Fig 2 - uploaded by Zachary G. Ives
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1 An example query with two expensive user-defined predicates, two serial plans for it, and one conditional plan that uses age to decide which of the two expensive predicates to apply first.

1 An example query with two expensive user-defined predicates, two serial plans for it, and one conditional plan that uses age to decide which of the two expensive predicates to apply first.

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As the data management field has diversified to consider settings in which queries are increasingly complex, statistics are less available, or data is stored remotely, there has been an acknowledgment that the traditional optimize-then-execute paradigm is insufficient. This has led to a plethora of new techniques, generally placed under the common...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... ordering refers to the problem of determining the order in which to apply a given set of commutative selection predicates (filters) to all the tuples of a relation, so as to find the tuples that satisfy all the predicates. Figure 2.1 shows an example selection query over a persons relation and several query plans for that query. ...
Context 2
... Plans: The natural class of execution plans to consider for eval- uating such queries is the class of serial orders that specify a single order in which the predicates should be applied to the tuples of the relation (Figure 2.1). Given a serial order, S π 1 , . . . ...
Context 3
... class of plans can be especially beneficial when the attributes are highly correlated with each other, and when there is a large disparity in the evaluation costs of the predicates. Figure 2.1 shows an example conditional plan that uses an inex- pensive predicate on age, which is strongly correlated with both the query predicates, to decide which of the two predicates to apply first. Specifically, for tuples with age > 25, the predicate on credit score is likely to be more selective than the predicate on education, and hence should be applied first, whereas the opposite would be true for tuples with age < 25. ...
Context 4
... left-deep or "left-linear" plan is one where only the left child of a join operator may be the result of another relational algebra operation; the right child must be a base relation. See Figure 2.2(ii). ...
Context 5
... predicates on edges that are eliminated (to remove cycles) are applied after performing the join, as "residual" predicates. Figure 2.2 shows an example multi-way join query that we use as a running example, and two possible join orders for it -one using a tree of binary join operators and the other using a ternary join operator. ...
Context 6
... Algorithms: The next aspect of join execution is the physical join algorithm used to implement each join in the join order -nested loop join, merge join, hash join, etc. These decisions are typically made Fig. 2.2 (i) A multi-way join query that we use as the running example; (ii) a left-deep join order, in which the right child of each join must be a base relation; (iii) a join order that uses a ternary join operator. during cost estimation, along with the join order selection, and are partly constrained by the available access methods. For ...
Context 7
... Non-pipelined plans: These contain at least one blocking operator that segments execution into stages: the blocking operator materializes its sub-results to a temporary table, which is then read by the next operator in a subsequent step. Each materialization is performed at a materialization point, illustrated in Figure 2.3 (i). ...
Context 8
... Pipelined plans: These plans execute all operators in the query plan in parallel, by sending the output tuples of an operator directly to the next operator in the pipeline. Figure 2.3(ii) shows an example pipelined plan that uses hash join operators. ...
Context 9
... subtlety of this plan is that it is actu- ally only "partly pipelined": the traditional hash join per- forms a build phase, reading one of the source relations into a hash table, before it begins pipelining tuples from input to output. Symmetric or doubly pipelined hash join operators ( Figure 2.4) are fully pipelined: when a tuple appears at either input, it is incrementally added to the corresponding hash table and probed against the opposite hash table. Sym- metric operators are extensively used when quicker response time is needed, or when the inputs are streaming in over a wide-area network, as they can read tuples from whichever input is available, and they incrementally produce output based on the tuples received so far. ...
Context 10
... metric operators are extensively used when quicker response time is needed, or when the inputs are streaming in over a wide-area network, as they can read tuples from whichever input is available, and they incrementally produce output based on the tuples received so far. We will continue to refer to plans such as the one shown in Figure 2.3(ii) as pipelined plans, as long as all the major operations in the plan are executed in a single pipeline. ...
Context 11
... other respects, the query execution remains essentially the same, except that the earliest tuples may have to be deleted from the join operator data structures when they have gone outside the range of the window (i.e., its size or duration). For example, if the symmetric hash join operator shown in Figure 2.4 is used to execute the join between R and S, then tuples should be removed from the hash tables once they have been followed by sufficient tuples to exceed the sliding window's capacity. ...
Context 12
... symmetric hash join operator [99,121] introduced in Section 2.1.3 solves both these problems by building hash tables on both inputs ( Figure 2.4); when an input tuple is read, it is stored in the appropriate hash table and probed against the opposite table, resulting in incremen- tal output. Because the operator is symmetric, it can process data from either input, depending on availability. ...
Context 13
... is built into the (three) hash indexes on the relation S. -Let the probing sequence chosen for s be T → R → U (Figure 3.2). -s is used to probe into the hash table on T to find matches. ...
Context 14
... eddy operator [6], discussed in Section 3.1.2, can be used in a fairly straightforward manner to adapt a selection ordering query (Figure 4.2). To execute the query σ S 1 ∧···∧Sn (R), one eddy operator and n selection operators are instantiated (one for each selection predicate). ...
Context 15
... with the opera- tors that the tuple has already been through, the operators whose input queues are full are also considered ineligible to receive the tuple. The latter condition, called backpres- sure, allows the eddy to indirectly consider the operator costs when making routing decisions; the intuition being that operators with full input queues are likely to have high relative per-tuple execution cost (Figure 4.2). ...

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... The challenge of efficiently evaluating DIFF in conjunction with one more JOINs is a specialized scenario of the multi-operator query optimization problem: A small estimation error in the size of one or more intermediate outputs can transitively yield a very large estimation error for the cost of the entire query plan [37]. This theoretical fact inspired extensive work in adaptive query processing [21], including systems such as Eddies [5] and RIO [7]. Here, we take a similar approach and design an adaptive algorithm for evaluating the DIFF-JOIN that avoids the pitfalls of expensive intermediate outputs. ...
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... In [2], Acosta et al. propose to use networks of Linked Data Eddies to allow the TPF client to switch between several join strategies. The smart client uses adaptive query processing techniques [10,20] to dynamically adapt query execution to adjust to changes in runtime execution and data availability. In scenarios with unpredictable transfer delays and data distributions, Linked Data Eddies outperform the existing LDF approach. ...
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