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... In Cameroon the national production is estimated to about 110,000 tons from a planted area of 105,000 hectares [13]. At the regional level in Cameroon, cowpea is mostly produced in the Sahelian region, ordinarily for trade and feeding, and ranks second after groundnuts in the category of leguminous crops [14]. Grain yield in this region ranges from 300 to 500 kg/ha in farmers' fields and 1,200 to 2,000 kg/ha in research stations which use improved varieties [14]. ...
... At the regional level in Cameroon, cowpea is mostly produced in the Sahelian region, ordinarily for trade and feeding, and ranks second after groundnuts in the category of leguminous crops [14]. Grain yield in this region ranges from 300 to 500 kg/ha in farmers' fields and 1,200 to 2,000 kg/ha in research stations which use improved varieties [14]. Cowpea is also significantly produced in the Western region of the country, mostly for local consumption and cultural considerations [15]. ...
... Identify critical growth stage and resilient genotypes under drought stress for cowpea adaptation in Cameroon Table 4 3.016 (15) 0.612 (7) 3.252 (7) 17.66 (14) 0.536 (7) 3.49 (14) 0.200 (27) 1.40 (27) 4.43 (27) 4.76 (47) 0.62 (14) 2.140 (15) 53.68 (7) 0.99 (7) 4.12 (18) 0.54 (7) 19. 41 . ...
Drought stress following climate change is likely a scenario that will have to face crop growers in tropical regions. In mitigating this constraint, the best option should be the selection and use of resilient varieties that can withstand drought threats. Therefore, a pot experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions at the Research and Teaching Farm of the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences of the University of Dschang. The objectives are to identify sensitive growth stage, to identify drought-tolerant genotypes with the help of yield-based selection indices and to identify suitable selection indices that are associated with yield under non-stress and stress circumstances. Eighty-eight cowpea genotypes from the sahelian and western regions of Cameroon were subjected to drought stress at vegetative (VDS) and flowering (FDS) stages by withholding water for 28 days, using a split plot design with two factors and three replications. Seed yields under stress (Ys) and non-stress (Yp) conditions were recorded. Fifteen drought indices were calculated for the two drought stress levels against the yield from non-stress plants. Drought Intensity Index (DII) under VDS and FDS were 0.71 and 0.84 respectively, indicating severe drought stress for both stages. However, flowering stage was significantly more sensitive to drought stress compared to vegetative stage. Based on PCA and correlation analysis, Stress Tolerance Index (STI), Relative Efficiency Index (REI), Geometric Mean Productivity (GMP), Mean Productivity (MP), Yield Index (YI) and Harmonic Mean (HM) correlated strongly with yield under stress and non-stress conditions and are therefore suitable to discriminate high-yielding and tolerant genotypes under both stress and non-stress conditions. Either under VDS and FDS, CP-016 exhibited an outstanding performance under drought stress and was revealed as the most drought tolerant genotype as shown by ranking, PCA and cluster analysis. Taking into account all indices, the top five genotypes namely CP-016, CP-021, MTA-22, CP-056 and CP-060 were identified as the most drought-tolerant genotypes under VDS. For stress activated at flowering stage (FDS), CP-016, CP-056, CP-021, CP-028 and MTA-22 were the top five most drought-tolerant genotypes. Several genotypes with insignificant Ys and irrelevant rank among which CP-037, NDT-001, CP-036, CP-034, NDT-002, CP-031, NDT-011 were identified as highly drought sensitive with low yield stability. This study identified the most sensitive stage and drought tolerant genotypes that are proposed for genetic improvement of cowpea.
... In addition, the average value (60 days) of the number of days to 95% pod maturity would indicate the extra earliness of the varieties. Indeed, according to Dugje et al. (2009), cowpea varieties with a maturity cycle of 60 days are extra early, 60 to 80 days early and over 80 days late. ...
