Figure - uploaded by Jochen Martens
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Abb. 12. Cyphophthalmi. a-c) Stylocellidae, Penis von dorsal, ventral und lateral; Stylocellus sp. (Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur); d-f) Neogoveidae, Penis von dorsal, ventral und lateral (Neogovea immsi HIN-TON); g) Sironidae, Penis von dorsal; Siro duricorius (JOSEPH). (d-f nach MARTENS, 1969; g nach MARTENS, 1978b).
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Wollen wir eine Tiergruppe nicht nur klassifizieren, sondern ihre Teilgruppen korrekt in ihren phylogenetischen Beziehungen erkennen, so sind an die verwendeten Merkmale bestimmte Anforderungen zu stellen. Sie müssen uns erlauben, monophyletische Einheiten nachzuweisen, die allein wir dem System zugrunde legen dürfen. Geht es um die basalen Verzwei...
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... That means that the jack-knife movement of the glans in Metalacurbs foordi sp. nov. is completely different from the typical "in-out of truncus" expansion movement in biantines (see Martens 1978Martens , 1986. In fact, the markedly different glans structure and mode of function during the hydraulic expansion of Lacurbs and Metalacurbs was pointed out by Martens (1978) to justify the exclusion of both genera from his Biantidae concept. ...
Despite being one of the most conspicuous African opilionids, the members of Lacurbsinae remain one of the least known groups of harvestmen species. All eight previously-known species of Lacurbsinae are inadequately described and poorly illustrated, leaving the morphological characteristics of this subfamily obscure. After more than half a century, we describe a new species of Lacurbsinae. Metalacurbs foordisp. nov. is described, based on a male specimen collected in Ankasa National Park, Ghana, with a detailed description and illustration of its external and genital morphology. This marks the first modern taxonomic description of a species within Lacurbsinae, including an illustration and description of the male genital morphology, a crucial modern taxonomic characteristic for Opiliones and represents a starting point for the taxonomic revision of the subfamily.
... The terminology of genital structures follows Martens (1986) and Macías-Ordóñez et al. (2010), and the macrosetae terminology of male genitalia follows Kury and Machado (2021). Terminology for the outline of the dorsal scutum follows Kury and Medrano (2016). ...
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... Before this work, none of the escadabiid species have ever been redescribed under modern taxonomic criteria, including external and genital characteristics. Regarding male genital characteristics, their importance in the taxonomy and systematics of harvestmen has been demonstrated for decades and there is already a consensus among harvestman taxonomists (e.g., Martens 1976;1986;1988;Pinto-da-Rocha 1997;Kury & Villarreal 2015, Pérez-González et al. 2016. Genital characters are of extreme importance in the delimitation of genera and species as well as in higher taxonomic categories. ...
The genus Spaeleoleptes was proposed by H. Soares in 1966 to accommodate the first Brazilian troglobitic species of harvestmen, Spaeleoleptes spaeleus H. Soares, 1966. In this work, we redescribe this species, including digital images of the type material and drawings of the male genitalia. Since its description, Spaeleoleptes has remained monotypic, and after 56 years, herein is described the second species of the genus, the troglobitic Spaeleoleptes gimli sp. nov. Both species share sexually dimorphic legs I and II with modified regions and swelling on the tibiae and patellae I and II; a penis with robust conductors covering all or part of the capsula interna and a capsula interna with two lateral projections. They are clearly separated by the shape of the modified region of the tibia; by the presence of an apical projection on the apical lamina of the pars distalis in S. spaeleus; and the lateral projections of the capsula interna, which is flattened in S. gimli. Spaeleoleptes gimli greatly increases the distributional range of the genus, as it is now recorded from caves located in two Brazilian phytophysiognomies from the Cerrado of Minas Gerais to the Caatinga of Bahia.
... The male genitalia were placed first in hot lactic acid, later transferred to distilled water to expand the movable parts of glans penis for observation (Schwendinger & Martens 2002). The terminology of genital structures follows Martens (1986) and Macías-Ordóñez et al. (2010), and the terminology of macrosetae in male genitalia follows Kury & Villarreal (2015). The specimens studied are deposited in the Museum of Hebei university, Baoding, China (MHBu) and in the Senckenberg Arachnology collections (SMF, Frankfurt am Main, Germany). ...
Tegestria altmannae sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on male and female specimens collected in Malaysia. It is characterized by the unarmed dorsal scutum, and basal segment of chelicerae dorsally with three seta-tipped tubercles. The type species of the monotypic genus Gintingius Roewer, 1938, G. robustus Roewer, 1938, is treated as a new synonym of Tegestria coniata Roewer, 1938 and the genus Gintingius as a new synonym of Tegestria Roewer, 1936, accordingly.
