Figure 1 - uploaded by Felipe Massignan
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Introduction: Liposuction has been submitted to constant evolution since its consolidation and systematic use. The aid of the third generation ultrasonic technology VASER® (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) aims to bring more safety and satisfactory results, especially with the desire to achieve greater definition with superfici...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... ® is composed by an integrated system, formed by a display (ultrasound), handpiece, probes (special astraumatic rod), suction tower by Ventx ® system (ventilated aspiration system), integrated system of irrigation and triggering pedals. This complete equipment unites all the apparatus needed for the realization of the liposuction surgery in an organized manner, offering safety, comfort and practicality to the surgeon ( Figure 1). ...
Context 2
... was only a case of prolonged edema (1.31%) which was solved with the intensification of the conservative therapy. We credit the low percentage found in our casuistry to the standardizing of lymphatic drainages and the systematic use of vacuum drains (Figure 10). ...
Context 3
... agree with this premise, although we have a subjective contextualization. It is important to point out that when performing techniques that pursue a better definition of the compartments than the surgical steps, in this context, they increase and simultaneously the precepts of basic safety such as the utilization of adequate probes, selection of pulsating or intermittent dispersion of energy, super humid superficial or deep infiltration, and lamellar aspiration with posterior areolar collection are fundamental ( Figure 11). ...
Context 4
... ® is composed by an integrated system, formed by a display (ultrasound), handpiece, probes (special astraumatic rod), suction tower by Ventx ® system (ventilated aspiration system), integrated system of irrigation and triggering pedals. This complete equipment unites all the apparatus needed for the realization of the liposuction surgery in an organized manner, offering safety, comfort and practicality to the surgeon ( Figure 1). ...
Context 5
... agree with this premise, although we have a subjective contextualization. It is important to point out that when performing techniques that pursue a better definition of the compartments than the surgical steps, in this context, they increase and simultaneously the precepts of basic safety such as the utilization of adequate probes, selection of pulsating or intermittent dispersion of energy, super humid superficial or deep infiltration, and lamellar aspiration with posterior areolar collection are fundamental ( Figure 11). ...
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The evolution of body contouring follows decades of procedures and technologic advances in body shaping. Beginning many decades ago with extensive surgical resections of skin and subcutaneous fat, the evolution was dramatically changed with the introduction of suction assisted lipectomy (liposuction). Further refinement in the technique of liposuct...
... Traditional liposuction has had a variety of advancements throughout the years, resulting in increased surgeon comfort and improved outcomes. 6 Any modified liposuction procedure which provides ultrasonic energy to subcutaneous fat in terms of facilitating conventional negative pressure liposuction is known as ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL). 6 "Amplification of Sound Energy by Vibration at Resonance." is what the VASER stands for. ...
... 6 Any modified liposuction procedure which provides ultrasonic energy to subcutaneous fat in terms of facilitating conventional negative pressure liposuction is known as ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL). 6 "Amplification of Sound Energy by Vibration at Resonance." is what the VASER stands for. The VASER Liposelection system has been a 4th generation of ultrasonic technique that targets only adipocytes and utilizes an innovative, patented fat elimination method that does not damage surrounding components such as nerves, blood vessels, and collagen bundles. ...
Background: Submental adiposity is one of visible signs of the agingprocess which affects the aesthetic look of the face and neck, and itsmanagement usually is difficult without surgery, nowadays we canachieve a good result in double chin without surgical lifting of neck bynew technology (VASER liposuction) in many cases.Aim of the study: To evaluate the surgical versus VASER assistedliposuction in management of submental adiposity in moderate to severeskin laxity and significant lipodystrophy.Patients and Methods: This study is prospective study was conductedon 30 male and female patients starting from September 2018 till March2021, in Al-Azhar university hospitals presented with moderate or severesubmental adiposity (double chin), were categorized in random fashioninto two groups, Group (A) management by ultrasound assistedliposuction VASER (15 patient), Group (B) surgical management (necklifting) (15 patient).Results: Regarding patient acceptance, among the VASER group, 6patients (40%) reported good score, 5 patients (33.3%) reported verygood score, 4 patients (26.7%) reported fair score. While 10 patients(66.7%) reported very good score, 3 patients (20%) reported excellentscore and 2 patients (13.3%) reported good score.Conclusion: Surgical neck lifting showed best result , especially in oldage when compared with VASER liposuction that have a good resultsin young and middle age.
(PDF) Evaluation of surgical versus VASER assisted liposuction in management of submental adiposity in moderate to severe skin laxity and significant lipodystrophy.
... Liposuction is a common surgical procedures conducted by plastic surgeons. With surgical evolution, several modifications have been done to the original dry liposuction procedure, making surgery easier along with achieving better cosmetic results [1] . ...
