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Age and Sex distribution of patients n ¼ 3653. Age and Sex distribution of patients n ¼ 3653

Age and Sex distribution of patients n ¼ 3653. Age and Sex distribution of patients n ¼ 3653

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Background The increase of geriatric population, as well as their age-related problems, is of great concern for the society and for the governments all over the world and also in India. The main objectives were to overview and find the prevalence of Oto-rhino-laryngological problems in the geriatric population. Method A prospective study of geriat...

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Context 1
... rest were between 65 and 69 yr (27.70%), and among 70 yr & above (26.77%) as shown in Table 1. The minimum age was 60 year and maximum age was 87 year. ...
Context 2
... these 99.53% were married and 0.47% were unmarried. The symptoms of problems related to ear were maximum among study population (51.77%), followed by problems related to throat and neck (35.20%) and nasal problems (13.03%) ( Table 1). Taking into considerations of the age groups we found there was significance of observation (p-value ¼ 0.000). ...

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p> Background: Old age is a sensitive phase in which lack of awareness regarding the changing behavioural patterns leads to major physiological and psychological problems. This emphasizes the need for a study on the co-morbidities associated with ENT conditions among geriatric population presented in a tertiary care hospital. Methods : A discrete...
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... The calcification of the cartilaginous eustachian tube and atrophy of tensor veli palitini leads to eustachian tube dysfunction with middle ear fluid effusion. 2 The itching occurs due to decreased apocrine gland function, resulting in dryness in the canal and irritation. ...
... Consequently, it has led to an increase in proportion of elderly people in the total population. India is one of the several developing nations where the geriatric population is increasing at a faster rate as compared to population as a whole (6). ...
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Objective- To determine the pattern of otorhinolaryngological disorders in geriatric population and to establish a correlation with socioeconomic factors. Methods- A total of 1020 geriatric patients who attended the otorhinolaryngology department were included in the study. They were subjected to brief history, examination and the socioeconomic status. Results were analyzed by using appropriate statistical tests analyzing percentage and proportion. BG. Prasad’s classification was used to categories patients into classes based on the socioeconomic status of an individual. Investigations pertaining to the system involved were carried out and the diagnosis was made according ly. Results- The most common affected organ was ear (33%) and the most common disease diagnosed among geriatric patient assessed was presbycusis (25.2%). Although epistaxis, chronic pharyngitis and malignancy larynx were also commonly diagnosed. Among all patients’ males was on the lead and the middle-class patients mostly attended the otorhinolaryngology department. Conclusion- In present study the male patients formed the major bulk of geriatric patients. The majority of geriatric patients belonged to age group between 60 to 70years and most of them belonged to middle socioeconomic class. The aim of our study was to find out the pattern of otorhinolaryngological diseases in which we observed that most common affected organs among the geriatric patients was ear. Presbycusis out of all disorder was the most common ear disease among geriatric patients.
... Ngoài ra, theo Mohanta, nữ ít gặp hơn nam là do ở Ấn Độ có mất cân bằng giới tính và nữ giới ít được quan tâm hơn. 3 Nghiên cứu của chúng tôi còn chỉ ra khi chia thành các nhóm tuổi khác nhau thì tỷ lệ bệnh nhân nam cũng đều cao hơn nữ. ...
... Kết quả của chúng tôi khác biệt với Mohanta cho thấy hay gặp nhất là bệnh về tai (51,8%), tiếp theo là họng thanh quản và đầu cổ (35,2%) và mũi xoang (13,0%). 3 Nghiên cứu cho thấy hay gặp nhất trong nhóm bệnh về tai là viêm tai ngoài (31,9%), nhóm về mũi xoang là viêm mũi xoang mạn (48,6%), nhóm bệnh họng là viêm họng mạn (75,9%), nhóm bệnh thanh quản là viêm thanh quản cấp (72,5%), nhóm bệnh u bướu là ung thư thanh quản (49,1%). Như vậy, vấn đề sức khoẻ thường gặp nhất ở các bệnh nhân cao tuổi trong nghiên cứu này hầu hết là viêm. ...
... Kết quả này khác với Mohanta hay gặp nhất đối với bệnh về tai là nghe kém tuổi già (34,2%), bệnh về mũi xoang là chảy máu mũi (37,6%), bệnh về họng và đầu cổ là viêm thanh quản mạn (21,7%). 3 Trong nhóm bệnh về tai, viêm tai ngoài hay gặp nhất chiếm 31,9%. Điều này được giải thích là do ở người cao tuổi hoạt động của tuyến ráy giảm làm cho ống tai ngoài khô hơn và khó tự làm sạch, 4 dẫn đến dễ viêm ống tai ngoài hơn đặc biệt là ở các vùng khí hậu nóng ẩm như Việt Nam. ...
