Table 7 - uploaded by Oscar Claveria
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Analysis of correlations for monthly variables 

Analysis of correlations for monthly variables 

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There is a lack of studies on tourism demand in Catalonia. To fill the gap, this paper focuses on detecting the macroeconomic factors that determine tourism demand in Catalonia. We also analyse the relation between these factors and tourism demand. Despite the strong seasonal component and the outliers in the time series of some countries, overnigh...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... homogeneous information available for the main visitor countries and the main macroeconomic factors that determine tourism demand in Catalonia (see Tables 6 and 8) were used to analyse the degree of linear association between the selected dependent variables and tourism demand in Catalonia, by means of a correlations analysis. Tables 7 and 9 show the correlation coefficients for the relationship between each one of the selected exogenous variables and the corresponding endogenous variable (tourists or overnight stays) for each country. Significant correlation coefficients at 5% are indicated in bold. ...
Context 2
... the signs do not coincide there usually is a weak linear association. Tables 7 and 9 show how the correlations between overnight stays and the corresponding exogenous variables are higher than those obtained using the variation rate for the number of tourists. In addition, the correlations obtained using quarterly data are higher overall than those obtained with the monthly data. ...

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... The factors that affect demand for hotel rooms are important to understand since demand has a significant role in pricing strategies and hotel revenues (Tsai et al., 2006). In order to respond effectively, is important to understand these factors, use available resources and create competitive leverage (Claveria & Datzira, 2010;Wang, 2009). ...
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... Tourism can contribute to regional economic growth by providing favorable conditions for tourism development in regions where the prospects for other sectors of the economy are quite unfavorable (Neumeier & Pollermann, 2014). According to Brida et al. (2010) tourism in some way supports and leads to long-term economic growth, which is referred to as the tourism-oriented growth hypothesis Claveria & Datzira (2009) consider it necessary to identify the factors determining demand at the tourist level, as according to them tourism is generated by demand. ...
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... Tourism can contribute to regional economic growth by providing favorable conditions for tourism development in regions where the prospects for other sectors of the economy are quite unfavorable (Neumeier & Pollermann, 2014). According to Brida et al. (2010) tourism in some way supports and leads to long-term economic growth, which is referred to as the tourism-oriented growth hypothesis Claveria & Datzira (2009) consider it necessary to identify the factors determining demand at the tourist level, as according to them tourism is generated by demand. ...
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... Due to fact that tourism is generated by demand, the possibility arises that tourism demand may assist in providing in-depth analysis about tourist flows. This is of great assistance in decision-making process and drawing up tourism policies [4]. Therefore, it is widely recognized the need of investigating and clarifying the nature of seasonality in the line of identifying appropriate tourism policy and strategy. ...
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Seasonality is general characteristic of tourism. As tourism contributes to economic growth and development, seasonality is noted as one of the most influencing factor for limiting continuous development. Thus, the article empirically tests the presence of tourism seasonality for the central level by exploring Macedonia, and the local level, by elaborating Ohrid (the most famous summer tourist spot) and Skopje (the capital). The statistical methodology covers computation of standard indicators, such as the Gini index (G), the Seasonality Indicator (SI) and the Coefficient of Variation (CV). The study found no significant seasonal concentration in tourism in Macedonia, a presence of strong and powerful seasonality for Ohrid, and no seasonality for Skopje. As a consequence, the paper recommends design of specific tailor-made products and urges tourism key players to focus on policies and strategies for modifying tourism seasonality.
... Demand for hotel rooms has a significant role in determining room rates and consequently overall hotel revenues (Tsai et al., 2006). Thus, it is important that hotel managers should understand different changes and factors that negatively impact on hotel demand in order to efficiently respond and cope with them, use resources properly and even create competitive advantage (Claveria & Datzira, 2009;Wang, 2009). Hotel demand has been a subject for many research studies which emphasizes its importance for the hotel industry. ...
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Managing demand downturn for hotel rooms is a major challenge for hotel managers who often struggle with handling periods of demand downturn due to the lack of predetermined contingency plans or systematic approaches adopted for managing such issues. This study shows that hotel managers have some common practices for managing demand downturn, such as reducing room rates and providing promotional offers, and that although some of these practices were considered to be effective, the general performance of the hotels was perceived to be ineffective for handling serious/protracted periods of demand downturn. This research proposes a best practice model for managing periods of demand downturn for hotel rooms. The model was developed based on integrating the relevant literature review with the results of a case study of 36 Cairo hotels which included questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews. The suggested model involves four major stages, i.e.: prevention; preparedness; response; recovery, and each stage identifies appropriate practices to be undertaken by hotel managers to effectively manage periods of demand downturn. Such a model represents an integrated approach that could help hotel managers to enhance their management of demand downturn. Keywords: hotel demand, demand downturn, downturn management. Aim: to develop a best practice model for managing periods of demand downturn for hotel rooms. Originality/value: demand downturn is a serious issue that threaten the hotel industry in many destinations. The four-stage model developed in this paper provides a set of appropriate practices to the effectiveness of the management of demand downturn by hotel managers.