Background: During liposuction procedures, injection of wetting solution containing epinephrine is performed. This may increase the risk of cardiovascular side effects in large volume cases. Magnesium sulfate has cardioprotective effects, and can prevent complications related to epinephrine. The aim of the work: To assess the effect of adding intravenous magnesium sulfate, during the administration of epinephrine containing wetting solution, on the incidence of epinephrine-mediated cardiovascular side effects during liposuction surgery. Patients and Methods: This was a prospective randomized study comprised a total of 94 cases into two equal groups. The epinephrine group included 47 cases that had epinephrine in their wetting solution, and epinephrine-Mg group included the remaining cases that had adrenaline in the wetting solution along with intra venous. administration of MgSO4. Heart rate, blood pressure, arrhythmia incidence, isoflurane, and morphine consumption were recorded. Results: No significant difference was noticed as regard basal and induction heart rate and mean arterial pressure [MAP]. However, the epinephrine-Mg group showed significantly lower readings on subsequent assessment. There was no significant difference among both groups regarding the incidence of arrhythmia; the epinephrine group had more cases with arrhythmia. Isoflurane consumption decreased significantly in the epinephrine-Mg group in comparison with the epinephrine group, while morphine consumption did not significantly differ between them. Conclusion: Based on our findings, intravenous administration of magnesium sulfate decreases heart rate, blood pressure, and inhalational anesthesia consumption during liposuction. However, it has no significant impact neither on the incidence of arrhythmia, nor morphine consumption.
Liposuction is considered one of the most common procedures in plastic surgery. However, major postoperative complications such as visceral injury, fluid overload, and necrotizing fasciitis still occur. Likewise, minor complications such as ecchymosis, seromas, infections, and contour irregularities that do not threaten the life of the patient do generate significant dissatisfaction. Current evidence regarding the management of fibrosis after previous liposuction remains limited.
The objective of this article is to standardize a management algorithm based on the extensive experience and successful results of the primary author (G.M.).
Patients who underwent secondary liposculpture between August 2022 and May 2023 were evaluated prospectively. Inclusion criteria comprised females between 18 and 60 years old, nonsmokers, with a BMI < 35 kg/m2 and a history of previous body contouring surgeries. Identification of the patient's skin condition and subcutaneous lesions in the adipose tissue were obtained in detail. Statistical analysis of preoperative and postoperative medical photographs was also performed with the Fiji Biological image analyzer.
Photographic analysis of preoperative and postoperative photographs showed a statistically significant difference between the areas affected by fibrosis (P < .001). The most frequent clinical findings were depressions in 99% of the females (74), followed by soft nodules in 95% (70), hard nodules in 81% (61), adhesions in 47% (35), and finally cutaneous bursas in 4%.
Our classification system and management algorithm for fibrosis and contour irregularities is a safe and reliable tool. Results were objectively verified, yielding statistically significant outcomes.
Level of Evidence: 3
Performing optimal gluteal augmentation using traditional methods in moderate to severe weight-loss patients poses a surgical challenge as such patients typically present with (1) severe skin redundancy, (2) soft tissues containing high-density connective tissues than fat content, and (3) ptotic buttock cheeks.
Materials and Methods
This procedure uses a modified lateral thigh and buttock tuck excision not only to lift the buttock cheek complex but also to create a dermal fat flap that is transposed into the upper buttock pole to achieve upper buttock fullness. The remainder of the excised tissue undergoes novel ex vivo liposuction while remaining sterile, which allows for simultaneous repair of the created excision line.
This novel ex vivo liposuction technique provides several advantages that include (1) limiting operative time, (2) allowing for maximal fat removal while avoiding unnecessary trauma to the patient, and (3) providing improved quality with less blood and fat volumes. This ex vivo fat is then transferred to the mid- and lower buttock to complete buttock augmentation for the Brazilian buttock lift.
Excess skin redundancy and buttock check ptosis require consideration of supplemental excisional tucking to achieve optimal results. In addition, subcutaneous tissues that maintain more connective tissue pose difficulty with fat removal using traditional liposuction techniques. As such, we present a novel surgical technique to optimally augment and shape the buttock in patients who have undergone weight loss.
In summary, we present a novel Brazilian buttock lift technique to augment the buttock in weight-loss patients that maximizes both patient safety and efficacy.
In power-assisted high definition liposuction (PA-HDL), large areas of the body surface are treated, followed by superficial aspiration along definition lines between muscle groups. Both factors can contribute to seroma formation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate if the use of vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance (VASER) prior to PA-HDL would increase the frequency of seroma formation. In this retrospective study, 164 male patients underwent PA-HDL with (n = 82) or without VASER (n = 82). No drains were used. Lymphatic drainage was performed in all patients. Seroma formation was determined by physical examination 1 and 2 weeks postoperatively. The incidence of seroma was 11% (n = 9) in the group with VASER treatment prior to PA-HDL, and 4.9% (n = 4) in the group without previous VASER use. The difference was statistically not significant ( P > .05). The most frequent area of seroma formation was at the lower part of the linea semilunaris. PA-HDL has an increased risk of seroma formation, which in our series was mainly located at the lower part of the linea semilunaris. VASER treatment prior to PA-HDL showed a tendency to further increase the risk of seroma formation in an open drainage—no-drains technique, albeit the difference was not statistically significant.