experimental group achieved an impressive posttest score of 90%, compared to the control's 53.5%, albeit lacking statistical significance (t-value =-1.479, p-value = 0.374). Conversely, in Function and Relation, the experimental group demonstrated a significant score of 78.938%, compared to the control's 48.23%, confirmed by statistical analysis (t-value =-9.197, p-value < 0.001). Similarly, in Logic and Proof, the experimental group scored notably higher (71.917%) than the control (47.833%), with statistical confirmation (t-value =-3.495, p-value < 0.001). The study confirms that Video-Based Teaching and Learning (VBTL) effectively improves mathematics performance by reducing cognitive load and enhancing comprehension of mathematical concepts through visual aids and interactive elements, thus validating the efficacy of VBTL and contributing to discussions on innovative teaching strategies in mathematics education. These findings contribute to discussions on innovative teaching strategies in mathematics education, emphasizing VBTL's role in reducing cognitive load and enhancing comprehension of mathematical concepts.
... For the current study, the researchers employed a mixed methods approach which included administering a survey questionnaire among the ESL teachers of UTASA, conducting a semi-structured interview with selected staff (N=7) and examining and analyzing the data related to professional development activities at UTASA in comparison with the previous academic year's (2021-22) record. Almeida (2018) believes that a mixed methods approach is more effective in generating better results for the study as it helps to overcome the defects of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Ivankova and Creswell (2009) state that a mixed methods approach enables the researcher to gather both quantitative and qualitative data through questionnaires and interviews, which will develop a better understanding of the research questions. ...
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This research paper extrapolates the perceptions of English Language teachers about the effectiveness of the newly introduced Individual Plan Measurement System (IPMS) in terms of task performance at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Al Musannah (UTASA), Oman, and how this new performance appraisal system has contributed to teachers’ professional development. For the current study, the researchers employed a mixed methods approach by administering a survey questionnaire among the ESL teachers (N=31) of UTASA, conducting a semi-structured interview with selected staff members (N=7), and analyzing the data related to professional development activities conducted before and after the implementation of the new appraisal system. The study shows that most UTAS-A ELC staff perceive that IPMS has helped them plan and execute their professional goals effectively. Furthermore, the findings of the study highlight that a timebound individual plan guided and monitored by institutional agencies has a positive effect on employees’ intrinsic motivation and professional development, and it can make their task performance more efficient and systematic.
... Salkind (2014) shared that correlation research can identify the relationship between two or more variables which makes it suitable to be used in this research. Additionally, according to Almeida et al. (2018), quantitative research is appropriate to use in research when there is the possibility of collecting variables with quantifiable measures as the research used formal instruments and structured procedures for data collection. The study setting for this study is non-contrived because the research was conducted in the natural environment where the respondent usually works. ...
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Green Human Resource Management (HRM) is considered an emerging field of management that evaluates and ensures green performance and outcomes in organizations. In today’s dynamic business environment, work-life balance has become one of the key issues faced by many employees all over the world. Maintaining work-life balance is an issue increasingly recognized as of strategic importance to the organization and significance to employees. In doing so, the present study introduced independent and dependent variables to explain the underlying mechanisms of green HRM and work-life balance and its impact on employee performance. A total of 90 employees of the calibration services company have completed a set of questionnaires through Google Forms to provide data for the analysis. This study is using census method as one of the best probability sampling techniques to be used it’s a systematic method that collects and records the data about the members of the population and is suitable when the case-intensive study is required or the area is limited. This study has adopted the quantitative method in this research as the method allows the researcher to focus on the research. The data were analyzed through SPSS which facilitates descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple regressions. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses in this research. The findings showed that green HRM and work-life balance were the significant variables influencing employee performance in the study. In addition, the significance of the study included providing new knowledge from the theoretical perspective, obtaining a better understanding of the importance of green HRM and work-life balance from the perspective of employee performance, and contributing to the efforts made by the government to improve the probability of green culture in organizational and balancing professional life and family life employment of employees through policies from the perspective of the government. Lastly, recommendations for employers, employees, government, and future research are made to improve employee performance.
... Then, for triangulation, on-site observations of users' interaction with street furniture in two distinct settings were made. Both online and on-site surveys aim to obtain complementary data [29]to portray preferred attributes of ISF from the users' perspective. ...
... Sementara itu, komponen kualitatif melibatkan wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan sebagian kecil peserta untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman individu secara rinci, termasuk tantangan dan manfaat spesifik yang dirasakan dalam menggunakan manajer kutipan. Integrasi kedua pendekatan ini memfasilitasi pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang pertanyaan penelitian dan memungkinkan triangulasi data untuk meningkatkan validitas temuan (Almeida, 2018). ...