... Glans morphology.-Cosmetidae, as in other Grassatores Kury, 2002, have a non-muscular penis and the movements of the glans are due to hemolymph-pressure, a derived character state (Martens 1976(Martens , 1986. In contrast to other superfamilies of Grassatores, which have complex non-muscular penises, cosmetids, as other gonyleptoids, possess a more simplified sub-distal glans without auxiliary sclerites or vesicles. ...
Rhaucoides Roewer, 1912 is herein revisited and re-diagnosed based on somatic and genital morphology,
including the differences of both expanded and unexpanded glans complex shown for the first time in Cosmetidae. The
genus is characterized mainly by abdominal ornamentation, coloration and by having the two basalmost tarsomeres of leg
I fused. The genus Cumbalia Roewer, 1963 is newly considered a junior synonym of Rhaucoides. The species Cumbalia
octomaculata Roewer, 1963, Rhaucoides festae Roewer 1925 and Rhaucoides sulfureus Mello-Leit˜ao 1939 are considered
junior subjective synonyms of Rhaucoides riveti Roewer, 1919. Erginus devillei Simon 1879 (currently in Metarhaucus) is
transferred to Rhaucoides, resulting in Rhaucoides devillei (Simon 1879), comb. nov. Rhaucoides atahualpa sp. nov. and
Rhaucoides nasa sp. nov. are described from Ecuador and Colombia, respectively. Comments about the genital and tarsal
morphology in Cosmetidae are provided. A map with the known distribution of the genus, in the Andes of southern
Colombia and northern Ecuador, is given. Finally, emended diagnoses are provided for the genera Rhauculus Roewer,
1927 and Reimoserius Roewer 1947. After the type species of Metarhaucus Pickard-Cambridge, 1905 was transferred to
Rhaucus Simon, 1879, a few species remained without formal generic allocation. All of those are herein combined either
with Rhaucoides (1 species), Rhauculus (5 species) or Reimoserius (1 species).
... For African species Kauri (1961Kauri ( , 1985, Santos & Prieto (2010) and Bauer & Prieto (2009), for Asian species Suzuki (1969Suzuki ( , 1985 and Martens (1977Martens ( , 1980Martens ( , 2021a, namely for Nepalese species, and Zang & Zhang (2015) for Laotian species provided an acceptable standard. Only Martens (1976Martens ( , 1977Martens ( , 1986 followed by Macías-Ordóñez et al. (2010) deducted general characteristics of the assamiid penes' functional morphology and pointed to the expandable prickly funnel ("Stacheltrichter") as an essential character. This provided the basis to further delimitate and circumscribe the family and provided the concept for sound species taxonomy. ...
... This may hint to the possibility that (largely) unarmed laniatorean pedipalps represent a phylogenetically plesiomorphic state. Additionally to the examples cited above, it occurs in taxa which in an evolutionary context are positioned widely apart, e.g., in Synthetonychidae of New Zealand (Martens 1986) and in the only species of Suthepiidae, Suthepia inermis Martens, 2020, from Thailand (Martens 2020. In this row follows the extremely elongated male pedipalp in species of genus Ankaratrix Lawrence, 1959(Porto & Pérez-González 2020 from Madagascar and of the Filopalpus gen. ...
Filopalpinae subfam. nov. is proposed as a new subfamily within family Assamiidae based on a new genus, Filopalpus gen. nov. and on five new species: F. joschmidti sp. nov., F. bale sp. nov., F. kakaensis sp. nov., F. altomontanus sp. nov. and F. niger sp. nov. All originate from the highlands of Ethiopia, namely the Bale Mountains and adjacent volcanoes
in Oromia State. Species of the new subfamily are characterized by dense body cover with pointed tubercles causing a hedgehog appearance of the body (dorsal side, partly ventral side), extreme sexual dimorphism in pedipalps (in males thread-like long and thin surpassing body length by about four to six times, devoid of apophyses and thorns; in females short and stout about body length, with a distal “grasping hand” formed by apophyses and strong setae of tibia and tarsus, and tarsal claw). Male genital morphology is characterized by a hemolymph-pressure system of truncus penis and glans, a dorsal sub-distal tube-like glans with an inner prickly funnel, which is everted by hemolymph pressure during courtship. These male genital characters place the present species in Assamiidae, but external morphology points to a strongly different separate evolutionary unit within this family. The five species known to date were secured at altitudes between
2830 and 4100 m. At least two of the collecting areas are now devoid of forest due to human impact. To secure the present specimens at high-altitude localities was possible only by searching in remote microhabitats unavailable for cattle and man-made fire. A perspective on current subfamilies of Assamiidae and on pedipalpal morphology and evolution is presented.
