All the dependencies between the sub-systems of a military vehicle analyzed with Composys, and used for defining a non-trivial efficient integration testing policy. This drawing is for illustrating the complexity of the model.

All the dependencies between the sub-systems of a military vehicle analyzed with Composys, and used for defining a non-trivial efficient integration testing policy. This drawing is for illustrating the complexity of the model.

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Industrial applications involving formal methods are still exceptions to the general rule. Lack of understanding, employees without proper education, difficulty to integrate existing development cycles, no explicit requirement from the market, etc. are explanations often heard for not being more formal. Hence the feedback provided by industry to ac...

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Context 1
... Event-B models were sided by a dictionary containing natural language descriptions of the variables, events and substitutions, allowing for the automatic generation of document. Events were allocated to "sub-systems", allowing to analyze data-flows (see figure 3) between these sub-systems (where the variables are read/modified). ...