Figs 1-4 - uploaded by Rosa María Arias
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Acumispora verruculosa, from holotype (XAL CB747). Fig. 1. Conidiogenous cell and conidium. Figs. 2-4. Conidia. Fig. 5. Acumispora biseptata, from INIFAT C97/113, conidiogenous cells with attached conidia. Scale is indicated by bars.

Acumispora verruculosa, from holotype (XAL CB747). Fig. 1. Conidiogenous cell and conidium. Figs. 2-4. Conidia. Fig. 5. Acumispora biseptata, from INIFAT C97/113, conidiogenous cells with attached conidia. Scale is indicated by bars.

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Acumispora verruculosa sp. nov. and Pleurophragmium aquaticum sp. nov. on decaying leaves of an unidentified plant and wood, respectively, submerged in a stream at the "Los Tuxtlas" rainforest, Veracruz, Mexico, are herein described and illustrated. The former is distinguished by obclavate, rostrate, 2-septate, verruculose, very pale brown conidia...

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Context 1
... 10-11. Acumispora verruculosa, from holotype (XAL CB747). Fig. 10. Conidiogenous cells and conidia. Fig. 11. Conidia. Scale is indicated by ...
Context 2
... 10-11. Acumispora verruculosa, from holotype (XAL CB747). Fig. 10. Conidiogenous cells and conidia. Fig. 11. Conidia. Scale is indicated by ...

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... S. Hughes. The genus Pleurophragmium (incertae sedis, Ascomycota) was established by Costantin (1888) and it comprises species with brown to dark brown conidiophores and sympodially proliferating, denticulate conidiogenous cells producing holoblastic, simple, mostly 3-septate, brown to dark brown conidia (Abarca et al. 2007). According to Ellis (1968), the flat double scar is a good taxonomic character to distinguish species of Spiropes from Pleurophragmium, since, in the latter, the conidia are borne at the tips of tapered denticles. ...
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Atractilina Dearn. & Barthol. and Spiropes Cif. are genera of asexual fungi that comprise species mainly hyperparasitic on black mildews (Meliolales, Ascomycota). Although a common group of anamorphic fungi, they have been described up to now only by morphology and their systematic position is unknown. The present study provides a morphological treatise of all known species of Atractilina and Spiropes hyperparasitic on Meliolales, including insights into their systematic position, based on DNA sequences generated here for the first time. The study was conducted, based on 33 herbarium specimens and 23 specimens recently collected in Benin and Panama. The obtained DNA sequence data (28S rDNA and ITS rDNA) of A. parasitica and of two species of Spiropes show systematic placements in the Dothideomycetes and Leotiomycetes, respectively. The sequence data of the two Spiropes spp. do not group together. Moreover, the anamorph-teleomorph connection between Atractilina parasitica and Malacaria meliolicola, a pseudothecioid fungus, is confirmed. Three species in the genus Spiropes are proposed as new to science, namely S. angylocalycis, S. carpolobiae and S. croissantiformis. Four species are reported for Benin for the first time, three species for Panama and one species for mainland America. Atractilina and Spiropes are currently two genera with highly heterogeneous species and they might have to be split in the future, once the taxonomic concepts are validated by morphology and molecular sequence data.
... Castañeda-Ruiz & R.M. Arias, and Pleurophragmium aquaticum R.F. Castañeda -Ruiz, Heredia & R.M. Arias were also found in decomposing leaves, in streams of the same Mexican rainforest (Abarca et al. 2007). Similarly, Brevicatenospora enteroproliferata R.F. ...
Fungi belonging to the genus Cladosporium are cosmopolitan and occur in various substrates and hosts. Nevertheless, this is the first time that we have described this genus colonizing leaf litter submerged in water. We surveyed Cladosporium spp. associated with submerged leaf litter, from three localities belonging to the Atlantic Forest biome in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A multilocus DNA sequence typing approach employing ITS, Actin, and Translation elongation factor 1-α region/genes associated with morphological and cultural analyses were used to identify these species. The species C. angulosum and C. anthropophilum are reported for the first time in Brazil, and a new species for the genus is described here as C. puris.
