Table 3 - uploaded by Harold Jan Terano
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Acceptability of presentation and style.

Acceptability of presentation and style.

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Differential Calculus is a course that introduces the concepts and theories of higher mathematics and their applications to engineering. A large majority of engineering students fail to attain proficiency in mathematics as the foundation course of engineering programs. One way to help students obtain skills and competency is to develop an effective...

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Context 1
... is attained when the contents are student-centered and goal-oriented coupled with relevant activities (Reiser & Dempsey, 2012). The presentation and style of the simplified text as shown in Table 3 are highly acceptable. The results imply that the terms and the language used in the text are suitable to the level of student understanding. ...
Context 2
... is attained when the contents are student-centered and goal-oriented coupled with relevant activities (Reiser & Dempsey, 2012). The presentation and style of the simplified text as shown in Table 3 are highly acceptable. The results imply that the terms and the language used in the text are suitable to the level of student understanding. ...

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The importance of the corporate governance principles and practices endlessly raise attention in corporate business environment. The most particularly peak of the attention is culminating in the times of unethical behaviour of corporate governance structures. The purpose of this research is to find to which extent supervisory board is contributing...


... Generally, the Resource-Based Course Guide in Teaching Advanced Engineering Mathematics was very satisfactory, along with the various aspects as perceived by the jurors. The study's results support the claims that developed instructional materials were appropriate for use in the classroom (Dio, 2017;Tabal, 2015;Terano, 2015a;Terano, 2015b;Terano, 2018). These results may be attributed to resource-based learning as the foundation of the instructional strategies used in the lessons. ...
... This can only be done if the teachers are well-trained and can develop well-crafted instructional material that they can use in their classroom instruction. [5] emphasized that the improvement of the knowledge, skills, and competencies of the students is a paramount concern that should be taken up in every educative community for an improved outcome. ...
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The integration of game-based learning in classroom instruction is rampant for the reason that it may increase students' motivation to learn and have fun while making sense of the lesson discussed. This study aimed to develop lessons integrating experiential and supplemental game activities and measure their acceptability based on content, format, presentation and organization, and accuracy and up-to-datedness of information. This study utilized a Research and Development (R & D) method. Research and development aim to produce a product for developing lessons integrated with experiential and supplemental game activities. Results revealed that the mean score for the content is 3.84, 3.69 for the format, 3.76 for the presentation and organization, and 3.93 for accuracy and up-to-datedness. This suggests that the ratings of the developed lessons are very high in all areas and can be interpreted as very acceptable. The developed lessons, therefore, can be utilized in private and public secondary schools, specifically in grade 10 chemistry classes. Also, the lessons developed promote the development of 21st-century skills, known as essential skills. Educators may utilize game-based learning methods and integrate game activities in their instruction, for it improves students' learning in science and can advance students' 21st-century skills.
... and 1.00-1.49 (Terano, 2015). ...
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This study assessed the office competencies and challenges among the newly appointed Barangay Secretaries of Local Government Unit (LGU) of Nabua in Camarines Sur, Bicol Region in the Philippines. This descriptive method of research used questionnaire and interview using the percentage method and mean as its statistical tools using the four-scale rating to interpret the gathered data. The actual respondents of the study were the 35 of the 45 Barangay Secretaries of LGU-Nabua. Findings reveal that the office competencies of barangay secretaries along stenography, office management, records management, and human relations were all assessed as satisfactory except for computer operation which was assessed as fair. The study further revealed that challenges were seldom encountered by the respondents along their work performance. Majority of the respondents preferred training program on records management and office management but computer operation in varied software with ease may also be given emphasis. Recommendations to enhance the office competencies and address the challenges encountered by barangay secretaries in their present job were also proposed in this study.
... Locallysuited instructional materials in higher education facilitate meaningful learning (Nicolas 2020). In order to improve teacher-made instructional materials, evaluation or validation is conducted as a research study in Philippine HEIs, focusing on acceptability, effectiveness, and/or quality (Terano 2015(Terano , 2018Ramirez 2016;Nicolas 2020;Portana et al. 2021). Similarly, new textbooks are also evaluated to determine their value and suitability in classrooms worldwide (Fatima et al. 2015;Abhar 2017;Khodabandeh and Mombini 2019). ...
... The contents of the modules are based on the set learning objectives, and on the syllabus approved by the institution for the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture curriculum. In his study, Terano (2015) claimed that the high acceptability of the contents, structure and format of his developed instructional material for student respondents imply that it was responsive to the needs and was appropriate to the level of understanding of the students. ...
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A newly-offered subject in agriculture, rabbit production, necessitated the development of instructional materials. This mixed-method study was conceptualized to develop and evaluate learning modules for the subject, utilizing the ADDIE model of instructional design. Development of ten modules took almost two years, and the first semester of usage was done with flexible learning methods. Student and faculty users assessed the acceptability in terms of objectives, content, organization and usability, and language, while pre-test and post-test scores determined the effectiveness of the modules. Based on the results, the students rated the modules with moderate acceptability, while instructors and professors rated them with high acceptability. The modules were effective in increasing the knowledge of students in both the midterm and final periods. The learning modules may help provide locally-suited learning materials in rabbit production for Philippine tertiary schools, and in disseminating information and awareness on rabbit as a high-potential livestock in the Philippines.
... Higher education institutions serve as instruments in delivering the quality education that students need towards achieving a better future. The outcomes of students are important, and the improvement of knowledge, skills, and competencies are the main concerns that should be taken up in every educational institution (Terano, 2015(Terano, , 2018. Employment of students after graduation can be determined by how the expected student outcomes were achieved. ...
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The study evaluates the competencies of Punong Barangays in Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu, in terms of delivery of basic services, executive functions, and legislative functions during the Fiscal Year 2023. The study involved 100 respondents, mostly female, married, aged 31+, with high school education and an average monthly income of 5,001-10,000. With 100 samples taken through non-probability sampling method via purposive sampling, and with the use of weighted mean, standard deviation, t-test for independent samples, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s r the findings indicate that Punong Barangays are generally competent in their duties and functions. The study supports the Antal Szerletics, Gerry Stoker, and B. Guy Peter’s model, which emphasizes the importance of establishing a good governance structure to guide and manage sustainability and responsibility. This structure allows leaders to set direction, establish goals, and create policies to execute strategies. Good governance can be conceived as a basket of practices, including professional civil service, anti-corruption policies, transparency and accountability, democratic decision-making, the rule of law, protection of human rights, and independent judiciary. The findings suggest that the Punong Barangays in Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu are competent in their duties and functions, with age, gender, average monthly income, and educational attainment not significantly mediating their assessment of competencies.
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Advanced Engineering Mathematics is a course that introduces higher concepts of mathematics and its applications to engineering. A textbook was developed to supplement the teaching learning processes. The study had utilized the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) model in developing the instructional material. The acceptability of the contents, structure and format and assessment in the IM was determined using a validated evaluation instrument. The instrument together with the IM was distributed to 22 engineering professors from various academic institutions and 80 engineering students using expert based method of obtaining evaluation. Thirty civil engineering students were the participants to test the effectiveness of the material. Results showed that the IM is highly acceptable, and is effective and found that there is a significant improvement in the students’ performance in the pretest-posttest. The study is important in providing an effective IM for engineering students to improve their proficiency in advanced engineering mathematics.