Fig 9 - uploaded by Hussein Sadeghi
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Aceria fraxinivora (Nalepa, 1909) as viewed under 100× oil immersion, A. prodorsal shield, B. coxae and female genitalia.
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Four eriophyid mites, including two new species, from Iran are described and illustrated. They are Aceria heteropappi sp. nov. on Heteropappus altaicus (Willd.) Novopokr. (Asteraceae), Tetra heliotropii sp. nov. on Heliotropium chorassanicum Bung (Boraginaceae); and new records in Iran of Aceria malherbae Nuzzaci, 1985 on Convolvulus repens L. (Con...
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... (Kamali 2011); Aceria salsolae de Lillo & Sobhian, 1996 collected from Salsola dendroides Pall. and Salsola kali L. (Xue et al. 2013); Aceria amaranthi Abou-Awad & El-Banhawy, 1992 collected from Haloxylon ammodendron (C.A. Mey.) Bunge ex Fenzl (Honarmand & Sadeghi 2016). ...
Two new Aceria species were found in a survey of the eriophyoid mites in the Ajabshir region of the East Azerbaijan province (Iran). Aceria halocnemi Lotfollahi & Tajaddod sp. nov. was collected on Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) M. Bieb. (Amaranthaceae) and A. loborectiangulae Lotfollahi & Tajaddod sp. nov. was collected on Atraphaxis aucheri Jaub. & Spach (Polygonaceae). Both species are herein described and illustrated also by means of scanning electron microscopy. They are the first eriophyoid species recorded on plant species of the genera Halocnemum and Atraphaxis.
... The genus Tetra Keifer, 1944 is diverse, currently composed by 137 species (de Lillo & Amrine 2011;Wang & Huang 2011;Li et al. 2012;Xue et al. 2013;Ballari et al. 2014;Li et al. 2014;Han et al. 2015;Rajput et al. 2015), of which four were described from the Neotropical region: Tetra tuttlei Keifer, 1975 Ballari et al. 2014). Only two species in this genus have been reported associated with Malvaceae host plants: T. striata as mentioned above; and Tetra coimbatorensis Mohanasundaram, 1994, described from Grewia sp. ...
Two new eriophyoid mite species are described from the cocoa tree, Theobroma cacao L. (Malvaceae) – the Diptilomiopidae Davisella trevisani n. sp. Rodrigues, Navia & Oliveira, from Brazil; and the Eriophyidae Tetra theobromae n. sp. Rodrigues, Navia & Oliveira, from Costa Rica. The new Davisella species presents an enlarged subcylindrical tubercle bearing pedipalp genual seta d, a novel structure for eriophyoid mites; its functional morphology was discussed. The new Tetra species is the third in this genus described from plants of the Malvaceae. A closer look at Shevtchenkella biseta (Nalepa), described from the Malvaceae Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L., showed its taxonomic assignment to the Phytoptidae, Sierraphytoptinae and raised a hypothesis on its synonymy.
... Xue et al. (2009) summarized 89 species to occur there. After that 25 new species and more than 19 new records were recently reported (Guo et al., 2015b;Honarmand & Sadeghi, 2016;Lotfollahi et al., 2012Lotfollahi et al., , 2013Lotfollahi et al., , 2014aLotfollahi et al., , 2014bLotfollahi et al., , 2014cLotfollahi et al., , 2015aLotfollahi et al., , 2015bRahim-Panah & Sadeghi-Namaghi, 2014;Xue et al., 2011Xue et al., , 2012Xue et al., , 2013. ...
Three mite species of the family Eriophyidae from Iran are described and illustrated. They are: Tegolophus marrubiumer
sp. nov. on Marrubium vulgare L. (Lamiaceae); Phyllocoptes sp. cf. balasi Farkas, 1962 on Sanguisorba minor Scop. subsp.
minor (Rosaceae) and Aceria fasciculifolis sp. nov. on Astragalus fasciculifolius Boiss. (Fabaceae). Both new species
described herein are vagrants on their respective host plants
... Until 1998, about 4000 eriophyoid species were known worldwide (De Lillo and Amrine, 1998;unpublished data), and many more were waiting to be discovered. Reviewing taxonomic literature (e.g., Xue et al., 2009;Kamali and Jalaeian, 2011;Xue et al., 2011;Lotfolahi et al., 2012;Xue et al., 2012;Kamali and Jalaeian, 2013;Xue et al., 2013) reveals that knowledge of Iranian eriophyoids is still limited. So far, about 120 species have been reported from Iran. ...
Abstract: One genus and 3 species are reported as new records for the fauna of Iran. They are Eriophyes tiliae (Nalepa, 1890) on Tilia
begonifolia (Tiliaceae); Aceria tuberculatus Nalepa, 1891 on Tanacetum parthenium (Asteraceae); and Leipothrix liroi (Roiv., 1947) Jočić
and Petanović (2012) on Primula sp. (Primulaceae).
... Until 1998, about 4000 eriophyoid species were known worldwide (De Lillo and Amrine, 1998;unpublished data), and many more were waiting to be discovered. Reviewing taxonomic literature (e.g., Xue et al., 2009;Kamali and Jalaeian, 2011;Xue et al., 2011;Lotfolahi et al., 2012;Xue et al., 2012;Kamali and Jalaeian, 2013;Xue et al., 2013) reveals that knowledge of Iranian eriophyoids is still limited. So far, about 120 species have been reported from Iran. ...
