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This study aimed to describe the social representations about the functions of deliberate self-harm and to compare these representations from adolescents with and without a history of deliberate self-harm and adults without a history of these behaviours. We conducted a qualitative study involving the thematic analysis of forty-one semi-structured i...
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... NSSI serves a variety of psychological functions, namely intrapersonal (e.g., to escape from aversive states, or generate positive feelings) or interpersonal (e.g., to access help, or to escape from negative social situations) functions (Klonsky, 2007;Nock & Prinstein, 2004). Studies that focused on the perceptions about these functions concluded that individuals without a history of NSSI tend to emphasize interpersonal functions more than those with a history of these behaviors, while their views regarding intrapersonal functions remain similar (Batejan et al., 2015;Duarte, et al., 2019c). ...
... It is also important to comprehend whether these perceptions change according to the lived experiences of young people with NSSI and STBs (Grimmond et al, 2019). For instance, previous studies have shown that adolescents with and without a history of deliberate self-harm reveal different representations regarding the functions of these behaviors (Bresin et al., 2013;Duarte et al., 2019b;Duarte et al., 2019c), which indicates that experience influences how this phenomenon is represented. Other studies have found that a more permissive and accepting attitude towards suicide may itself be a risk factor for STBs (Arnautovska & Grad, 2010;Hollinger, 2016;Joe et al., 2007), which underlines the importance of assessing these perceptions. ...
... Likewise, in our results, adolescents without a history of NSSI, SI and SA tended to associate negative judgments and stereotypes with these phenomena, using terms such as "Stupidity", "Cowardice" and "Ridiculous". These results are somewhat in accordance with previous research indicating that stereotypical discourses and stigma are common in the context of STBs (Duarte et al., 2019c;Gouveia-Pereira, & Sampaio, 2019;Fortune et al., 2008;Hollinger, 2016). Regarding the dimension of Self-Injurious Methods, our results suggest that the perceptions of adolescents without a history of NSSI, SI and SA give greater emphasis to the physical or behavioral engagement in self-aggressive methods. ...
Introduction: Non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal thoughts and behaviors present
high prevalence rates in adolescence.
Aims: This study aimed to describe adolescents’ perceptions about these
phenomena, and to analyze and compare the differences of these perceptions
among adolescents with and without a history of non-suicidal selfinjury,
suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts.
Methods: The convenience sample consisted of 452 adolescents in ages between
12 and 18 (M(SD) = 15.59(1.50), 48% male and 52% female. For
data collection, the Free Association Test was used in a survey, and data was
analyzed through content analysis.
Results: Results showed that 10.8% of the participants presented a history
of non-suicidal self-injury, 19.9% suicidal ideation, and 2.7% suicide
attempts. Perceptions were grouped into eight dimensions: Consumption
of Psychoactive Substances; Death/Suicide; Interpersonal Factors;
Intrapersonal Factors; Moral Judgments; Negative Emotions; Psychological
Functions; and Self-Injurious Methods. Further analysis revealed that
adolescents with and without a history of non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal
ideation, and suicide attempts presented differences in their perceptions of
these phenomena.
Conclusions: These findings contribute to the understanding regarding the
perceptions of adolescents about these phenomena and might have implications
regarding their prevention and intervention.
... Sendo forte campo de interesse da psicologia social, centrada no domínio da ciência, a TRS cumpre uma funcionalidade comportamental, a partir do entendimento dos indivíduos sobre temas que afetam o seu cotidiano (17)(18) . Em vista disso, as RS apresentam um objetivo prático que implica ações, tal como evidenciado em diferentes pesquisas (23)(24)(25)29) , desenvolvidas, inclusive, no âmbito internacional (36)(37) . ...
to analyze the knowledge and practices of Primary Health Care professionals about diabetic neuropathy through their social representations.
a qualitative, descriptive study, anchored in the procedural aspect of the Theory of Social Representations. It was carried out in four Family Health Units in Belém-Pará, with 31 professionals from four health teams. Data were produced by individual semi-structured interviews, and the corpus was submitted to content analysis.
two thematic categories were defined, showing the participants' understanding and imagination about neuropathy, as well as the biopsychosocial repercussions of this complication in patients' daily lives. The multidisciplinary practices developed in the context of disease treatment/prevention and the consequences of this performance were also shown.
Final considerations:
professionals' representations are anchored in neuropathy occurrence due to the deficient standard of care for themselves by patients, which results in the team's surpassing care attitude as an alternative to illness' challenges.
With the increased awareness about deliberate self-harm, the understanding of its social representations can be important for clinical intervention and prevention. However, there is still a lack of instruments to assess the social representations of the functions of these behaviors. This research focuses on the validation of the Questionnaire of Representations of the Functions of Deliberate Self-Harm for adolescents with and without a history of these behaviors. The basis for this questionnaire was the translation and adaptation of the Inventory of Statements About Self-Injury. To access adolescents’ social representations, we conducted semidirective interviews and an analysis of the Portuguese written press, which complemented the questionnaire with new items and functions. Study 1 consisted of an exploratory factor analysis with a sample of 434 adolescents. Results revealed a 2-factor structure of interpersonal and intrapersonal dimensions. After item reduction, the factorial analysis of the independent functions showed acceptable psychometric values. This structure was corroborated in Study 2 by a confirmatory factor analysis with a new sample of 405 adolescents, which revealed an acceptable model fit. This questionnaire presents a relatively solid structure and is based on acceptable psychometric properties, which allows its use in future research.