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3 Acoustic differentiation of emotions in male speakers 

3 Acoustic differentiation of emotions in male speakers 

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IntroductionPsychophysiological Determinants of Emotional Speech PatternsIntra and Inter-Emotion Pattering of Acoustic ParametersConclusion AcknowledgementsReferences

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... There is evidence that filter-related parameters can provide information about valence (10, 23,[40][41][42][43]. Indeed, research on humans has shown that filter-related cues vary when comparing emotions that differ in valence but are characterized by similar levels of arousal [e.g., (40,42,44,45)]. As described below, some studies on non-human mammals have examined formants, which may be the key to investigating emotional valence in the future (10, 23,26,33,46). Briefer (10) argues, "it is crucial to measure a large set of parameters including formant frequencies, using the source-filter framework, in order to obtain emotion-specific vocal profiles" (p. ...
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This review discusses how welfare scientists can examine vocalizations to gain insight into the affective states of individual animals. In recent years, researchers working in professionally managed settings have recognized the value of monitoring the types, rates, and acoustic structures of calls, which may reflect various aspects of welfare. Fortunately, recent technological advances in the field of bioacoustics allow for vocal activity to be recorded with microphones, hydrophones, and animal-attached devices (e.g., collars), as well as automated call recognition. We consider how vocal behavior can be used as an indicator of affective state, with particular interest in the valence of emotions. While most studies have investigated vocal activity produced in negative contexts (e.g., experiencing pain, social isolation, environmental disturbances), we highlight vocalizations that express positive affective states. For instance, some species produce vocalizations while foraging, playing, engaging in grooming, or interacting affiliatively with conspecifics. This review provides an overview of the evidence that exists for the construct validity of vocal indicators of affective state in non-human mammals. Furthermore, we discuss non-invasive methods that can be utilized to investigate vocal behavior, as well as potential limitations to this line of research. In the future, welfare scientists should attempt to identify reliable, valid species-specific calls that reflect emotional valence, which may be possible by adopting a dimensional approach. The dimensional approach considers both arousal and valence by comparing vocalizations emitted in negative and positive contexts. Ultimately, acoustic activity can be tracked continuously to detect shifts in welfare status or to evaluate the impact of animal transfers, introductions, and changes to the husbandry routine or environment. We encourage welfare scientists to expand their welfare monitoring toolkits by combining vocal activity with other behavioral measures and physiological biomarkers.
... Although the nice and reprehensive speeches had some similar characteristics (highpitched and high-energy at elevated frequencies), we recorded differences between them in other acoustic variables (minimum frequency, maximum frequency, and average power). Different degrees of emotional activation influence tonal and energetic aspects of sound [53,54]. Social stress-such as stress generated during rough interactions, or after unmet expectationscan be responsible for disturbing neurophysiological, behavioral, and emotional patterns of individuals [55]. ...
... Social stress-such as stress generated during rough interactions, or after unmet expectationscan be responsible for disturbing neurophysiological, behavioral, and emotional patterns of individuals [55]. The differences we found in the acoustic parameters of different speeches may be related to their different valences: a "positive" emotion with physiological arousal versus a "negative" emotion with physiological arousal, respectively [54]. As a result, an increase in the individuals' respiratory rate and in subglottic pressure during speech increases the relative energy of the upper harmonics and the fundamental frequency. ...
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In a previous study, we found that Positive Reinforcement Training reduced cortisol of wolves and dogs; however, this effect varied across trainer–animal dyads. Here we investigate whether and how the trainers’ use of speech may contribute to this effect. Dogs’ great interest in high-pitched, intense speech (also known as Dog Directed Speech) has already been reported, but whether and how wolves respond similarly/differently to voice characteristics has never been studied before. We analyzed 270 training sessions, conducted by five trainers, with nine mixed-breed dogs and nine wolves, all human-socialized. Through Generalized Linear Mixed Models, we analyzed the effects of (a) three speech categories (nice, neutral, reprehensive) and laugh; and (b) acoustic characteristics of trainers’ voices on animals’ responses (correct responses, latency, orientation, time at less than 1 m, non-training behaviors, tail position/movements, cortisol variation). In both subspecies, tail wagging occurred more often in sessions with longer durations of nice speech, and less often in sessions with reprehensive speech. For dogs, the duration of reprehensive speech within a session was also negatively related to correct responses. For wolves, retreat time was associated with more reprehensive speech, whereas duration of nice speech was positively associated with time spent within one meter from the trainer. In addition, most dog behavioral responses were associated with higher average intonations within sessions, while wolf responses were correlated with lower intonations within sessions. We did not find any effects of the variables considered on cortisol variation. Our study highlights the relevance of voice tone and speech in a training context on animals’ performances and emotional reactions.
