Fig 2 - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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The aim of study was to evaluate morphometric traits, growth and reproduction performance of indigenous Agonda Goan pigs reared under coastal climate which supports livelihood development of resource poor farmers. Population size in breeding tract varied depending on farmers’ preference for breeding and consumers’ demand for pork. Data (n=74) on di...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... are small with pot belly appearance. The colour of the coat is predominantly black, and some animals have white marks on legs and snout (Fig. 1). The head is elongated with triangle shaped face and short straight snout. Ears are small and erect. The body is covered with rough bristles. The dorsal line of body is slightly concave and straight tail (Fig. 2). The pigs are aggressive in nature, very alert and run faster on approaching them for treatment or sample collection. The sows have strong maternal instinct and protect their piglets from any strangers (Fig. 3). Female pigs have 12-14 functional teats present equidistantly along the mid ventral line. There are some reports which ...