Vegetable cowpea is a variant of cowpea where the pods are consumed at the immature stage. Like other legumes, vegetable cowpea is subject to several constraints including Cowpea Aphid-Borne Mosaic Virus (CABMV) which seriously hampers its production. The objective of this study was to assess the
impact of CABMV on the growth of vegetable cowpea varieties. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse at the Kamboinsé experimental station and consisted of an artificial infestation of twenty (20) varieties in pots with CABMV in
a randomized complete block design with three replications. At the end of the infestation of seedlings, carried out one week after sowing, fourteen (14) quantitative characteristics were measured. The study revealed the existence of several discriminating resistance and agronomic parameters, thus translating the existence of diversity within the varieties. Correlations were also observed between severity at 21th DAI and 30th DAI; between severity at 30th DAI and AUDPC; between flowering and vegetable cowpea stage. Results of the multivariate analysis show that the diversity of resistance and agro-morphological parameters is structured with a division of varieties into three distinct groups based on the discriminating characters namely the degree of disease severity and AUDPC. From this study, four (4) varieties IT84S-2246, UG-CP-8, IT85F-2805-5, and Telma were resistant to CABMV. Varieties IT85F-2805-5 and Telma expressed the best agro-morphological performance and resistance to CABMV. The high variability for all traits shows potential for breeding for vegetable cowpea improvement.
Key words: vegetable cowpea, resistance, Cowpea Aphid-Borne Mosaic Virus, Burkina Faso.
... Ces résultats corroborent ceux de Douro et al. (2013) qui ont démontré l'efficacité, en milieu paysan, des champignons entomopathogènes B. bassiana et M. anisopliae dans la gestion intégrée de H. armigera sur le coton. Le rendement élevé obtenu sconfirme les observations de Dugje et al. (2009) selon lesquelles des sols bien drainés, sablo-limoneux à limono-argileux, à pH 6 ou 7, favoriseraient de meilleurs rendements. Aussi, les conditions climatiques, édaphiques et environnementales du milieu ont-elles été favorables en cette période précise de l'année. ...
Toffa Mehinto et al.. J. Appl. Biosci. Efficacité comparée des insecticides de natures différentes dans la gestion des insectes ravageurs du niébé au Centre du Bénin 7695 Efficacité comparée des insecticides de natures différentes dans la gestion des insectes ravageurs du niébé au Centre du Bénin RESUME Objectif: Le niébé est une importante plante alimentaire dont la production et la valorisation sont d'une grande priorité pour l'amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire de la population. L'objectif de cette étude est de comparer en milieu paysan, l'efficacité du champignon entomopathogène Beauveria bassiana (isolat Bb 115), du mélange Neem (Topbio)-virus MaviMNPV et de l'insecticide chimique Decis (deltaméthrine) dans la gestion des insectes ravageurs du niébé. Méthodologie et résultats: L'essai a été conduit dans trois villages de la zone cotonnière du centre du Bénin (commune de Glazoué). C'est en effet, une zone de grande production du niébé. L'essai a été conduit suivant un dispositif de bloc aléatoire complet avec quatre traitements et trois répétitions par village de la zone. Les traitements comprennent 1) témoin (niébé non traité), 2) mélange Topbio-MaviMNPV, 3) B. bassiana et 4) Decis. L'application du champignon B. bassiana a été faite à la dose de 75 g m.a. (matière active)/ha. Le Décis et le TopBio à 1L /ha. Quant à la suspension virale, la dose de 2.10 9 OB/ha a été utilisée. Les effets des différents pesticides utilisés sur les densités de populations de M. vitrata, Megalurothrips sjostedti, Clavigralla tomentosicollis, que sur leur dégâts sur les organes reproductifs (boutons floraux, fleurs, gousses) ont été évalués. Des organes fructifères ont été