Đặt vấn đề: Tăng số lượng và tỷ lệ người cao tuổi, cùng với những bệnh liên quan đang là vấn đề quan tâm của thế giới. Mục tiêu: Mô tả cơ cấu bệnh tai mũi họng ở người cao tuổi tại bệnh viện Hữu Nghị. Đối tượng và phương pháp: Nghiên cứu mô tả, lấy mẫu toàn bộ theo thông tin lưu trữ trên phần mềm eHospital các bệnh nhân tuổi từ 60 năm trở lên, đến khám và điều trị về tai mũi họng từ tháng 1 năm 2018 đến tháng 12 năm 2021. Kết quả: Tổng số 15574 bệnh nhân đủ tiêu chuẩn được lựa chọn. Tỷ lệ nam/nữ là 2/1. Nhóm tuổi 60-69 chiếm 20,6%, 70-79 chiếm 44,9%, từ 80 trở lên chiếm 34,5%. Bệnh về họng chiếm 49,4%, mũi xoang là 21,2%, thanh quản là 14,8%, tai là 13,8%, u bướu là 0,8%; với các bệnh hay gặp nhất tương ứng với từng nhóm là viêm họng mạn, viêm mũi xoang mạn, viêm thanh quản cấp, viêm tai ngoài và ung thư thanh quản. Bệnh cấp cứu chiếm 0,8%, hay gặp nhất là dị vật họng và chảy máu mũi. Tất cả các bệnh đều gặp ở nam nhiều hơn nữ. Kết luận: Bệnh tai mũi họng ở người cao tuổi chủ yếu là viêm, trong đó hay gặp nhất là viêm họng, viêm thanh quản và viêm mũi xoang.
... [14] The study done by Giri PA observed 1.61:1 M: F ratio [15]. Another study done by Mohanta GS et al showed M: F ratio of 1.75:1 [16]. As the study done by us and Nepali R et al are in the urban setting, it shows no discrepancy in gender [14]. ...
... As the study done by us and Nepali R et al are in the urban setting, it shows no discrepancy in gender [14]. On the contrary, the two study, one by Giri and next study by Mohanta et al in the rural setting giving the different result [15,16]. This may be the result of typical social trends relating to gender bias, ignorance and negligence towards the female member in the family. ...
... The studied showed 41.41% of the total patients were more than 70 years of age, 34.77% were in the age group from 60 to 64 years and 23.80 % were in the age group of 60 to 64 years. Other studies have showed most of the older patients in the range 60-69 years [14][15][16]. In our context most of the patients were aged more than 70 years, which can be the result of the facility of geriatric medicine with geriatric OPD and day care rehabilitation center in our hospital, where this study was conducted. ...
Background and Objectives: In Nepal, person aged 60 years and above is considered elderly. The population of Nepal is approximately 30 million, and people aged 60 years and above makes about one tenth of the total population. This study aims to report the main complaints and prevalence of otorhinolaryngological diseases in patients aged 60 years and above, who visited outpatient otolaryngology department of Manmohan Memorial College and Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal during study period. Material and Methods: It is a prospective descriptive cross-sectional study done in Manmohan Memorial College and Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal for the duration of a year. All patients aged 60 years and above attending to Ear, Nose and throat (ENT) Outpatient Department were included in the study. The information including demographic data, ENT Complaints and physical examination were noted. Analysis of data was done and report was prepared. Results: Total of six hundred and ninety three patients were enrolled over the period of one year for the study. Number of Male and female patients in the study were almost equal. The otological problems had the highest prevalence constituting 51.7% of the study population. More than Twenty eight (28.3 %) percent had oral and oropharyngeal pathologies. Nasal complaints constituted 10.8% of the study population and 9.2% had pathologies related to neck and others. Conclusion: Hearing loss is the most common diagnosis among all the otological pathologies and epistaxis the most common nasal problem. Head and Neck malignancy is also increasing among the geriatric population.
... 27 This may be attributed to the poor socioeconomic status and low education level of rural population. 26,28 According to WHO, lack of ear care manpower, speciality doctors and malnutrition are also equally responsible for the disparity. 5 In India, a few hospital base studies are focused on the urban prevalence of presbycusis. ...
... 17,29 Incidences of cerumen impaction and hearing loss among the elderly in India also reported by several crosssectional studies. [27][28][29] Mohanta et al. found more than 50% presbycusis instances with concomitant geriatric otological complaints. 28 Giri et al. reported that presbycusis incidences increased from 50% among age 60-64 to 56% among the age group over age 70. ...
... [27][28][29] Mohanta et al. found more than 50% presbycusis instances with concomitant geriatric otological complaints. 28 Giri et al. reported that presbycusis incidences increased from 50% among age 60-64 to 56% among the age group over age 70. 29 Guleria et al. found that SNHL was more prevalent followed by infectious middle ear diseases in the elderly population in Himachal Pradesh. ...