... It has been proposed that the human voice also conveys emotional states, each characterized by a unique acoustic profile (e.g., Banse & Scherer, 1996;Scherer, Banse, Wallbott, & Goldbeck, 1991). A number of studies support the idea of emotion-specific patterns of acoustic features for discrete negative emotions, in that acoustic profiles of several negative emotions, including anger, fear, and sadness, have been reported to show considerable differentiation (e.g., Banse & Scherer, 1996;Juslin & Laukka, 2001;van Bezooijen, 1984;Pollermann & Archinard, 2002). ...
... Filter related acoustic features such as formant frequencies and energy distribution have been more rarely considered in studies of positive emotions. Research suggests that filter related features, particularly energy distribution in the spectrum, might be important for differentiating emotional valence even between emotions of similar arousal level (e.g., Banse & Scherer 1996;Pollermann & Archinard, 2002;Waarama, Laukkanen, Airas, & Alku, 2010), whereas source-related parameters do not allow differentiation of valence, but do differentiate between discrete emotions (Patel, Scherer, Björkner, & Sundberg, 2011). However, more research measuring a large set of parameters including filter-related features is needed to obtain acoustic features for a larger set of discrete emotions. ...
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Researchers examining nonverbal communication of emotions are becoming increasingly interested in differentiations between different positive emotional states like interest, relief, and pride. But despite the importance of the voice in communicating emotion in general and positive emotion in particular, there is to date no systematic review of what characterizes vocal expressions of different positive emotions. Furthermore, integration and synthesis of current findings are lacking. In this review, we comprehensively review studies (N = 108) investigating acoustic features relating to specific positive emotions in speech prosody and nonverbal vocalizations. We find that happy voices are generally loud with considerable variability in loudness, have high and variable pitch, and are high in the first two formant frequencies. When specific positive emotions are directly compared with each other, pitch mean, loudness mean, and speech rate differ across positive emotions, with patterns mapping onto clusters of emotions, so-called emotion families. For instance, pitch is higher for epistemological emotions (amusement, interest, relief), moderate for savouring emotions (contentment and pleasure), and lower for a prosocial emotion (admiration). Some, but not all, of the differences in acoustic patterns also map on to differences in arousal levels. We end by pointing to limitations in extant work and making concrete proposals for future research on positive emotions in the voice.
... This relationship between call structure and context may also reflect the caller's emotional state. In times of high emotional arousal, respiration, salivation, and muscular tension change, resulting in changes to fundamental frequencies, durations, and rates of vocalizations (Pollermann and Archinard 2002;Titze 1994). ...
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Vocalizations are a vital form of communication. Call structure and use may change depending on emotional arousal, behavioral context, sex, or social complexity. Pithecia chrysocephala (golden-faced sakis) are a little-studied Neotropical species. We aimed to determine the vocal repertoire of P. chrysocephala and the influence of context on call structure. We collected data June–August 2018 in an urban secondary forest fragment in Manaus, Amazonian Brazil. We took continuous vocal recordings in 10-min blocks with 5-min breaks during daily follows of two groups. We recorded scan samples of group behavior at the start and end of blocks and used ad libitum behavioral recording during blocks. We collected 70 h of data and analyzed 1500 calls. Lowest frequencies ranged 690.1–5879 Hz in adults/subadults and 5393.6–9497.8Hz in the only juvenile sampled. We identified eight calls, three of which were juvenile specific. We found that, while repertoire size was similar to that of other New World monkeys of similar group size and structure, it also resembled those with larger group sizes and different social structures. The durations of Chuck calls were shorter for feeding contexts compared to hostile, but frequencies were higher than predicted if call structure reflects motivation. This finding may be due to the higher arousal involved in hostile situations, or because P. chrysocephala use Chuck calls in appeasement, similar to behavior seen in other primates. Call structures did not differ between sexes, potentially linked to the limited size dimorphism in this species. Our findings provide a foundation for further investigation of Pithecia vocal behavior and phylogeny, as well as applications for both captive welfare (stress relief) and field research (playbacks for surveys).