prélevés hebdomadairement pour évaluer le nombre de larves mortes ou vivantes et aussi leurs dégâts sur les boutons floraux, fleurs et gousses. Les rendements en grains ont été également évalués. Bien qu'il y ait une grande variation dans les effets occasionnés par les biopesticides testés, ils ont considérablement réduit la densité de population de Maruca vitrata et des autres espèces d'insectes, Megalurothrips sjostedti et Clavigralla tomentosicollis ainsi que le niveau de dommages sur les organes fructifères. Comparativement au témoin, le rendement global en grains a été amélioré dans le niébé traité. Ainsi, à Glazoué, dans la zone centrale, des rendements meilleurs de 933,03±8,7Kg/ha ont été obtenus avec le champignon B. bassiana. Conclusion et applications des résultats: Ces résultats révèlent clairement que les biopesticides utilisés dans notre étude peuvent réduire significativement les densités des ravageurs ciblés. Cette étude suggère la possibilité de l'utilisation de biopesticides comme des alternatives aux insecticides chimiques dans la lutte contre les ravageurs du niébé. ABSTRACT Objective: Cowpea is an important crop which production and efficient use are determinant for food security of the local populations. The objective of this study is to compare the efficacy of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (isolate Bb 115), Neem (Topbio)-baculovirus MaviMNPV mixture and chemical pesticide Decis (deltamethrin) in controlling the legume pod borer (LPB), Maruca vitrata and some other cowpea insect pests. Methodology and results: The current study was performed in three villages of the cotton growing areas of central Benin (Glazoue municipality). Four treatments consisting of 1) unsprayed control, 2) Topbio-MaviMNPV mixture, 3) B. bassiana and 4) Decis were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Seventy five grams per ha of B. bassiana (isolate Bb 115) conidia were formulated with peanut oil and applied at a volume of 2 litres/ha-1. Virus MaviMNPV suspension was applied at 2.10 9 OB/ha in a formulation containing neem (TopBio).The Decis and TopBio, 1L /ha. The effects of the different pesticides used on cowpea pests populations' densities (M. vitrata, Megalurothrips sjostedti, Clavigralla tomentosicollis) were evaluated as well as their damage of reproductive organs (flowers buds, flowers and pods). Fruiting bodies organs were collected weekly to monitor alive and dead of M. vitrata larvae, and other key cowpea insect pests and their damage on flower budsl, flowers and pods as well. Cowpea grain yield was evaluated. Although, the great variation in their effects, the biopesticides tested have significantly reduced the population density of M. vitrata and of the other insect species as well as damage level. The overall grain yield was improved in treated cowpea compared to the untreated control. In farmers' cowpea fields, pest control by the various pesticides used, was similar with yields of 933.03 ± 8.7Kg / ha obtained in plots treated with B. bassiana. Conclusion and results' applications: These results showed that the biopesticides used in our study can significantly reduce the densities of different target pests. This study suggested the possibilities of the use of biopesticides as alternatives to chemical insecticides in the control of cowpea pests.
... On peut donc faire l'hypothèse que le niébé est plus adapté aux sols bien fertiles et le mucuna aux sols peu fertiles.Les données montrent également qu'un sarclage retardé entraîne une baisse de rendement du niébé. Cela peut s'expliquer par le fait que le niébé supporte mal la concurrence des adventices surtout en début de croissance(Dugje et al., 2009). L'analyse des conditions de production indique que pour atteindre de meilleures performances agronomiques et économiques, les légumineuses comme toutes les cultures, ont besoin d'une bonne humidité avant et après le semis pour assurer une bonne germination des semences et une bonne levée. ...