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Penelitian ini menyelidiki persepsi mahasiswa pascasarjana EFL (English as a Foreign Language) terhadap manajer kutipan sebagai alat pendukung dalam pekerjaan akademis mereka. Seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya penulisan akademis dalam bentuk digital, pengelola kutipan menawarkan solusi untuk merampingkan referensi dan mengurangi kesalahan dalam pemformatan kutipan. Penelitian ini meneliti bagaimana mahasiswa pascasarjana EFL di lingkungan universitas memandang manfaat dan tantangan dalam menggunakan alat manajemen kutipan, dengan fokus pada peran mereka dalam meningkatkan integritas akademik, mengurangi beban kognitif, dan menumbuhkan keterampilan menulis akademik. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan sampel mahasiswa pascasarjana yang sering terlibat dalam penulisan akademis berbahasa Inggris. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa, meskipun mahasiswa mengakui bahwa pengelola kutipan sangat penting untuk mengelola referensi dan menghindari plagiarisme, mereka menghadapi tantangan dalam menguasai alat ini, yang sering kali membutuhkan pelatihan dan dukungan tambahan. Temuan penelitian ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya mengintegrasikan pelatihan pengelola kutipan ke dalam kurikulum akademik, terutama untuk siswa EFL, untuk memaksimalkan manfaat dari alat-alat ini dalam proses penulisan akademik. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada literatur yang terus berkembang tentang alat digital dalam penulisan akademik dan menawarkan rekomendasi praktis untuk institusi yang mendukung siswa EFL dalam mengembangkan keterampilan penelitian yang efektif. PENDAHULUAN Dalam lingkungan akademis, penulisan penelitian yang efektif adalah keterampilan dasar yang harus dikuasai oleh mahasiswa pascasarjana agar berhasil dalam kegiatan akademis mereka. Keterampilan ini tidak hanya membutuhkan kemampuan untuk terlibat secara kritis dengan berbagai sumber, tetapi juga kompetensi untuk merujuk sumber-sumber ini secara akurat dan efisien. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa pascasarjana sering menghadapi tantangan dalam mengembangkan kompetensi ini, terutama dalam konteks penulisan akademis, di mana konvensi yang digunakan bisa jadi rumit dan menuntut (Copenheaver et al., 2015; Li et al., 2023). Bagi mahasiswa pascasarjana Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Asing (EFL), tantangan ini diperparah oleh hambatan bahasa, yang dapat menghambat kemampuan mereka untuk mengekspresikan ide dengan jelas dan mematuhi norma-norma penulisan ilmiah yang rumit dalam Bahasa Inggris (Yang & Sang, 2023).
... Then, the researchers employed a qualitative approach by interviewing participants to explore the students' acceptance. Mixed methods research helps the researcher deeply and accurately understand the phenomena under study [McKim in Almeida,17]. This design was deemed suitable for determining the level of Google Classroom acceptance and obtaining comprehensive findings on students' perspectives on the application's use. ...
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Google Classroom has been extensively used as a learning management system to facilitate teaching and learning processes. Despite its extensive use globally, there was a lack of research on its acceptance as perceived by secondary school students in Indonesia, particularly during emergency online learning. This study addressed this gap by examining the acceptance of Google Classroom from the perspective of Indonesian secondary school students. The study involved 307 secondary students who participated by completing online questionnaires, and two students were interviewed to gain deeper insights into their experiences and perspectives regarding the use of Google Classroom in English classes. The quantitative findings revealed that secondary students generally held high acceptance of Google Classroom as a tool for online EFL learning (M=4.05). Among the four constructs measured, three—perceived ease of use (M=3.91), perceived usefulness (M=4.27), and behavioral intention (M=4.14)—indicated high levels of acceptance, whereas actual system use was rated as moderately acceptable (M=3.65). The interview data supported these quantitative results. The study concluded that Google Classroom is well-accepted as a platform for facilitating online EFL learning among secondary school students. The findings contributed valuable evidence regarding the positive acceptance of Google Classroom for EFL learning.
... Five semi-structured focus groups were held between 5th May 2023 and 16th January 2024 at Brunel University London to provide qualitative insights into student perceptions and behaviors, to understand and contextualize the quantitative data mixed methods research combines quantitative and qualitative approaches to provide a more comprehensive understanding of complex social phenomena (Almeida, 2018;Subedi, 2023). This approach overcomes limitations of single-method studies, enhances validity and reliability, and allows for data triangulation (Subedi, 2023). ...
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Introduction: Providing one-on-one support to large cohorts is challenging, yet emerging AI technologies show promise in bridging the gap between the support students want and what educators can provide. They offer students a way to engage with their course material in a way that feels fluent and instinctive. Whilst educators may have views on the appropriates for AI, the tools themselves, as well as the novel ways in which they can be used, are continually changing. Methods: The aim of this study was to probe students' familiarity with AI tools, their views on its current uses, their understanding of universities' AI policies, and finally their impressions of its importance, both to their degree and their future careers. We surveyed 453 psychology and sport science students across two institutions in the UK, predominantly those in the first and second year of undergraduate study, and conducted a series of five focus groups to explore the emerging themes of the survey in more detail. Results: Our results showed a wide range of responses in terms of students' familiarity with the tools and what they believe AI tools could and should not be used for. Most students emphasized the importance of understanding how AI tools function and their potential applications in both their academic studies and future careers. The results indicated a strong desire among students to learn more about AI technologies. Furthermore, there was a significant interest in receiving dedicated support for integrating these tools into their coursework, driven by the belief that such skills will be sought after by future employers. However, most students were not familiar with their university's published AI policies. Discussion: This research on pedagogical methods supports a broader long-term ambition to better understand and improve our teaching, learning, and student engagement through the adoption of AI and the effective use of technology and suggests a need for a more comprehensive approach to communicating these important guidelines on an on-going basis, especially as the tools and guidelines evolve.