Figure 3 - uploaded by Juan Carlos Tiznado
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Acceleration time histories, response spectra (5%-damped), and Arias Intensity (I a ) time histories recorded at the center array of all models during the Kobe motion.
Source publication
This paper presents preliminary results from four centrifuge tests, performed at the University of Colorado Boulder, to evaluate the relative influence of different mitigation mechanisms provided by dense granular columns (DGC) on the seismic performance of embankments founded on liquefiable soil deposits. The first test was designed as the baselin...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... effectiveness of DGCs and the relative importance of mitigation mechanisms of densification, enhanced drainage, and reinforcement, on the seismic performance of the embankment was evaluated in terms of accelerations and excess pore pressures in the foundation soil as well as deformations within the embankment. Figure 3 compares the results among different tests in terms of the time history of accelerations and Arias Intensities as well as response spectra in the center array below the embankment. Figure 4 compares the results in terms of the time history of excess pore pressure ratio (i.e., r u = Δu/σ′ z , where Δu is the excess pore water pressure and σ′ z is the initial vertical effective stress at a given depth) in the center and edge arrays as well as the settlement and angular distortion of the embankment. ...
Context 2
... shown in Figure 3, the combined effects of reinforcement and densification with no drainage (Test RF-DS) resulted in lower spectral accelerations at all depths along the center array, in a roughly similar manner as the unmitigated case BS. This response may be explained by the large excess pore pressure recordings at lower elevations, which in a way, reduced the seismic demand transferred to higher elevations. ...