La zone Ouest du Burkina Faso se caractérise principalement par les rotations coton-céréale et un élevage extensif. Les légumineuses, malgré leur rôle reconnu en termes d’amélioration de la performance des systèmes de culture à base de céréales, occupent une place marginale dans les assolements. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient de faire l’état de l’évolution de la fertilité des sols et de déterminer les facteurs de variabilité des performances du maïs et des légumineuses (niébé, mucuna) en fonction des systèmes de culture par des expérimentations conduites chez et par le paysan (ECPP). L’étude a été conduite en 2010 avec 94 paysans et en 2011 avec 88 paysans suivant une démarche de recherche action incluant l’expérimentation chez et par les paysans (ECPP) dans 7 villages de la province du Tuy. Un diagnostic de la fertilité des sols a été réalisé et des indicateurs de fertilité ont été reliés aux productions du maïs, du niébé et du mucuna. Des expérimentations sur les cultures pures du niébé et du mucuna et sur les associations maïs/niébé et maïs/mucuna ont été conduites par les paysans en vrai grandeur. Les variables liées aux caractéristiques des exploitations, les variables agronomiques et les variables économiques ont été déterminées. Les résultats indiquent que la démarche d’analyse de données associant successivement une analyse en composantes principales (ACP), une classification ascendante hiérarchique (CAH), une analyse factorielle discriminante (AFD) et une analyse de variance (ANOVA), permet de prendre en compte la diversité des pratiques dans le cadre d’ECPP et de tirer les enseignements utiles pour concevoir dans des conditions d’incertitudes, des innovations plus productives, écologiquement durables et acceptables par les paysans. Les données du diagnostic de fertilité confirment la baisse organique des sols suite à une exploitation continue des terres (avec des teneur en C de 3,41 % pour les sols non cultivés contre 0,79 % pour les
sols dont l’âge de mise en culture varie entre 1 et 10 ans et 0,48 % pour les sols dont l’âge de mise en culture est supérieur à 30 ans). Toutefois, elles suggèrent comme résultat nouveau, un relèvement de la teneur en phosphore (P) assimilable des sols suite aux apports continus d’engrais chimique. La dégradation organique et l’enrichissement en P assimilable qui pourraient aller de pair, rendent complexe la notion de fertilité des sols. Ainsi, la baisse organique du sol ne serait pas automatiquement suivie de la baisse de rendement de certaines cultures (maïs, légumineuses) sensibles au phosphore. Nos recherches révèlent que les facteurs de variabilité des performances agronomiques et économiques des cultures pure des légumineuses et des cultures associées maïs/légumineuses, sont : les dates de semis, les conditions d’humidité du sol pendant le semis, les densités de peuplement, les dates de sarclage, les apports d’engrais (NPK et urée) dans les meilleurs délais et l’effet résiduel des précédentes fertilisations minérales. Les données sur les cultures pures de légumineuses indiquent que le niébé (légumineuse locale) est sensible à l’arrière effet de la précédente fertilisation contrairement au mucuna (légumineuse introduite) qui aurait plus de capacité à améliorer la fertilité des sols avec une quantité de N accumulé plus élevée que celle des autres systèmes de culture. Les cultures pures de légumineuses peuvent constituer des sources de revenus pour les exploitations agricoles avec des marges brutes pouvant atteindre 156 479 ± 41 828 FCFA/ha pour le niébé et 64 918 ± 11 937 FCFA/ha pour le mucuna. Cette modalité d’insertion des légumineuses se trouve limitée par le problème d’espace cultivable et d’opportunité de marché dans la zone. La modalité associant les légumineuses au maïs, sans entrainer une augmentation significative du temps de travail, présentent l’avantage de faire des économies de l’espace (LER variant entre 1 et 1,46) par rapport aux cultures pures du maïs (LER < 1) et de légumineuses (LER < 1), de diversifier les produits agricoles sur la même parcelle et d’assurer une gestion durable de la fertilité du sol par la fixation de N atmosphérique par les légumineuses. Pour soutenir ces performances agronomiques et
économiques de ces associations maïs/légumineuse et faciliter leur adoption et appropriation par les paysans, il conviendrait d’insérer les légumineuses dans des chaines de valeur pour lever les contraintes d’acquisition des intrants et pour créer des opportunités de marché.