... In fact, the clay fraction was enriched in both Mucoraceae and Penicillium, whose sporangiospores and conidia, respectively, are of sizes enabling co-sedimentation with clay [57] indicating that their presence may not reflect an in situ biological preference. On the other hand, clay was also enriched with Pleurophragmium and Trichoderma, with the first taxon having conidia lengths of up to coarse silt-size [58] and the latter one was reported to be strongly associated with soil particles and not easily detachable [56]. ...
Soil particlesize fractions (PSFs), i.e. clay, fine silt, coarse silt, and sand with particulate organic matter (POM), differ in mineralogical and organic composition and thereby in their sorption and desorption of biotic and abiotic compounds. Utilising a fractionation protocol, including gentle ultra-sonication, wet sieving and centrifugation, previous studies with soils from a long-term fertilisation experiment demonstrated that many soil bacterial taxa are preferentially associated with specific soil PSFs. The present study applied a similar experimental set-up to characterise fungal preferences for PSFs. Fungal abundance and diversity was analysed by qPCR and high-throughput sequencing of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region of fungal genomes from soil DNA. Fungal community composition of non-fractionated soil and of pooled PSFs differed by less than 6.4%, indicating that the fractionation protocol allowed for recovery of most fungi. The diversity of fungal taxa differed significantly between the PSFs. The sand/POM fraction contained several species of Dothideomycetes and Cadophora. Members of Sordariomycetes had their highest abundance in fine silt while Penicillium and Mucoraceae were most abundant in the clay fraction. In contrast, clay was depleted in sequences of Sordariales, and Mortierella was less abundant in the sand/POM fraction. Despite the potential cross-contamination of PSFs and simultaneous interactions of fungal hyphae with different PSFs, our data indicate that most of the dominant soil fungal taxa show a distinct preference for specific PSFs. Considering that PSF-specific preferences were also detected for soil bacteria, interactions between microorganisms and soil particle surfaces should not be neglected to explain how microbial diversity is spatially structured in soils.
... Pleurophragmium was established by Costantin (1888) with P. bicolor Costantin as type species, and was placed in Ascomyceta, genera incertae sedis. The genus is characterized by single unbranched, brown to dark brown conidiophores, with polyblastic, integrated, terminal, sympodial, denticulate conidiogenous cells, producing ellipsoid to fusiform, or clavate, brown, 0-7-septate conidia, with pointed bases (De Hoog 1985;Abarca et al. 2007;Ma et al. 2014). The feature of dark conidia is used to distinguish Pleurophragmium from Dactylaria (De Hoog 1985; Abarca et al. 2007). ...
... The genus is characterized by single unbranched, brown to dark brown conidiophores, with polyblastic, integrated, terminal, sympodial, denticulate conidiogenous cells, producing ellipsoid to fusiform, or clavate, brown, 0-7-septate conidia, with pointed bases (De Hoog 1985;Abarca et al. 2007;Ma et al. 2014). The feature of dark conidia is used to distinguish Pleurophragmium from Dactylaria (De Hoog 1985; Abarca et al. 2007). D'Souza and Bhat (2012) compared 23 species of Pleurophragmium based on their substrates and locations and provided the key for species. ...
... Our phylogeneic tree in Fig. 63, shows Pleurophragmium clusters in Sordariomycetes, genera incertae sedis. More than 20 species were introduced in this genus (Abarca et al. 2007), and its species may be polyphyletic. However, very little molecular data is available in GenBank, and fresh collections are requested to clarify the order and family level placement of the genus, as well as species relationships. ...
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Fourty-three species of microfungi from bamboo are treated, including one new family, Occultibambusaceae, three new genera, Neoanthostomella, Occultibambusa and Seriascoma, 27 new species, one renamed species and 15 re-described or re-illustrated species, and four designated reference specimens are treated in this paper, the majority of which are saprobic on dead culms. To determine species identification, separate phylogenetical analyses for each group are carried out, based on molecular data from this study and sequences downloaded from GenBank. Morphologically similar species and phylogenetically close taxa are compared and discussed. In addition a list of bambusicolous fungi published since Hyde and colleagues in 2002 is provided.