... Emotions of high arousal, such as fear or joy, are associated with an increase in amplitude, F0, F0 range, F0 variability, jitter, shimmer and speech rate, as well as with fewer and shorter interruptions (inter- vocalization interval). By contrast, emotions of low arousal, such as boredom, induce a low F0, narrow F0 range and low speech rate (Zei Pollermann and Archinard, 2002;Juslin and Scherer, 2005;Li et al., 2007). Patel et al. (2011) showed that voice frequency allowed good classification of five emotions (relief, joy, panic/ fear, anger and sadness). ...
... In humans, indicators of emotions in human voice ('affective prosody') have been studied in detail (e.g. Scherer, 1986;Zei Pollermann & Archinard, 2002). Theories of speech production recently applied to animal vocal communication ('source-filter theory of vocal production'; Fant, 1960;Titze, 1994;Taylor & Reby, 2010) can inform us about the mechanisms linking contexts of vocal production and the acoustic structure of vocalizations, and allow us to make predictions about how vocalizations should change according to emotional arousal and valence. ...
... Both the encoding (expression) and the decoding (impression) of discrete emotions in the voice have been studied (Banse & Scherer, 1996). Research on the coding process has revealed a set of acoustic characteristics that reliably indicate emotions (see next sections for more details; Zei Pollermann & Archinard, 2002;Scherer, 2003). The specific acoustic profile of several different emotions, showing similarities across languages, has been established (Hammerschmidt & Jürgens, 2007;Pell et al., 2008). ...
... The second approach is based on artificially induced emotions in the laboratory, using psychoactive drugs, presentation of emotion-inducing films or images, or recall of emotional experiences (e.g. Scherer et al., 1985;Tolkmitt & Scherer, 1986;Zei Pollermann & Archinard, 2002). The third and most often used approach consists of analysing simulated emotional expression, produced by actors asked to pronounce a word or sentence by expressing particular emotional states (e.g. ...
Emotions play a crucial role in an animal's life because they facilitate responses to external or internal events of significance for the organism. In social species, one of the main functions of emotional expression is to regulate social interactions. There has recently been a surge of interest in animal emotions in several disciplines, ranging from neuroscience to evolutionary zoology. Because measurements of subjective emotional experiences are not possible in animals, researchers use neurophysiological, behavioural and cognitive indicators. However, good indicators, particularly of positive emotions, are still lacking. Vocalizations are linked to the inner state of the caller. The emotional state of the caller causes changes in the muscular tension and action of its vocal apparatus, which in turn, impacts on vocal parameters of vocalizations. By considering the mode of production of vocalizations, we can understand and predict how vocal parameters should change according to the arousal (intensity) or valence (positive/negative) of emotional states. In this paper, I review the existing literature on vocal correlates of emotions in mammals. Non‐human mammals could serve as ideal models to study vocal expression of emotions, because, contrary to human speech, animal vocalizations are assumed to be largely free of control and therefore direct expressions of underlying emotions. Furthermore, a comparative approach between humans and other animals would give us a better understanding of how emotion expression evolved. Additionally, these non‐invasive indicators could serve various disciplines that require animal emotions to be clearly identified, including psychopharmacology and animal welfare science.
... These features are generally derived by observing how human's voice changes with different emotions. Several studies (e.g., [5]) have established the fact that when a speaker is in a state of fear, anger or joy, then his speech is typically faster, louder, and enunciated, with strong high-frequency energy. When the speaker is bored or sad, then his speech is typically slower and low-pitched, with very little high-frequency energy. ...
