Fig 3 - uploaded by Dariusz Dziga
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Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA extracted from St. George Lake samples: a cyrB (upper row) and cyrJ (lower row); anaC (upper row) and sxtA (lower row); c mcyB (upper row) and mcyE (lower row). M means marker, numbers 1-8 are the samples from St. George Lake, ( +) positive control, (−) negative control, NTC (non-template control) is the control without DA
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Background: Cyanobacteria are phytoplankton microorganisms, also known as blue-green algae, and an essential component of the food web in all aquatic ecosystems. Excess loads of nutrients into waterbodies can cause their rapid and excessive growth which leads to the formation of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyano-HABs). Toxic species of cya...
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