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Alur Produksi Berita dalam Sistem Konvergensi Redaksi Tempo
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This study seeks to reveal the implementation of convergence in the newsroom with case study of Tempo Group. This research uses qualitative approach and case study method. This study reveals that Tempo began to implement newroom convergence after publishing Kora Tempo in 2001.
The effort toward newsroom convergence was realized by forming Tempo Ne...
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Background: Competition between traditional media and social media in reaching the attention of the audience has become a necessity. The presence of social media has changed the pattern of media use in society in seeking entertainment and information. To anticipate these changes, television must converge with social media. Convergence is believed not only to be able to maintain the existence of television but also to increase the number of audiences. Purpose: This study aims to identify and explain the management problem in the process of convergence between social media and television at the IVM (Indosiar Visual Mandiri) television editorial team. Methods: This study uses a qualitative approach and a single case study method. The object of the research is the convergence process between social media and television at the IVM television editorial team; the research subjects are informants consisting of the editor-in-chief, news production manager, reporters, and social media managers. The convergence analysis used in this paper was the journalistic convergence model from Pavlik, which looks at the convergence model in newsrooms, newsgathering, and news content. Results: This study indicates that the convergence of social media and television at the IVM television editorial team does not occur in the newsroom model and only occurs not routinely in the news gathering model and content model. However, in order to converge with social media, television broadcasting encountered problems from the management side (organizational structure, work system, and technology infrastructure). Implications: The convergence of newsrooms between television and social media at IVM can be said to have failed due to the non-integration of social media management with IVM editorial staff. Due to the absence of an integrated social media team within the editorial team, there is a lack of handling of interactivity between social media followers and IVM editors.
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The present digital era is marked by the emergence of computer technology and other technologies that support electronic access to information. Various digital media that are connected to each other form a new media that is more compatible, easily and quickly accessed, which is then called media convergence. During its development, this has led to various changes in the mass media on how information is presented to the public. In this regard, the television media is no exception, which has undergone several changes due to media convergence. YouTube is a platform that is considered to be one of the most compatible forms of media convergence with television characters. This research focuses on how audiences or television viewers enjoy Indonesian television programs on the YouTube platform, which is analyzed from the number of viewers to see the viewing patterns and measure the impact of media convergence on television. The results of this study can provide an up-to-date picture of how Indonesians watch television and what steps have been taken by television stations in dealing with these impacts. Keywords: media convergence, television, YouTube, digital, information.
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Pemberitaan keberagaman di dalam media konvergen belum banyak dijadikan kajian akademik. Artikel ini, bertujuan untuk membahas tentang pertimbangan para kontributor berita dari wilayah pasca konflik menjalankan tugasnya ketika meliput berita keberagaman untuk diberitakan di dalam media konvergen. Artikel ini merupakan luaran penelitian yang dilakukan dari perspektif teori normatif, dengan metode studi kasus mix-method. Penelitian dilakukan 2 (dua) tahap, tahap pertama berupa analisis isi terhadap berita-berita keberagaman di dalam akun resmi video share YouTube dari 2 (dua) media berita yang paling banyak diakses di Indonesia pada tahun 2018 versi, dilanjutkan dengan wawancara mendalam dengan para jurnalis kontributor media konvergen di wilayah pasca konflik, Ambon dan Aceh. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa berdasarkan analisis isi, berita mengenai keberagaman wilayah pasca konflik di akun resmi YouTube dari kedua media yang diteliti pada tahun 2018 sangat rendah. Sementara dari wawancara mendalam, disimpulkan bahwa salah satu faktor yang melatarbelakangi rendahnya pemberitaan keberagaman tersebut adalah kehati-hatian para jurnalis pasca konflik dalam meliput peristiwa keberagaman dikarenakan memori kolektif traumatis akan dampak konflik dan pemberitaan konflik. Memori kolektif traumatik yang membuahkan kehati-hatian para kontributor di wilayah pasca konflik, patut menjadi pembelajaran bagi para kontributor berita di wilayah lain dalam memberitakan isu keberagaman, agar terhindar dari pengalaman traumatik yang dapat muncul sebagai dampak dari pemberitaan.
