Figure - uploaded by Sandra Schön
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Abbildung 6: Medien für Aufgaben (n=64). Ergebnisse der Befragung von 69 Schulleitungen an steirischen Mittelschulen im Oktober 2020.

Abbildung 6: Medien für Aufgaben (n=64). Ergebnisse der Befragung von 69 Schulleitungen an steirischen Mittelschulen im Oktober 2020.

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Die COVID-19-Krise führte im März 2020 zur Schließung des gesamten österreichischen Schulbetriebs, was zur Folge hatte, dass Präsenzunterricht durch Distance Learning ersetzt werden musste. Der Beitrag stellt die Ergebnisse einer Master-Thesis vor, die das Ziel verfolgte, die technische und organisatorische Umsetzung von Distance Learning während d...

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... Based on the development during the Covid-19 pandemic and its school closures and transition to distance education using online tools in Austria (e.g. Weber, Ebner & Schön, 2021), it seems reasonable to assume that the digital competencies of first-year students at TU Graz have also evolved. Our research question is therefore: How have digital competences of firstyear students at TU Graz changed when comparing first-year students in 2019 (before Covid-19 restrictions) to first-year students in 2021 (after school closures and distance learning)? ...
... Reviewing the literature, we were unable to find any contributions on how and whether the skills of Austrian high-school graduates or first-year students have changed because of the pandemic. Of course, there are contributions available about the changes concerning digital learning and its challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic, such as for TU Graz , for single university courses , for higher education in Austria in general (Pausits et al., 2021) or in Austrian schools (Weber, Ebner & Schön, 2021). ...
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Digital skills are necessary for first-year students at Austrian universities. This paper unveils results from two surveys among first-year students at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz): Pre-Covid-19 data (n=921) is derived from a larger study on digital literacy among first-year students in Styria (Janschitz et al., 2021, N=4,676). The same questions were posed in the 2021 ‘Welcome Days’ survey after the Covid-19 distance learning phases (n=1,207). Surprisingly, the only significant change is a noticeable increase of skills concerning the digital signature. This article additionally presents the development of a lecture on digital skills that was implemented at TU Graz as a massive open online course (MOOC).