One genus and 3 species are reported as new records for the fauna of Iran. They are Eriophyes tiliae (Nalepa, 1890) on Tilia
begonifolia (Tiliaceae); Aceria tuberculatus Nalepa, 1891 on Tanacetum parthenium (Asteraceae); and Leipothrix liroi (Roiv., 1947) Jočić
and Petanović (2012) on Primula sp. (Primulaceae).
... Until 1998, about 4000 eriophyoid species were known worldwide (De Lillo and Amrine, 1998;unpublished data), and many more were waiting to be discovered. Reviewing taxonomic literature (e.g., Xue et al., 2009;Kamali and Jalaeian, 2011;Xue et al., 2011;Lotfolahi et al., 2012;Xue et al., 2012;Kamali and Jalaeian, 2013;Xue et al., 2013) reveals that knowledge of Iranian eriophyoids is still limited. So far, about 120 species have been reported from Iran. ...
One genus and 3 species are reported as new records for the fauna of Iran. They are Eriophyes tiliae (Nalepa, 1890) on Tilia
begonifolia (Tiliaceae); Aceria tuberculatus Nalepa, 1891 on Tanacetum parthenium (Asteraceae); and Leipothrix liroi (Roiv., 1947) Jočić
and Petanović (2012) on Primula sp. (Primulaceae).
... So far, two further eriophyoid mites, Tumescoptes phoenixi Smith Meyer 1992 and T. dicrus Smith Meyer, 1992, have been recorded on P. canariensis Chabaud, 1882 and P. reclinata Jacquin, 1858 respectively, in South Africa (Amrine & Stasny 1994;Hong & Zhang 1996;Moore & Howard 2001). About 100 eriophyoid mite species are known from Iran (Xue et al. 2013). Aimed at increasing knowledge on the Iranian fauna of Eriophyoidea, associated also with plants of economic interest, a survey of these mites was carried out in 2011 in a number of palm date areas in Iran. ...
Two new eriophyoid species belonging to subfamily Phyllocoptinae, namely Tegonotus larii sp. nov. and Tetra iranica sp. nov. from Phoenix dactylifera L. (Arecaceae) in Lar city, Fars Province, southern Iran, are described and illustrated. Detailed morphological characteristics are given based on adult females. Both new species described herein are vagrants on their host plants. No symptoms were observed.
... ʄ 2011 ɸɳ 4396 ʆɮ ɸɳ ɳ ʇ ɺɷɳ ʆ ɽ ɸɳ (Amrine, 2011) . ɷ> ʆ ʆɳ ɳ ɷ ɷ> >ʈ 100 ɳ ʇ ɺɷɳ ɷɳ (Babaei et al., 2010;Kamali & Amrine, 2005;Lotfollahi et al., 2013;Xue et al., 2009Xue et al., , 2011Xue et al., , 2012Feng et al., 2011Feng et al., , 2013 ɳ ɸ ɳ ɷ> @ > ʅʈ ɳ ɳ ʈ . ʆɮ ɸɳ ʆ ɸ ɷ> ʈ ɳ @ɳɷɳ> ʆ ʆ ɳ ɷ> ʇ>ɳ ɳ @ ʆ ʆ ɳ ɹ ɳ ʈ > ɸɳ ʈ ɳ >ɷ @ɳ > ɮ ʄ @ɳ @ ɷ ʄ < ɳ @ 1389 ʈ 1390 ʆ ʈ @ɷʈɮ ʇ>ɳ @ Eriophyoidae >ɷ ɷɳ . ...
... The genus Tetra Keifer, 1944 is diverse, currently composed by 137 species (de Lillo & Amrine 2011;Wang & Huang 2011;Li et al. 2012;Xue et al. 2013;Ballari et al. 2014;Li et al. 2014;Han et al. 2015;Rajput et al. 2015), of which four were described from the Neotropical region: Tetra tuttlei Keifer, 1975 Ballari et al. 2014). Only two species in this genus have been reported associated with Malvaceae host plants: T. striata as mentioned above; and Tetra coimbatorensis Mohanasundaram, 1994, described from Grewia sp. ...
A new eriophyoid mite genus and species, Gymnaceria cupuassu n. sp. et n. gen. (Acari: Eriophyidae: Eriophyinae: Ace-riini), is described from young fruits and other plant parts of the cupuaçu tree, Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. Ex Spreng.) K. Schum. (Sterculiaceae), from the State of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. No visible damage symptoms were observed.
During a field survey of eriophyoid mites in Dogijan village (Marand county, East Azerbaijan province, Iran) in late spring 2023, one new eriophyid species (Acari: Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae) on Chardinia orientalis (L.) Kuntze (Asteraceae) was discovered, illustrated, described, and named as Aceria dogijaniensis sp. nov. The mites cause tight leaf edge rolls of different length with pale blotches on their type host plant. In addition, a population of similar mites was collected on Centaurea sp. (Asteraceae) with leaf galls made by Subanguina sp. (Nematoda: Secernentea: Tylenchida: Anguinidae) at the same locality on the same date. Few quantitative and qualitative differences were found between the two populations collected on the two host plants. In this study, we provided a list of Aceria spp. associated with Asteraceae in Iran.