Figure 2 - uploaded by Gerhard Roth
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A sample of a single resonant feature, C a r , comprised of 2 hypercomplex features (C a h and C b h ) and 6 complex features (C a c0 . . . C a c2 and C b c0 . . . C b c2 , where C a c2 = C b c2 ). The grid represents a simple cell field arranged in cortical columns, on top of which complex cell pooling occurs. Red areas represent active hypercomplex cells and orange areas represent active simple cells that have been pooled by complex cells (represented by lines). The primary complex cells, C a c0 and C b c0 , are associated with the largest angles in their respective hypercomplex cells. The cortical column is used to arrange complex cells in a clockwise manner for rotation invariance and to normalize complex cell length for scale invariance. The grid is represented as a texture on the GPU.
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We present a biologically motivated classifier and feature descriptors that are designed for execution on single instruction multi data hardware and are applied to high speed multiclass object recognition. Our feature extractor uses a cellular tuning approach to select the optimal Gabor filters to process a given input, followed by the computation...
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Context 1
... orientation of the traversal path is α i and reflects the orientation of the underlying object that is activating the complex cells. The orientation difference between any two complex cell fea- tures is α ij = abs(α i − α j ); examples of this can be seen in Figure 2. Rotation invariance is achieved by determining the largest α ij value and setting C a ci as the primary complex cell. ...
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... Many variations of the above underlying ideas have been proposed, including various learning strategies at higher layers [145,147], wavelet based filters [71], different feature sparsification strategies [73,110,147] and optimizations of filter parameters [107,147]. Yet another body of research, advocates that the hierarchical processing (termed F ilter → Rectif y → F ilter) that takes place in the visual cortex deals progressively with higher-order image structures [5,48,108]. ...
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