Fig 8 - uploaded by Lasse Rämö
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AO/OTA classification of humeral shaft fracture types. Copyright by AO Foundation, Switzerland. Source: AO Surgery Reference,

AO/OTA classification of humeral shaft fracture types. Copyright by AO Foundation, Switzerland. Source: AO Surgery Reference,

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The Finnish Shaft of the Humerus (FISH) randomized clinical trial was planned to compare the effectiveness of surgery versus nonsurgical care in the treatment of humeral shaft fractures in patients traditionally deemed suitable for nonsurgical care with functional bracing. The FISH trial forms the basis for this thesis.

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... most common classification system for humeral shaft fractures is AO/OTA (Arbeitsgemeinshaft für Osteosynthesegefragen and Orthopaedic Trauma Association) classification ( Kellam et al. 2018). Fractures are divided into three main types according to their morphology ( Fig. 8): type A (simple fracture line), type B (separate wedge fragment), and type C (segmental fracture). All main types are further divided into groups: type A in spiral, oblique, and transverse fractures; type B in intact and fragmented wedge fractures; and type C in intact and fragmented segmental fractures. Moreover, fractures have ...
Context 2
... had separate randomization lists generated by an independent biostatistician. Stratification was used according to radial nerve status (intact, paresthesia, or mild motor deficit; or either subtotal or total motor palsy) and fracture type (AO/OTA type A [simple fracture] or either type B [separate wedge fragment] or type C [segmental fracture], Fig. 8 and Fig. 9). The rationale behind stratification according to these factors was the assumption of PRNP affecting the early functional results and the previous finding of type A fractures having a higher risk for a fracture nonunion ( Ekholm 2007, Papasoulis et al. ...