Figure 1 - uploaded by Narayanan Komerath
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Accelerating growth in technology with years, present era (PE). Courtesy Vivisum Partners LLC [1] . The milestones are listed on the right for clarity.

Accelerating growth in technology with years, present era (PE). Courtesy Vivisum Partners LLC [1] . The milestones are listed on the right for clarity.

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For a product to be seen in the market today, the seeds had to be planted a calculable time ago. Important aspects of the ecosystem included communications, advertising, customer discovery, financing, infrastructure and competition. Evolutionary streams interacted. By detailing how a technological capability was achieved, we can learn about the tem...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... simplistic generalization may help make the point of this paper: given good data, technological status can be extrapolated backwards in time. Figure 1, from [1] shows exponential rise in rate of innovations on a timeline from 1400 PE to 2020. Time for an invention to be adopted by 25% of the US population [2], has been decreasing at an exponential rate. ...
Context 2
... olden times k was tiny, and 1/k was measured in Millennia. Parameters for Figure 1 are arbitrary, chosen to fit a simple figure. But the status quo in technology remained unmoved for centuries or even millennia! ...

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