Fig 5 - uploaded by Yubo Huang
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Source publication
In reinforcement learning (RL), we always expect the agent to explore as many states as possible in the initial stage of training and exploit the explored information in the subsequent stage to discover the most returnable trajectory. Based on this principle, in this paper, we soften the proximal policy optimization by introducing the entropy and d...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... this experiment, using the control variable method, we ablate three core components of SPOD: dual-track advantage estimator (DTAE), entropy term and clipped margin respectively, to quantify their contribution to the overall performance of SPOD. First, without DTAE, the agent will adopt GAE to estimate the advantage of one action at state s. Fig. 5 shows DTAE can acquire high cumulative return as well as keep faster training speed compared with GAE. Then, without entropy term in Eq. 31, SPOD will degenerate to PPO and the algorithm's performance will also decrease. Finally, without the clipped margin, cumulative return remains extremely low level throughout the training process ...
Context 2
... this experiment, using the control variable method, we ablate three core components of SPOD: dual-track advantage estimator (DTAE), entropy term and clipped margin respectively, to quantify their contribution to the overall performance of SPOD. First, without DTAE, the agent will adopt GAE to estimate the advantage of one action at state s. Fig. 5 shows DTAE can acquire high cumulative return as well as keep faster training speed compared with GAE. Then, without entropy term in Eq. 31, SPOD will degenerate to PPO and the algorithm's performance will also decrease. Finally, without the clipped margin, cumulative return remains extremely low level throughout the training process ...
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