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Direct exploration of exoplanets is one of the most exciting topics in astronomy. Our current efforts in this field are concentrated on the Subaru 8.2m telescope at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Making use of the good observing site and the excellent image quality, the infrared coronagraph CIAO (Coronagraphic Imager with Adaptive Optics) has been used for var...
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Context 1
... of both low order modes and high order modes with the same WFS “hardware”: large and small amplitude oscillations of the vibrating membrane are temporally interlaced. The effect of photon noise on the system performance (commonly named “noise propagation”) is reduced. The corresponding gain in Strehl ratio is equivalent to increasing the guide star brightness by more than 1 magnitude. This performance gain is obtained by a better sensing of low order modes, especially tip-tilt. Since coronagraphs are especially sensitive to these modes, this technique is particularly advantageous for HiCIAO. In typical atmospheric conditions, the AO188 system performance is limited by the number of actuators for guide stars brighter than V ≈ 9 (this limit tends to become brighter for high wind speed and fainter for slow turbulence), and is photon noise limited for fainter guide stars. The predicted “bright star” performances, obtained from simulations on a V=5 star, range from 55% to 82% for 0.7” to 0.4” respectively. These numbers exclude non-common path errors and wavefront errors produced by the optics of HiCIAO. See Takami et al. and Hayano et al. (these proceedings) for more details on the LGSAO188 adaptive optics system 14, 15 . The simulations are performed using differential imaging subtraction with a spectral resolution of R=30. The chosen wavelengths are 1625nm and 1680nm intending to match Jupiter-like spectral signature characteristics. However, this wavelength choice is somehow arbitrary and is only intended to reflect multi-spectral differential imaging capabilities for a given spectral resolution. Moreover the wavelengths were chosen to be intermediate ones (H band) keeping in mind that better results can potentially be achieved at longer wavelengths (up to ~2.2μm) and inversely for shorter wavelengths of course. Note that the spatial scale of the images is the same for the two wavelengths. The re-scaling operation is not performed since all the images are generated using the same pupil sampling. Rescaling, registration and rotation can be very efficiently performed using the FFT-based methods described by Marois (2004) 16 , to a much more precise level than actually required. The turbulent phase screens and the 188 actuators AO correction are simulated with a time sampling of 0.5ms. Under very good seeing conditions (0.4” at 500nm) and bright stars (up to V=7) the SR will reach ~80% in H. The top-left graph of Figure 2 shows the SR against the seeing conditions for both natural and laser guide stars (NGS and LGS respectively). The simulation includes several effects: atmospheric dispersion between the spectral channels, static common and differential aberrations, misalignment of the Lyot stop (rotation and translation errors). The common aberrations include terms from the telescope optics (300nm RMS, partially corrected by the AO system), from the AO system and up to the coronagraphic mask (50nm RMS), from relay optics after the coronagraph mask (30nm RMS) and finally differential (uncorrelated) aberrations (10nm RMS). Figure 2 shows typical results of the SDI images with the above simulation parameters (no photon noise). The residual bright speckles (right part of Figure 2) are not atmospheric speckles, but are static speckles due to the differential phase aberrations. Atmospheric speckles are very efficiently subtracted in the SDI process. There are two distinct effects that affect the performance: the coronagraph performance (directly linked to its chromatism and to the AO system correction), and the amplitude of the differential aberrations. In the HiCIAO case, like in all current SDI systems, the performance limit is mainly constrained by the differential aberrations effects. Under these conditions, improving the coronagraph with a more advanced technique does not provide any gain: limitations of the technique due to the coronagraph itself would require Strehl ratios above 95%. Decreasing the spectral channels separation will not provide further gain either, also because of the differential aberrations levels. The latter would require being lower than the natural (differential) chromatism of the light, that is, less than about 4 nm RMS in this configuration. The left part of Figure 2 shows the azimuthally averaged results in this configuration. The 5- σ detection level is computed against rings of width λ /D, and at increasing radial distances, in order to account for the speckle noise. Artificial point sources have been introduced at different position angles (0.21”, 0.55”, 0.88”, 1.23” and 1.57” or 5, 13, 21, 29 and 37 λ /D) and at different contrast levels (from 10 -4 to 10 -6 ). The detection limit lies