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Communication technology in mass media has experienced rapid development. The implementation of digital platforms is carried out by mass media groups in facing competition between media in welcoming society 5.0. This study aims to find out the implementation of digital platforms is carried out by mass media groups in Indonesia through an umbrella perspective. The research method used qualitative approach applying data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. Interviews were conducted with the person in charge of the digital platform in the media groups. Observations were also taken in the digital platform in the media groups: TransMedia Group, MNC Group, Media Group, Viva Group, Kompas Group, Emtek Group, Jawa Post Group, Netmediatama group, and Mahaka Group. The results of this study show that the forms of the current mass media digital platforms used are websites, online media, applications, and social media. In the infrastructure of media organizations, digital platforms are a form of media group policy in converting technology, content convergence, and economic convergence. Digital platforms have also provided new low-cost income for the media as an industry as well as a two-way form of communication in forming and maintaining relationships with audiences.
This book examines the problems of television media competition with social media, editorial management in the convergence process, convergence challenges vs market challenges.
This study aims to explore the evolution of media convergence in Indonesia, focusing on Kompas Gramedia as a leading media entity that has undergone rapid development. Its business expansion has surged, particularly in the realm of digital media, significantly broadening its market share in Indonesia. Employing a qualitative descriptive approach and utilizing a case study method centered on Kompas Gramedia and its subsidiaries, this research gathers data from credible sources. Through comparative and correlational analyses, it highlights the changing landscape of media convergence within Kompas Gramedia. Initially established as a print-based medium, Kompas Gramedia has undergone a transformation towards digital media and digital television. This transformation signifies the prevalence of monopolistic and oligopolistic practices in the Indonesian media industry, thriving through media convergence strategies. The findings underscore the dynamic shift from traditional print to digital platforms, showcasing how media entities adapt and monopolize within an evolving technological landscape. This study sheds light on the intricate relationship between media evolution, market dominance, and the strategic maneuvers employed by major media players like Kompas Gramedia in Indonesia's ever-expanding digital ecosystem.
This study discusses the routine of journalists in producing news in online media that is based on the Pikiran Rakyat Media Network, namely and the research is motivated by the rise of online media that join in one company carrying the concept of collaborative economy. The focus of the problems analyzed is the process of selecting issues, choosing sources and word selection in news production by journalists, communicative events in the newsroom to the editorial gatekeeping process. The research method used is qualitative research, with ethnographic methods newsroom. Researchers used Shoemaker & Reese's hierarchy of influence theory to find out what influences media content as a result of routines in the newsroom. Determination of informants using purposive sampling techniques. The results obtained that the routine of journalists in producing content is influenced by the level of individuals and media routines. But the most influential factors are at the organizational level. Because it is related to the company's policy to produce content that can generate a lot of good profits for the Serangnews editorial team.mind-people journalists and as well as for PRMN as the parent company. Keywords: Mass Communication, Online Media, PRMN, news Attack, News banten.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: mengklasifikasi para da’i dari jumlah follower tertinggi hingga follower terendahdan melihat perspektif masyarakat digital tehadap dakwah di media sosial Instagram para da’i ditengah pandemi covid-19. Penulis menggunakan teori Uses and Gratifications Wilbur Schramm 1970, yaitu khalayak dilihat sebagai individu aktif dan memiliki tujuan, bertanggung jawab dalam pemilihan media yang akan mereka gunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan kepuasan mereka. Terdapat tiga karakteristik dari teori ini yaitu: Interactivity, bermakna terjadi komunikasi dua arah baik da’i maupun mad’u. Demassification, bermakna kontrol sistem komunikasi bergeser dari da’i ke mad’u yaitukebebasan mad’u menerima pesan dakwah yang disampaikan da’i sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Asynchroneity,bermakna kemampuan untuk menentukan waktu pengiriman dan penerimaan pesan pada waktu yang ditentukan dan aspek interpersonal seperti mengirim, menerima dan menyimpan pesan dakwah online sesuai kebutuhan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus, penulis berupaya menelaah data mengenai subjek yang diteliti yaitu akun Instagram para da’i dengan observasi, wawancara follower, dokumentasi dan kepustakaan untuk menguraikan suatu kasus secara terinci. Hasil dari penelitian ini, yaitu dakwah online menggunakan Instagram ditengah pandemi covid-19 cukup efektif. Hal ini berdasarkan tingginya jumlah follower di laman media sosial Instagram para da’i serta respon positif yang diberikan follower pada kajian online ini.