... 2005 ;Bello et Baco 2015 ;Bello et al., 2016). Plusieurs ravageurs attaquent le niébé depuis la levée des plants jusqu'à la maturation complète des gousses, occasionnant d'énormes dégâts au champ et en stock (Niba, 2011 ;Houinsou et al., 2014 ;Bello et al., 2016), pouvant atteindre des pertes de rendement allant jusqu'à plus de 60% à 80%, voire 100% de la production en l'absence de mesures de lutte efficace (Singh et Allen, 1979 ;Singh et Jackai, 1985 ;Reddy and Bankoula, 1988 ;Dugje et al., 2009). Dans la commune de Djougou, les producteurs de l'Organisation des Ruraux pour une Agriculture Durable (ORAD) ont exprimé le besoin d'approches de solutions aux contraintes qui engendrent les faibles rendements des cultivars de niébé, dus entre autres aux attaques de nuisibles notamment les ravageurs, en d'autres termes, le souhait d'une élaboration de méthodes de lutte alternatives à base de pesticides botaniques (Labo Hors Murs, 2013). ...
... Cowpea has been referred to as "poor man's meat" because of its high protein content (20-25%) ( Diouf and Hilu, 2005;with Kareem and Taiwo, 2007;Sharmar et al., 2013). In Cameroun, the Far North Region is the largest contributor to the national production of cowpea, and the crop ranks second after groundnuts in the category of leguminous crop ( Dugje et al., 2009). The production in this region ranges from 300 to 500 kg/ha in farmers' fields and 1200-2000 kg/ha in research stations ( Dugje et al., 2009). ...
... In Cameroun, the Far North Region is the largest contributor to the national production of cowpea, and the crop ranks second after groundnuts in the category of leguminous crop ( Dugje et al., 2009). The production in this region ranges from 300 to 500 kg/ha in farmers' fields and 1200-2000 kg/ha in research stations ( Dugje et al., 2009). According to Bidima (2012), the Western region also produces significant quantities. ...
p>This study investigates the impact of salinity (NaCl) on growth and ions accumulation in the leaves of three cowpea genotypes: OU100 and KEB-CP118 from Cameroon and ICV12 from Kenya. Four levels of salinity were used (0mM, 50mM, 100mM and 150mM) and the experiment was carried out in the greenhouse. Growth parameters were measured on 8 weeks old plants. Leaf ions concentrations (Na<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>/Na<sup>+</sup>) were determined. It was observed that increasing salinity induced significant increase in Na<sup>+</sup> and substantial reduction in the accumulation of K<sup>+</sup> in the leave of all genotypes. Pearson’s correlation analysis revealed significant association among most of the growth parameters. Water content in shoots was not affected by salinity for all genotypes; however salinity induced a reduction of water content in the root for ICV12 and OU100 genotypes. Generally, results highlighted that high salt concentrations significantly delayed the growth process. The delay was more pronounced for OU100 genotype. Therefore, genotype effect toward salinity tolerance was noticed. KEB-CP118 was the most tolerant genotype as salinity did not affect negatively growth parameters. Its remarkable behavior under salinity indicates it should be explored in selection programs, used in development of tolerant varieties and promoted for cultivation in tropical zones affected by salinity.</p
... Cowpea grains can be referred to "protein source for all" because it is affordable for both the rich and poor citizens and also a source of cash income especially in rural areas (Dugje et al., 2009 ;Akunne et al., 2013). In front of the huge damages caused by postharvest insects, the protection of grains during postharvest was achieved mainly with the use of synthetic insecticides. ...
... Ce taux est largement en deçà de celui rapporté par Ibro et Bokar (2001). Cette performance peut aussi s'expliquer par le potentiel de rendement de cette variété, sa précocité et sa résistance aux ravageurs (Dugje et al., 2009 ;Saidou et al., 2011). Cela confirme aussi les affirmations de (Bellon et al., 2006) qui ont stipulé que les producteurs adoptent les variétés améliorées afin de maximiser les avantages des caractéristiques tels que le rendement, la résistance aux maladies. ...
... Indeed, it can be used as green fertilizer, in association with other cultures or in crop rotation. In such systems, the cowpea plays an important role as a source of nitrogen for the cereal, especially in the areas known to have low fertility of soil (Dugje and al., 2009). The nitrogen balance showed that, through their capacity to use the nitrogen of the atmosphere, the leguminous plants take less nitrogen in the soil and impoverish less quick the nitrogen of the soil, favoring then the nitrogenous nutrition of the culture (N' Dayegamiye and al., 2014). ...