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Background: Ageing is associated with hearing loss. With an increasing old age population in India, hearing loss in elderly population needs focussed attention. Aims: This review attempts to highlight the clinical concerns of age-related hearing loss (ARHL) or presbycusis, its prevention and management issues in the Indian scenario. Methods: Literature on the clinical and social aspects of ARHL among the elderly population was searched electronically through PubMed and individual study. Relevant articles were reviewed thoroughly and summarised. Results: National Sample Survey in India reported that over 62% and 56% of elderly in rural and urban areas respectively are suffering from ARHL. ARHL is a complex hearing disorder caused by several factors. Any significant impairment to the cochlear hair cells and auditory nerve can cause presbycusis, which is progressive in nature and irreversible. As some of the factors of ARHL are preventable, early detection and treatment slow down the process of deterioration. Awareness on ARHL issues can help to manage this public health burden. Conclusion: Research on ARHL in India is limited. There is a need for greater clinical assessment and treatment opportunities. Lack of awareness about it in the community suggests greater emphasis on public education.
... This may be due to decreased pharyngeal sensation and combined throat discomfort in the elderly population. 12 However, we could easily imagine what could have happened if the foreign material had entered the larynx instead of esophagus. It could have led to a life-threatening event such as death, dyspnea, or pneumonia. ...
Transnasal endoscopic removal of displaced dental implants in the maxillary sinus can be done easily under local anesthesia. However, very little is known regarding the precaution of this technique. In this report, we present a 63-year-old man visited otolaryngologic department with displaced dental implant in the maxillary sinus. Transnasal endoscopic removal of the displaced dental implant was planned and performed. However, the displaced dental implant was lost during removal. The implant was neither seen in the other parts of the nasal cavity nor in the other parts of the oral cavity. Finally, radiographs revealed the presence of the dental implant at the level of the esophagus, although patients did not notice anything due to local anesthesia. So we conclude that operators should take into account the possibility of aspiration or swallowing of implant through posterior nasal aperture during the removal procedure. Precautions should be taken to avoid the possibility of implant aspiration or implant ingestion.
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Background: Otolaryngological diseases are serious public health problems affecting all age groups. This includes problem of hearing, speech, phonation, breathing, swallowing, smell & taste and protection of lower respiratory passage. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the common clinical presentation and socio demographic characteristics of the patients attending in ENT outdoor. Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 500 patients attending in ENT outdoor in Eastern medical college Hospital, Cumilla, Bangladesh using a self-administered semi-structured questionnaire from July 2020 to September 2020. Result: In this study 44.8% were male and 55.2% female. All age group were included and majority of patients were age group of 21-30 years (28.6%). In our study 38.2% (191) of the study populations were suffering from ear diseases, and then followed by 32% (160) nose diseases and 29.8% (149) throat diseases. Common ear, nose, throat diseases were suppurative otitis media 30.37% (58), allergic rhinitis 23.13% (37), tonsillitis 31.54% (47), respectively. Conclusion: Our study provides basic information of the incidence of ENT disorders in the study area suggests that suppurative otitis media, tinnitus, foreign body ear, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyp, sinusitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis are the most common Otolaryngological (ENT) problems in general population visiting the ENT Department of this hospital and contribute significantly to morbidity. EMCJ. January 2022; 7(1): 6-10
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Ageing is a natural biological property of all living beings. There is an estimated 120 crore population around the world currently over the age of 65 years, it is also estimated that half of the world's population would be in geriatric group by year 2050. Developed nations have about 30% of their population in geriatric age group. In India 10% of population belong to geriatric age, even though it comparatively low with other nations the numbers are huge due to population size. Special senses such as hearing and smell are impaired along with ageing body. Other otorhinolaryngological problems are also common due to degenerative changes in head and neck region. Cosmetic problems are a concern too due to the ever increasing zeal for youthfulness in modern society. We review some of the common problems faced in the elderly.
p class="abstract"> Background: Ear, nose and throat (ENT) diseases are very common in general population. Internal living environment can act an important risk factor for these diseases. In rural areas, patients do not consult ENT experts. So, free health camps can bring treatment facilities at their doorsteps. The objective of this study was to determine the pattern and prevalence of ENT diseases in rural areas of Sasaram, Rohats district, Bihar and to find out the effect of living environment on these diseases. Methods: The study was conducted using camp approach in rural areas of Sasaram, Rohtas, Bihar. ENT and Community Medicine experts, interns along with audiologists, medico social workers, nurses and paramedical staff were voluntarily involved. The patients were screened and referred to ENT experts. A logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the internal environment factors associated with ENT diseases. Results: Out of 832 patients, 61.9% were suffering from ENT disorders. Most common age group affected was of 31-40 years. 54.8% of patients were suffering from ear diseases while nasal and throat problem was seen in 14.9% and 30.3% respectively. Multiple logistic regression analysis of living environment conditions propounds that non-availability of cross ventilation in houses and overcrowding are most important factor influencing ENT diseases. Conclusions: Free health camps conducted by medical experts act as an opportunity to screen people with various diseases of ENT in a community. Bad internal environment can act as a vital determinant for these diseases. </p