Vocal communication is particularly important for nocturnal species as well as those living in dense forests, where visual abilities can be somewhat constrained. The Andean night monkey (Aotus lemurinus) is a nocturnal American primate living in mountain forests in the Northern Andes with scant information on its behavior and ecology. The main goal of this study is to describe the vocal repertoire of a group of wild Andean night monkeys and compare it with earlier bioacoustics studies on the only nocturnal platyrrhines. We recorded the vocal behavior of a group of night monkeys living in the eastern Andes of Colombia between August and December 2019. Based on an auditory and a visual inspection of the vocal records, and through a quantitative analysis of the acoustic parameters of the vocalizations, we were able to identify five different calls emitted by the Andean night monkey. Four of these calls are stereotyped while the fifth vocalization (Squeak) is more variable, having different forms. Additionally, one call (Acetate) was found to be unique to this species. The result of this study contributes to the scant information on the ecology and behavior of the Andean night monkey and sets baseline information on the vocal behavior of night monkeys that may be used in future studies on communication of these and other nocturnal primates.
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As Darwin first recognized, the study of emotional communication has the potential to improve scientific understanding of the mechanisms of signal production as well as how signals evolve. We examined the relationships between emotional arousal and selected acoustic characteristics of coo and scream vocalizations produced by female rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta, during development. For coos, arousal was assessed through measures of stress-induced elevations of plasma cortisol exhibited in response to the human intruder test. In the analysis of screams, arousal was evaluated from the intensity of aggression experienced by the vocalizer during natural social interactions. Both call types showed a positive relationship between arousal and overall fundamental frequency (F0, perceived as pitch in humans). In coos, this association was dampened over development from infancy (6 months) to the juvenile, prepubertal period (16 months) and further to menarche (21.3–31.3 months), perhaps reflecting developmental changes in physiology, anatomy and/or call function. Heightened arousal was also associated in coos with increases in an acoustic dimension related to F0 modulation and noisiness. As monkeys matured, coos showed decreases in overall F0 as well as increased noisiness and F0 modulation, likely reflecting growth of the vocal apparatus and changes in vocal fold oscillation. Within screams, only one acoustic dimension (related to F0 modulation) showed developmental change, and only within one subclass of screams within one behavioural context. Our results regarding the acoustic correlates of arousal in both call types are broadly consistent with findings in other species, supporting the hypothesis of evolutionary continuity in emotion expression. We discuss implications for broader theories of how vocal acoustics respond to selection pressures.
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Very little is known about cattle vocalizations. The few studies available in the literature have been conducted using animals under stress or very intensive husbandry conditions. Similarly, the individual consistency of behaviour in cattle has rarely been considered except in applied studies of constrained and isolated animals, and no previous research has attempted to address a possible association between vocal communication and temperament in cattle. The studies reported here address these gaps in our knowledge. I found that cattle contact calls have acoustic characteristics that give them individualized distinctiveness, in both adult cows and calves. These results were confirmed using playback experiments, where I found that there is bidirectional mother-offspring recognition, as has been recorded in other “weak hider” ungulates. Additionally, using visual and acoustic stimuli, I assessed individual cattle temperament. The results showed that there was no individual behavioural consistency in responses to a novel object presentations. However, calves behaved consistently more boldly than cows. Furthermore, there was significant individual consistency in responses to vocalisations of heterospecifics, when they were played back through a speaker in the field. Surprisingly, no correlations were found between the ability of cattle to identify their own mother/offspring and the acoustic features of their vocalisations, or behavioural responses in any other context. There were, however, significant correlations between one characteristic of vocalisations in adult cows (formant spacing) and the boldness of behavioural responses to both novel objects and auditory stimuli. Additionally, higher F0 in calf contact vocalizations correlated with boldness in the auditory stimuli experiment. These relationships imply that vocalisations may encode information about individual temperament, something which has rarely been documented. Surprisingly, no strong correlations were found between the behavioural responses to visual and acoustic stimuli, suggesting that individual consistency in behaviour across contexts was limited, and that behavioural plasticity could play an important role in determining responses in different environmental contexts. Overall, my results contribute to our knowledge of animal communication in mammals from a bioacoustic point of view, and they are also potentially relevant to studies of vocalizations as indicators of cattle welfare.