... This intensification passes through the choice of a practice of fertilization which will have a sustainable effect on the components of the cowpea income. Many studies assessed the beneficial effect of the manures on the income of the cowpea (Dugje et al., 2009;Ishikawa et al., 2013;Somé et al., 2014). It is this aim of lasting intensification that some fertilization trying were set up in the farming area. ...
... The contents in the total C had significantly varied. The highest content (0.91%) in the depth 0-10cm of the treatment T2_10 shows the beneficial effect of the compost. This result is in accordance with those of Houot andal. (2009) andSizukani and. ...
This study was conducted in the southern Soudanian zone of Burkina Faso to assessment the effects of chemical (NPK and urea) and organo-mineral fertilizer on soil chemical parameters in trial field. An experimental design has been established in a rural area in which plant material (KVx 775-33-2G variety of cowpea) and three types of fertilization, namely T0 (fallow, control), T1 (NPK + urea) and T2 (NPK + urea + Compost) were used. The results show that the chemical parameters of the soils were influenced significantly by treatments at the threshold of 5% for all parameters except the C:N ratio. The treatment T2 at 0-10 cm depth (T2_10) provided the best values relative to T1 in terms of pH_H2O, total carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and available phosphorus that are respectively 5.91, 0.91%, 0.072%, 114.98 mg/kg and 5.11 mg/kg. The study showed that the effects of organo-mineral fertilization on the soil are not immediate and can be better observed in the medium and long term. This experimental design should be extended to include fertilization options that can improve soil fertility and intensify cowpea production.
... The cost of stover, straws, and haulms relative to the primary product of grains can inform crop improvement about whole plant value. Demand for fodder is high during the dry season and farmers in Nigeria may earn up to 25% of their annual income through sale of cowpea fodder (Dugje et al., 2009). As a proportion of income, the selling price of cowpea fodder may vary between 50 and 80% of the grain price (Singh et al., 2003). ...
Cowpea is an important legume crop in Africa, valued highly for its grain and also haulms, which are a tradable commodity in fodder markets. Fodder market surveys in Northern Nigeria showed that groundnut haulms were priced higher than cowpea haulms, probably because of their superior nutritive value. The economic value of haulms has prompted cowpea breeders and livestock nutritionists to explore haulm fodder traits as additional selection and breeding criteria. Fifty cowpea genotypes cultivated across five locations in Nigeria in 2013 and 2014 were evaluated for food fodder traits. Significant (P < 0.05) genotypic dependent variations were observed in yields (kg/ha) of grains (537–1082) and haulms (1173–3368), though significant (P < 0.05) effects of location and year were observed. Grain and fodder yield had a tendency to be positively correlated (r = 0.26, P = 0.07). Haulms were analyzed for nitrogen (N), fiber fractions, in vitro digestibility, and metabolizable energy content. Highly significant variations were observed in all genotypic and livestock nutrition traits, although location and year had significant effects. Trade-offs between grain yield and haulm fodder quality traits were largely absent and haulm acid detergent lignin and grain yield were even inversely correlated (r = -0.28, P = 0.05), that is high grain yielders had decreased haulm lignin. However, haulm N and grain yield also tended to be negatively associated (r = -0.26, P = 0.07). Haulm fodder quality traits and haulm yield were mostly positively correlated (P < 0.05). Broad sense heritabilities for grain and fodder yield were 0.50 and 0.29, respectively, while heritability for haulm fodder quality traits ranged from 0.61 to 0.67, providing opportunities for concomitant increase in grain yield and haulm fodder quality traits. Selection of the 10 highest ranking genotypes for grain yield, haulm yield, haulm N, and haulm in vitro organic matter digestibility showed selection groups overlapping, suggesting that multi-trait selection is feasible. Economical evaluation showed that choice of primary traits is context specific, highlighting the need for identifying and targeting appropriate genotypes to fit different production systems. Considering haulm quantity and quality as traits of economic value can increase overall plant value in mixed crop-livestock systems.