Figure - uploaded by Timothy Coppack
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Abb. 1: (a) Verteilung der Eiderente auf den beflogenen Transekten (visuelle Zählung, Individuen pro km); (b) Transektausschnitt mit Bildrahmen der Orthofotos und einzeln registrierten Eiderenten (rote Punkte) sowie der visuell erfasste Bereich (Band A, grau) und geschätzte, auf 5 Sekunden-Intervalle summierte Indiviuenzahlen (blaue Punkte); (c) Ausschnitt eines repräsentativen Orthofotos in 70-Prozent-Verkleinerung. – (a) Distribution of common eiders along surveyed transects (individuals per km); (b) section of a transect with photo frames and individual common eiders (red dots); numbers estimated by aerial visual survey (blue dots); (c) segment of an orthophoto scaled down by 70 percent.  

Abb. 1: (a) Verteilung der Eiderente auf den beflogenen Transekten (visuelle Zählung, Individuen pro km); (b) Transektausschnitt mit Bildrahmen der Orthofotos und einzeln registrierten Eiderenten (rote Punkte) sowie der visuell erfasste Bereich (Band A, grau) und geschätzte, auf 5 Sekunden-Intervalle summierte Indiviuenzahlen (blaue Punkte); (c) Ausschnitt eines repräsentativen Orthofotos in 70-Prozent-Verkleinerung. – (a) Distribution of common eiders along surveyed transects (individuals per km); (b) section of a transect with photo frames and individual common eiders (red dots); numbers estimated by aerial visual survey (blue dots); (c) segment of an orthophoto scaled down by 70 percent.  

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An expansion of offshore wind energy production could lead to a significant loss of wintering and staging habitats for seabirds. To assess the impact of wind farms before, during and after their construction, the standard investigation concept of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) currently recommends ship- and aircraft-based bird s...


... Here over-or underestimates of 25% are not uncommon (e.g. Bibby et al., 1995, Kulemeyer et al., 2011 with accumulations of 2,000 individuals or more. ...
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The standard procedure to count birds is a manual one. However a manual bird count is a time consuming and cumbersome process, requiring several people going from nest to nest counting the birds and the clutches. High resolution imagery, generated with a UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) offer an interesting alternative. Experiences and results of UAS surveys for automatic bird count of the last two years are presented for the bird reserve island Langenwerder. For 2011 1,568 birds (± 5 %.) were detected on the image mosaic, based on multispectral image classification and GIS-based post processing. Based on the experiences of 2011 the results and the accuracy of the automatic bird count 2012 became more efficient. For 2012 1,938 birds with an accuracy of approx. ± 3 % were counted. Additionally a separation of breeding and non-breeding birds was performed with the assumption, that standing birds cause a visible shade. The final section of the paper is devoted to the analysis of the 3D-point cloud. Thereby the point cloud was used to determine the height of the vegetation and the extend and depth of closed sinks, which are unsuitable for breeding birds.
... Zudem können anhand digitaler Fotografien Vogelverteilungen und individuelle Abstände zu anthropogenen Störquellen dokumentiert und als Belegmaterial vorgelegt werden, was einen Vorteil gegenüber der bisherigen, personengebundenen Protokollierung von Beobachtungsdaten mittels Diktiergeräten darstellt.4. Entwicklung einer Erfassungs methode auf der Grundlage digi taler, georeferenzierter Ortho fotografienIn einem Test hat das IfAÖ im Frühjahr 2010 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Rostock[9] eine herkömmliche Flugzeugtransektzählung mit einer auf Digitalfotos basierten Rastvogelzählung verglichen. Mit der eingesetzten Technik konnten diejenigen Wasservogelarten im Untersuchungsgebiet erfasst und bestimmt werden, die auch visuell nachweisbar waren. ...
... Here over-or underestimates of 25% are not uncommon (e.g. Bibby et al., 1995, Kulemeyer et al., 2011 with accumulations of 2,000 individuals or more. ...
Conference Paper
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The standard procedure to count birds is a manual one. However a manual bird count is a time consuming and cumbersome process, requiring several people going from nest to nest counting the birds and the clutches. High resolution imagery, generated with a UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) offer an interesting alternative. Experiences and results of UAS surveys for automatic bird count of the last two years are presented for the bird reserve island Langenwerder. For 2011 1568 birds (± 5%) were detected on the image mosaic, based on multispectral image classification and GIS-based post processing. Based on the experiences of 2011 the results and the accuracy of the automatic bird count 2012 became more efficient. For 2012 1938 birds with an accuracy of approx. ± 3% were counted. Additionally a separation of breeding and non-breeding birds was performed with the assumption, that standing birds cause a visible shade. The final section of the paper is devoted to the analysis of the 3D-point cloud. Thereby the point cloud was used to determine the height of the vegetation and the extend and depth of closed sinks, which are unsuitable for breeding birds.