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The energy poverty derived from socio-economic imbalances affects mostly households with fewer economic resources, being social housing complexes one of the most vulnerable sectors. The insufficient access to energy and the incapability to maintain dwellings at an adequate temperature can have negative impact on people’s health due to the prolonged...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the energy poverty threshold was adjusted, as the 10 % of the total income estimated to cover the energy needs of a household. Table 1refers to total expenditure per household (€) and includes consumption associated with sanitary hot water, lighting and domestic appliances. In the energy vulnerability assessment, only the energy consumption for heating is considered, so it is necessary to set an appropriate percentage for the threshold, as Sánchez-Guevara exposed [10]. ...
Context 2
... the energy expenditure of the dwelling was calculated based on the state energy price, as shown in Table 1. The energy consumption and expenditure were calculated using the following data: ...


... Nevertheless, the question of whether the priorities of building renovation are effectively determined for budget distribution according to the target population and purpose of use [11][12][13][14] persists. While problems caused by procedural and systemic issues exist, the most significant issue is that energy poverty in blind spots is not identified through field surveys; furthermore, the same buildings may be repeatedly identified for funding. ...
... Software based on an algorithm for calculating the window area was developed so that the window area information can be directly obtained from the photographs. The results obtained expand the theoretical knowledge and could affect the determination of priorities before the field surveys as well as actual projects and policies, such as fairer and more efficient distribution methods [12]. ...
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Enhancing the efficiency of windows is important for improving the energy efficiency of buildings. The Korean government has performed numerous building renovation projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate energy poverty. To reduce the costs and manpower requirements of conventional field surveys, this study presents a deep-learning model to examine the insulation performance of windows using photographs taken in low-income housing. A smartphone application using crowdsourcing was developed for data collection. The insulation performance of windows was determined based on U-value, derived considering the frame-material type, number of panes, and area of windows. An image-labeling tool was designed to identify and annotate window components within photographs. Furthermore, software utilizing open-source computer vision was developed to estimate the window area. After training on a dataset with ResNet and EfficientNet, an accuracy of approximately 80% was achieved. Thus, this study introduces a novel workflow to evaluate the insulation performance of windows, which can support the energy-efficient renovation of low-income housing.
... The year of construction and building compactness were important factors influencing the demand and final energy consumed for heating. The research recommended using energy poverty vulnerability assessments for a better policy design [28]. ...
... Rather, the household's total income is revealed in the survey, which enables us to consider the 'eat or heat dilemma'. [22] The well-being was assessed based on three questions on a five-point scale [28]. ...
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Multi-family building renovation represents a key policy area at the same time, predominantly affects the daily life of residents. The paper tackles the energy renovations of multi-family buildings in Latvia. Specifically, it investigates how the renovation process affects the residents’ health and well-being, their perception, and their understanding of the renovation process. To evaluate the residents’ perception, a survey was conducted in thirteen buildings renovated using energy performance contracting to assess the preparation, execution, and impact of the renovation project. The survey revealed the lack of communication between the parties involved and co-design as the roadblocks to upscale the renovation process in Latvia using energy performance contracting. The paper shows aspects of the process that need to be improved to scale up the renovation in Latvia.
... El enfoque científico más estudiado es el correspondiente a la vulnerabilidad energética centrada en la pobreza energética y que aúna aspectos ambientales, energéticos y sociales (Perez-Bezos et al., 2020). El insuficiente acceso a la energía y la incapacidad de mantener las viviendas a una temperatura adecuada pueden tener un impacto negativo en la salud de las personas debido a la exposición prolongada a malas condiciones higrotérmicas (San Miguel-Bellod et al., 2018). ...