between 2.5 10 -6 and 5 10 -6 at a distance of around 1”. We are currently working on image processing and calibration procedures which could increase the achievable contrast. In order to introduce the current activities related to the explorations of exoplanets in Japan, we show a roadmap in Figure 3. Our ground-based direct explorations are currently concentrated on the fully-operated and successful Subaru 8.2m telescope. CIAO and HiCIAO will be used for the extensive surveys of young exoplanets. Regarding space-based explorations, the MIR and FIR space telescope, ASTRO-F or AKARI, is developed by JAXA/ISAS 17 and launched successfully in 2006 February. This telescope has a similar size to the Spitzer space telescope, but is optimized to all-sky survey observations. Although its low spatial resolution is not suitable for direct explorations, it will conduct an unbiased survey for faint disk emission. This enables us to make census of exo-zodi and disk evolution with a large sample of stars. As a next project in the OPT/IR community in Japan after Subaru/Akari, SPICA is currently heavily discussed (see Nakagawa et al. 2006) 18 , a cooled large single mirror space-telescope. Because of its high sensitivity and acceptable resolution, the mission will serve for direct exoplanet explorations. Its coronagraph and exoplanet science are discussed by Enya et al. (2006) 19 . A space-telescope dedicated for direct explorations of Earth-like planets, JTPF, is also under discussion in the OPT/IR community in Japan. HiCIAO is a new high-contrast instrument for the Subaru telescope. HiCIAO will be used in conjunction with the new adaptive optics (AO) system (188 actuators and/or its laser guide star - AO188/LGSAO188) at the Infrared Nasmyth platform. It is designed as a flexible camera comprising several modules that can be configured into different modes of operation. The main modules are the AO module with its future extreme AO capability, the warm coronagraph and high contrast optics module, and the cold infrared camera module. HiCIAO will be the first instrument on the 8-m class telescopes which can combine coronagraphic techniques with either simultaneous polarization or spectral differential imaging (SDI/PDI) modes which takes into account the non-common path errors. The basic concept of such differential imaging is to split up the image into two or more images, and then use either different planes of polarization or different spectral bandpass filters to produce a signal that distinguishes faint objects near a bright central object from scattered halo or residual speckles. This enables us to achieve a contrast improvement of at least 10 times or even 100 times better than before. HiCIAO can be utilized for various fields in the high contrast astronomy. Direct imaging of extrasolar planets/brown dwarfs and sub-0.1 arcsec imaging of both disks around Young Stellar Objects and debris disks are two of the most important fields in which HiCIAO plays a vital role. An extensive survey dedicated to these sciences on the Subaru telescope will be a significant contribution to astronomy before the high contrast space telescope era. The application of HiCIAO to other targets might include not only other galactic objects such as late-type stars but also extragalactic objects such as AGNs and quasars, especially with the laser guide stars, where the AO application has been relatively limited so far. A high throughput direct imaging with HiCIAO will be also useful for such objects. The HiCIAO falls into a global high contrast imaging science framework, so that part of its target selection strategy can be tightly linked to these existing or ongoing research programs. We are grateful to the HiCIAO Science working group member, especially, B. Sato, M. Fukagawa, E. Turner, for their contributions in the CDR and PDR. We are grateful to the CIAO and AO development teams, especially, N. Kaifu, N. Ebizuka, S. S. Hayashi, K. Murakawa, Y. Itoh, N. Takato, Y. Hayano, S. Oya, and M. Iye. We also thank the Subaru telescope team and M. Ishii for their telescope/instrument supports. This research is supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, "Development of Extra-Solar Planetary Science". 1. Hodapp, K., et al., “The HiCIAO camera for the Subaru telescope”, these proceedings , 6269-142 (2006) 2. Fukagawa, M., Hayashi, M., Tamura, M., Itoh, Y., Hayashi, S. S., Oasa, Y., Takeuchi, T., Morino, J., Murakawa, K., Oya, S., Yamashita, T., Suto, H., Mayama, S., Naoi, T., Ishii, M., Pyo, T., Nishikawa, T., Takato, N., Usuda, T., Ando, H., Iye, M., Miyama, S. M., Kaifu, N., “Spiral Structure in the Circumstellar Disk around AB Aurigae”, ApJ , 605 , L53 (2004) 3. Fukagawa, M., Tamura, M., Itoh, Y., Kudo, T., Imaeda, Y., Oasa, Y., Hayashi, S. S., Hayashi, M., “Near-Infrared Images of Protoplanetary Disk Surrounding HD 142527”, ApJ , 636 , L153 (2006) 4. Itoh, Y., Hayashi, M., Tamura, M., Tsuji, T., Oasa, Y., Fukagawa, M., Hayashi, Saeko S., Naoi, T., Ishii, M., Mayama, S., Morino, J., Yamashita, T., Pyo, T.-S., Nishikawa, T., Usuda, T., Murakawa, K., Suto, H., Oya, S., Takato, N., Ando, H., Miyama, Shoken M., Kobayashi, N., Kaifu, N., “A ...