... Since the last two decades of the twentieth century, numerous novelties of hyphomycetes have been published from tropical Central and South American forests and semiarid areas . These fungi were collected from tropical forests, jungles, and semiarid vegetation as well as from decaying plant debris accumulated on the leaf litter surface or submerged in streams and rivers (Castañeda-Ruiz et al. 1998 ;da Cruz et al. 2008 ;Gusmão et al. 2008 ;Heredia et al. 2007 ; Monteiro et al. 2014Monteiro et al. , 2015Pereira-Carvalho et al. 2009 ). The quantity and diversity of fungi found suggests the existence of an indefi nite number of undiscovered fungi still remaining in the tropical and subtropical forests in these geographical regions (Mueller and Schmit 2007 ) according to the estimation that 1-1.5 million of fungi are present on Earth (Hawksworth 1990(Hawksworth , 2001. ...
In the last 30 years, 3757 taxa and 104 genera of microfungi have been described from the Central and South American Neotropic. The Neotropical zone in Central and South America is a megadiverse ecozone where a large number of undescribed fungal taxa remain to be discovered. This chapter reviewed the studies conducted on diversity of microfungi from different substrates and habitats in the Neotropic in the past 30 years and discussed the generic novelties described from these studies. At the same time, the methodology of sample collection, preparation, and incubation used in these studies is provided in detail.
... Matsushima (1980) described the genus Acumispora to accommodate three species collected on dead leaves in Taiwan: A. uniseptata Matsush., the type species, A. biseptata Matsush., and A. phragmospora Matsush., on the basis of a peculiar acuminate conidial shape and conidia, with different number of septa that secede rhexolytically from monoblastic or polyblastic, sympodially proliferating, denticulate conidiogenous cells on simple or irregularly branched conidiophores. Heredia et al. (2007) ...
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Polylobatispora setulosa sp. nov. is described and illustrated from submerged mixed leaf litter samples collected at streams in Ilhabela, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. The fungus is distinct in having setulae at the tip of the conidial lobes. Acumispora verruculosa, isolated from identical substrate and characterized by the presence of fusiform, acuminate, rostrate, verrucose, 2-septate, hyaline to greenish conidia, is recorded for the third time from the Americas. They are compared with morphologically similar species and identification keys are provided.
... Note: Conidial ontogeny in Dactylaria Sacc. (De Hoog 1985, Goh & Hyde 1997, Paulus et al. 2003), Calcarisporium Preuss (De Hoog 1974) Pleurophragmium Costantin (Matsushima 1985Matsushima , 1987Matsushima , 1993Matsushima , 1995Matsushima , 1996 Heredia et al. 2007), Selenosporella G. Arnaud ex MacGarvie (Castañeda et al. 2009), Selenosporopsis R.F. Castañeda & W.B. Kendr. ...
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During investigation of microfungi on dead plant material in a semiarid region of northeast Brazil, an interesting fungus was collected that is described and illustrated here. Zelodactylaria verticillata anam. gen. & sp. nov. is distinguished by macronematous verticillate brown conidiophores with marked sympodially proliferating conidiogenous cells with long cylindrical denticles and solitary obovoid to clavate hyaline 0–1-septate conidia.
A new anamorphic species, Pleurophragmium indicum (Ascomycota), is described from India and illustrated. This litter-inhabiting fungus was collected from dead Dendrocalamus strictus leaves and is characterized by ellipsoidal to obovoid, straight to curved, transversely 3-septate, brown conidia. A key is provided to all accepted Pleurophragmium species.
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Three new species are described and illustrated: Pleurophragmium ellipsoideum from dead branches of Bauhinia acuminata, P. yunnanense from dead branches of Machilus salicina, and P. clavatum from dead branches of Beilschmiedia percoriacea. All three species were collected from tropical forests in Yunnan Province, China.