... Nur wenige europäische Teilrevisionen oder gar Faunenwerke aus dieser Zeit genügten den neuen Anforderungen: Šilhavý (1956) für die Tschechoslowakei, Spoek (1963) für die Niederlande, kleinere Arbeiten für den europäischen Raum etwa ab 1965, um in der alten Welt zu bleiben . Erst viel später bekamen Kriterien der Genitalmorphologie auch für Gattungs-und Familienkennzeichnung Gewicht (Martens 1976(Martens , 1986 . ...
... Dieses Argument kann indes nicht für einfach gebaute genitalmorphologische Strukturen herangezogen werden . Der Penistyp der Cladonychiidae gehört mit einem inneren Muskel der Funktionsweise des Muskel-Sehnen-Prinzips an -die Glans wird gegen den Truncus bewegt (Martens 1976(Martens , 1986 . Penes der Arten dieser Familien, auch außerhalb der Laniatores, sind aus funktionalen Gründen im Glansbereich fast immer strukturarm; das hat nichts mit Vereinfachungen bedingt durch Höhlenleben zu tun . ...
Abstract. Four decades of research on harvestmen based on volume 64 of ‘Die Tierwelt Deutschlands’ – retrospective, status quo
and future prospects. A short history of the Opiliones volume in ‘Die Tierwelt Deutschlands’ published by Martens (1978) is presented.
The area under consideration comprises Central Europe expanded by large parts of Scandinavia, the British Isles, non-Mediterranean
France, Benelux, the complete Alps and in the south-east those parts of Romania and Croatia whose fauna was sufficiently well known.
Additions and changes which appeared since 1978 are highlighted: new species discovered in this area, taxonomic changes, important
distributional records, as well as changes of faunal composition due to human-mediated influences and climate change are addressed.
Perspectives for further research concern faunal inventory especially in the Southern Alps, ecological studies, control of faunal change
dynamics and morphological-anatomical investigations. Originally, 113 species were documented for this area and 31 species have been
newly discovered since. Of these, 22 species have their type locality in the area under consideration. Eight species had to be excluded
from the list due to incorrect identifications, wrongly attributed locality indications and synonymies (Peltonychia postumicola, P. gabria,
P. insignis, Ischyropsalis pyrenaea, I. helvetica, Leiobunum tiscae, Nelima nigripalpe, Opilio ravennae). The majority of the new species were discovered in isolated areas of the Southern Alps, largely congruent with Massifs de Refuge, i.e. zones that where ice-free within glacial periods. Paranemastoma silli monticola Babalean, 2011 from Romania is upgraded to species rank, Paranemastoma monticola Babalean, 2011 stat. nov. Recently, molecular genetics (Ischyropsalis, Trogulus, Megabunus) and partly chemical and ecological methods (Megabunus, Nemastoma) helped to understand species delimitations more accurately, resulting in considerably higher number of species
in the relevant genera than formerly believed. Due to recent man-made introductions eight species reached our area of investigation after 1978, but considerably more species in partial areas like Great Britain or the Netherlands. Successive range expansions of these species differ considerably from nearly zero to complete coverage of central Europe. Dasylobus graniferus is recorded for the first time in Germany. Following climate warming favourable conditions accelerate northward extension of native species, namely to the British Isles, northern parts of Central Europe and southern Scandinavia. By contrast, rainless dry summer periods influence the Central European opilionid fauna negatively causing regional extinctions.
... The male reproductive system and spermatozoa have been described for representatives of all arachnid groups, including Scorpiones (e.g., Michalik & Mercati 2010), Acari (e.g., Alberti & Klompen 2002;Florek & Witalinks 2010), Araneae (e.g., Alberti 2000;Lipke et al. 2014;Lipke & Michalik 2015;Michalik & Ramirez 2014), and Solifugae (e.g., Alberti & Peretti 2002). The morphology of the penis of harvestmen is an important source of characters for taxonomic studies since this has interspecific morphological variations (Martens 1976(Martens , 1986(Martens , 1988Pinto-da-Rocha et al. 2007;Macías-Ordónez et al. 2010;Bennett & Townsend 2013;Machado et al. 2015;Pérez-Gonza´lez & Werneck 2018;Proud & Townsend 2019). However, in Opiliones, the internal morphology of the reproductive tract and spermatozoa was only described for few representatives of Cyphophthalmi (Janczyk 1956;Juberthie & Manier 1978;Gutjahr et al. 2006), Eupnoi (Reger 1969;Tripepi 1983), Dyspnoi , 1977a and Laniatores (Juberthie & Manier 1977c;Jones & Cokendolpher 1985;Moya et al. 2007). ...