... Moreover, demand for hotel rooms has a significant role in determining room rates and consequently the overall hotel revenues (Tsai, Kang, Yeh, & Suh, 2006). Therefore, it is prudent for hotel managers to understand different changes and factors that can negatively impact the hotel demand in order to efficiently respond and cope with them, use resources properly and even create a competitive edge (Claveria & Datzira, 2009;Wang, 2009). ...
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Hotel rooms are the major source of hotel revenues and generate about 70% of a hotel's total revenues. In many hotels, guest rooms represent the only source of revenue. However, due to the vulnerability of the hotel industry and the perishability its products and services, there are many factors, including: political; economic; environmental; etc., that can negatively impact the demand for hotel rooms and lead it to decline. This study investigates the problem of demand downturn for hotel rooms within the context of Cairo hotels. A mixed methods approach was adopted in this study using multiple sources of evidence, including: questionnaire survey; semi-structured interviews; document analysis. The results of this study showed that Cairo hotels had witnessed periods of demand downturn on a regular basis. There were several reasons that had negatively impacted the demand for Cairo hotels and led to these periods of downturn, such as the political events of 2011, the financial crisis of 2008, poor facilities of hotels and low-quality services and products. Research findings also revealed that the performance of both individual hotels and the official bodies in relation to demand downturn management was ineffective for handling serious periods of demand downturn. Although some of the practices were perceived to be effective, the overall performance was ineffective. The study ends by providing some recommendation that could enhance the management of demand downturn. Keywords: hotel room demand, demand downturn, downturn management. Aim: this research represents an exploratory study that aims to: first, explore the reasons for and the negative impacts of decreased room demand on the overall hotel performance in Cairo; second, identify and Abuelkassem Mohammad, Eleri Jones, Abdelbary Dawood, Hanaa Fayed-102-critically evaluate practices undertaken by both hotels and official bodies regarding the management of demand downturn for hotel rooms; third, provide a model that would enable an enhanced managed of demand downturn for hotel rooms. Value/Originality: as one of the first research studies to investigate the problem of demand downturn for hotel rooms in Cairo, this research provides a better understanding of a serious problem that threatens the hotel industry in Cairo, i.e. demand downturn. This study also provides some practical implications that would enable a better management of demand downturn for hotel rooms.
... Due to fact that tourism is generated by demand, the possibility arises that tourism demand may assist in providing in-depth analysis about tourist flows. This is of great assistance in decision-making process and drawing up tourism policies (Claveria & Datzira, 2009). Therefore, it is widely recognized the need of investigating and clarifying the nature of seasonality in the line of identifying appropriate tourism policy and strategy. ...
Conference Paper
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Tourism is characterized by seasonal patterns that provoke substantial implications on tourism development. This paper quantifies the seasonality of tourism demand in selected countries in the region by computing several indicators for measuring dispersion and concentration in tourism. The calculations are done with monthly series of total number of tourists for the period 2007-2013. The results vary in regional frames, from low seasonality with no substantial meaning for tourism development, to high seasonality and considerable concentration of tourism demand. Although the study found certain similarities in tourism flow distribution and concentration, yet the detected differences in the levels of seasonality effects within the region, point to conclusion of applying different tourism policies at national level. Hence, the paper underlines a justification to develop diversified tourism product by implementing different tourism strategies. Additionally, by understanding the process of seasonality, the key-tourism players are in a better position to develop plans and strategies to assist potential tourists negotiate through the constraint process thereby influencing the aggregate patterns of seasonality.
... Demand for hotel rooms has a significant role in determining room rates and consequently the overall hotel revenues (Tsai et al., 2006). Thus, it is prudent for hotel managers to understand different changes and factors that negatively impact on hotel demand in order to efficiently respond and cope with them, use resources properly and even create a competitive edge (Claveria & Datzira, 2009;Wang, 2009). Jeffrey and Barden (2000) discussed that increasing demand for hotel rooms and achieving high occupancy rate is a primary target of any hotel's management as it has a major contribution to hotel revenues. ...
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This research is one of the few studies to investigate the problem of demand downturn for hotel rooms. It represents an exploratory study that aims to provide an enhanced understanding of a serious issue that threatens the hotel industry; i.e. demand downturn. The study develops a proposed model and provides a number of recommendations that enable an effective management of periods of demand downturn for hotel rooms.
... Due to fact that tourism is generated by demand, the possibility arises that tourism demand may assist in providing in-depth analysis about tourist flows. This is of great assistance in decision-making process and drawing up tourism policies (Claveria & Datzira, 2009). Therefore, it is widely recognized the need of investigating and clarifying the nature of seasonality in the line of identifying appropriate tourism policy and strategy. ...
This paper investigates the relationship between current account balance and national savings, investment, budget deficit, and real exchange rate. These determinants of the current account are studied empirically by applying the Generalized Method of Moments for a sample of 24 European countries. The sample data are divided into three different groups, PIIGS, EU-PIIGS, and EU in order to study the group-specific estimations. The main result of the paper is that the determinants of our model are capable of accurately explaining past movements in current accounts for all selected groups. Additionally, current account determinants in the economically weak members, PIIGS, behave slightly differently from the rest of the EU.