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Resumen Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) las condiciones morfológicas, materiales y de contexto de los edificios residenciales pueden exponer a las personas a distintos riesgos para la salud, tanto físicos como mentales. Dicho riesgo depende de factores de muy diversa índole (socioeconómica, sociocultural, ambiental, etc.). Es un fenómeno multifactorial y multicausal, donde los aspectos arquitectónicos y urbanísticos son una variable importante de un sistema complejo. Los retos a los que se enfrentan las estrategias de rehabilitación residencial deberían adaptarse para dar respuesta a las deficiencias de los distintos ámbitos. En este contexto, se ha desarrollado un método para evaluar la vulnerabilidad residencial en función al riesgo para la salud de las personas. Se trata de una primera propuesta para incorporar aspectos como la iluminación y la ventilación natural o la espacialidad o flexibilidad de las viviendas en los métodos de evaluación del parque edificado. Pretende provocar una reflexión acerca de la diversidad existente en las necesidades, en contraposición a la uniformidad de las estrategias de rehabilitación impulsadas por la Administración Pública en esta última década. A su vez, posibilita entender la estructuración del parque residencial a nivel urbano e interrelacionar aspectos tipo morfológicos y socioeconómicos e indagar en las dinámicas de vulnerabilidad urbana. El análisis se ha realizado en cuatro tipos de vulnerabilidad (espacial, ambiental, energético y socioeconómico) a través de 24 indicadores recogidos en un modelo SIG basado en la lógica difusa y la evaluación multicriterio. Se ha utilizado como base la información cartográfica y alfanumérica del catastro. La escala de trabajo y de análisis es municipal siendo la unidad de desagregación el portal. El método se ha implementado en un caso de estudio, el término municipal de Donostia-San Sebastián, aunque es exportable y adaptable a otros contextos. La propuesta metodológica desarrollada posibilita tener una visión holística del parque y comparar las afecciones en distintas áreas de estudio. Dicha información es la base para diseñar adecuadamente las intervenciones para cada contexto o tipología y definir una estrategia de escala municipal.
... However, in the analysed projects it takes a minor place as it is assessed in half of the projects (10 of 18). In these projects, the most evaluated aspect is the 'energy poverty' or the 'fuel poverty'; Foster et al. defined fuel poverty as 'its energy consumption does not meet basic energy needs' [43]; furthermore, Perez-Bezos et al. proposed an energy vulnerability assessment method for prioritizing the retrofitting of residential buildings [44]. In this research seven projects assessed the energy poverty: ENERPAT [9], REPLICATE [19], RemoUrban [21], STEEP [23], OptEEmAL [25], Plan Zero CO2 [31] and AGREE [33]. ...
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Energy retrofit of existing buildings is one of the main keys to achieve European Union’s decarbonising objectives defined in the European Green Deal. In order to proceed into them, European policy has been adapted and several research projects are developed. The aim of this paper is to analyse the assessment methodology of the research projects, setting up the overview of the assessed fields and the criteria followed to perform and evaluate each project. As working methodology, 18 projects have been studied, firstly characterising by the main parameters and afterwards analysing the assessment followed by each one. This analysis is decomposed into five parameters: the assessment scope, reflecting the fields covered by the project’s assessment; data source, the nature of the data; verification, use of data verification strategies; and implementation of life cycle thinking in the assessment methodology. The research shows that although the projects have their bases in the EU energetic targets they also cover a wider scope, assessing many fields and combining many sources of data. However, despite the large knowledge already defined by many projects, there is a lack of global and complete roadmap to be followed.
... Assessment of urban resilience can also be challenging because of insufficient long-term data availability [11]. It is also noted that one of the most vulnerable are people living in energy poverty circumstances [12], as future weather conditions will negatively affect how buildings are performing, as they are built for current or even past climatic realities [13]. ...
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Since 2008 many municipalities in the European Union have taken part in the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) initiative and have developed Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) to contribute to climate change mitigation. To respond to new policy goals for 2030, the CoM has expanded its focus and since 2018 requires municipalities to cover climate adaptation actions. The main aim of this paper is to analyse the first experiences of six municipalities from Spain, Portugal and Latvia in upgrading their existing Sustainable Energy Actions Plans to Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP). SECAPs were developed through a participatory process involving all relevant local stakeholders, to gain maximum understanding and acceptance. Each municipality implemented climate adaption actions to demonstrate the need for adaptation and the ways it can be accomplished.
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This paper contributes to existing research on home energy efficiency renovations by analysing the extent to which regional differences in the distribution of subsidies for renovations are related to geographical and socioeconomic factors, by analysing statistical data for districts in the Czech Republic. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that it maps and analyses not only regional differences in the rate of drawing subsidies and its determinants, but also differences in the way these subsidies are used (whether for reducing the energy intensity of existing houses by insulation, implementing renewable energy technologies or building new houses with low energy intensity). The analysis revealed significant correlations between the amount of subsidies drawn in districts per capita and variables which indicate territorial stability and social capital. There are significant differences in the rate of drawing subsidies between specific regions that are considered as economically deprived and where people are at higher risk of energy poverty. While border regions in the east of the country show an above-average use of funds for insulation of existing houses, in the largest cities and their suburban areas people are more likely to use subsidies for construction of new houses. The results indicate that subsidies should be redistributed and targeted more effectively in respect to the declared objectives of the program.