Arachnida evolved different reproductive strategies in the terrestrial habitats. Knowledge of the morphology of reproductive systems varies depending on the group, and for Opiliones only a few studies exists addressing this topic. Here, we describe the morphology of the male reproductive tract and the spermatozoon of the harvestman Mischonyx cuspidatus (Roewer, 1913). In this species, males have a single testis, a pair of deferent ducts, a seminal vesicle, a propelling organ and a penis. The lumen of the folded seminal vesicle and testis follicles are filled with spermatozoa, suggesting a storage of sperm related to a possible reproductive strategy involving multiple matings. The spermatozoa are aflagellate and ca. 6.5 µm in length. This study sheds light on the knowledge of the harvestman's reproductive biology and life strategy, which can be used in future studies involving Opiliones behavior and systematics.
... This is largely due to the highly homoplastic nature of somatic morphology, few genitalic characters, and the suspected rapid diversification of this lineage (Baker et al. 2020b). However, ovipositor morphology has yet to be adequately assessed across Triaenonychoidea and may prove a reliable source in diagnosing natural lineages in Laniatores (Martens 1986;Townsend et al. 2015). Similarly, the characters traditionally used to define subfamilies may still be useful in defining lineages, but just at shallower or more regional levels (i.e. ...
The Opiliones superfamily Triaenonychoidea currently includes two families, the monogeneric New Zealand–endemic Synthetonychiidae Forster, 1954 and Triaenonychidae Sørensen, 1886, a diverse family distributed mostly throughout the temperate Gondwanan terranes, with ~110 genera and ~500 species and subspecies currently described. Traditionally, Triaenonychidae has been divided into subfamilies diagnosed by very few morphological characters largely derived from the troublesome ‘Roewerian system’ of morphology, and classifications based on this system led to many complications. Recent research within Triaenonychoidea using morphology and traditional multilocus data has shown multiple deeply divergent lineages, non-monophyly of Triaenonychidae, and non-monophyly of subfamilies, necessitating a revision based on phylogenomic data. We used sequence capture of ultraconserved elements across 164 samples to create a 50% taxon occupancy matrix with 704 loci. Using phylogenomic and morphological examinations, we explored family-level relationships within Triaenonychoidea, including describing two new families: (1) Lomanellidae Mendes & Derkarabetian, fam. nov., consisting of Lomanella Pocock, 1903, and a newly described genus Abaddon Derkarabetian & Baker, gen. nov. with one species, A. despoliator Derkarabetian, sp. nov.; and (2) the elevation to family of Buemarinoidae Karaman, 2019, consisting of Buemarinoa Roewer, 1956, Fumontana Shear, 1977, Flavonuncia Lawrence, 1959, and a newly described genus Turonychus Derkarabetian, Prieto & Giribet, gen. nov., with one species, T. fadriquei Derkarabetian, Prieto & Giribet, sp. nov. With our dataset we also explored phylogenomic relationships within Triaenonychidae with an extensive taxon set including samples representing ~80% of the genus-level diversity. Based on our results we (1) discuss systematics of this family including the historical use of subfamilies, (2) reassess morphology in the context of our phylogeny, (3) hypothesise placement for all unsampled genera, (4) highlight lineages most in need of taxonomic revision, and (5) provide an updated species-level checklist. Aside from describing new taxa, our study provides the phylogenomic context necessary for future evolutionary and systematic research across this diverse lineage.
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... The species of only few laniatorean genera and families lack this basket system, i.e. Sandokanidae in Asia (Schwendinger & Martens, 1999), the New Zealand Synthetonychidae (Martens, 1986) Porto & Pérez-González (2020). In all these cases conclusions on phylogenetic relationships cannot be drawn. ...
... Internal morphology; genital apparatus: Penial characters are important for defi ning opilionid families. Within genera and species of a given family basic characters in penial morphology and the mode of insemination are generally uniform (Martens, 1986, Macías-Ordóñez et al., 2010. The stout penis of Suthepia inermis sp. ...
A new family of laniatorean harvestmen from northern Thailand is proposed, Suthepiidae fam. nov., which comprises one new genus and one new species, Suthepia inermis sp. nov. This family stands out by characters hitherto unknown or rarely recorded for Opiliones, and close relatives of this taxon are presently not discernible. Important characters are a short and compact penis with a massively enlarged distal part with a rich armament of sclerites and membranes which can be moved and everted by hemolymph pressure during mating; the pedipalp of males and females is without raptorial adaptations, i.e. elevated sockets (= apophyses) carrying strong distal spines are completely absent, therefore no prey capture basket is present; the male pedipalpal tarsus is enlarged and compressed, its dorso-distal double apophysis presumably contains a gland; the pedipalpal claw is weak, not longer or stronger than long hyaline setae on the
dorso-distal apophysis of the tarsus. The only specimens presently known were found in litter of a few forested mountain stocks, between 450 m and 1400 m altitude. A brief overview of Southeast Asian laniatorean families is presented.