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We present a MIR coronagraph to target the direct observation of extrasolar
planets for SPICA, in which a coronagraph is currently regarded as an option of
the focal plane instruments. The primary target of the SPICA coronagraph is the
direct observation of Jovian exo-planets. A strategy of the baseline survey and
the specifications for the coronagraph instrument for the survey are introduced
together. The main wavelengths and the contrast required for the observations
are 3.5-27um, and 10^{-6}, respectively.Laboratory experiments were performed
with a visible laser to demonstrate the principles of the coronagraphs. In an
experiment using binary-shaped pupil coronagraphs, a contrast of 6.7x10^{-8}
was achieved, as derived from the linear average in the dark region and the
core of the PSF. A coronagraph by a binary-shaped pupil mask is a baseline
solution for SPICA because of its feasibility and robustness. On the other
hand, a laboratory experiment of the phase induced amplitude
apodization/binary-mask hybrid coronagraph has been executed to obtain an
option of higher performance, and a contrast of 6.5x10^{-7} was achieved with
active wavefront control.Potentially important by-product of the instrument,
transit monitoring for characteization of exo-planets, is also described. We
also present recent progress of technology on a design of a binary-shaped pupil
mask for the actual pupil of SPICA, PSF subtraction, the development of
free-standing binary masks, a vacuum chamber, and a cryogenic deformable
mirror. Considering SPICA to be an essential platform for coronagraphs and the
progress of key technologies, we propose to develop a mid-infrared coronagraph
instrument for SPICA and to perform the direct observation of exo-planets with
... Coronagraphy is one of the main elements used for the suppression of this starlight. Several ground-based instruments are being built to achieve the goal of detecting and characterizing extrasolar planets-the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI; Macintosh et al. 2006a;Macintosh et al. 2008), SPHERE (Beuzit et al. 2006), or HiCIAO (Tamura et al. 2006). These projects typically aim at the detection and spectroscopic characterization of relatively young objects (giant planets and brown dwarfs) a few 100 Myr old around nearby stars. ...
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... HiCIAO is the coronographic system and simultaneous differential imaging infrared camera to be used with this new adaptive optics system. The HiCIAO project and its scientific goals have described in earlier papers 1,4 . HiCIAO is designed as an experimental system, as opposed to a facility instrument, and will be modified over the coming years to incorporate more advanced coronographic techniques and upgrades to its adaptive optics capabilities. ...
The High-Contrast Coronographic Imager for Adaptive Optics (HiCIAO), is a coronographic simultaneous differential imager for the new 188-actuator AO system at the Subaru Telescope Nasmyth focus. It is designed primarily to search for faint companions, brown dwarves and young giant planets around nearby stars, but will also allow observations of disks around young stars and of emission line regions near other bright central sources. HiCIAO will work in conjunction with the new Subaru Telescope 188-actuator adaptive optics system. It is designed as a flexible, experimental instrument that will grow from the initial, simple coronographic system into more complex, innovative optics as these technologies become available. The main component of HiCIAO is an infrared camera optimized for spectral simultaneous differential imaging that uses a Teledyne 2.5 mum HAWAII-2RG detector array operated by a Sidecar ASIC. This paper reports on the assembly, testing, and "first light" observations at the Subaru Telescope.
We present a MIR coronagraph to target the direct observation of extrasolar planets for SPICA, in which a coronagraph is currently regarded as an option of the focal plane instruments. The primary target of the SPICA coronagraph is the direct observation of Jovian exo-planets. A strategy of the baseline survey and the specifications for the coronagraph instrument for the survey are introduced together. The main wavelengths and the contrast required for the observations are 3.5-27um, and 10^{-6}, respectively.Laboratory experiments were performed with a visible laser to demonstrate the principles of the coronagraphs. In an experiment using binary-shaped pupil coronagraphs, a contrast of 6.7x10^{-8} was achieved, as derived from the linear average in the dark region and the core of the PSF. A coronagraph by a binary-shaped pupil mask is a baseline solution for SPICA because of its feasibility and robustness. On the other hand, a laboratory experiment of the phase induced amplitude apodization/binary-mask hybrid coronagraph has been executed to obtain an option of higher performance, and a contrast of 6.5x10^{-7} was achieved with active wavefront control.Potentially important by-product of the instrument, transit monitoring for characteization of exo-planets, is also described. We also present recent progress of technology on a design of a binary-shaped pupil mask for the actual pupil of SPICA, PSF subtraction, the development of free-standing binary masks, a vacuum chamber, and a cryogenic deformable mirror. Considering SPICA to be an essential platform for coronagraphs and the progress of key technologies, we propose to develop a mid-infrared coronagraph instrument for SPICA and to perform the direct observation of exo-planets with it.
We investigate directly imaging exoplanets around eclipsing binaries using the eclipse as a natural tool for dimming the binary and thus increasing the planet to star brightness contrast. At eclipse, the binary becomes pointlike, making coronagraphy possible. We select binaries where the planet–star contrast would be boosted by >10× during eclipse, making it possible to detect a planet that is ≳10× fainter or in a star system that is ∼2–3× more massive than otherwise. Our approach will yield insights into planet occurrence rates around binaries versus individual stars. We consider both self-luminous (SL) and reflected light (RL) planets. In the SL case, we select binaries whose age is young enough so that an orbiting SL planet would remain luminous; in U Cep and AC Sct, respectively, our method is sensitive to SL planets of ∼4.5 and ∼9 M J with current ground- or near-future space-based instruments and ∼1.5 and ∼6 M J with future ground-based observatories. In the RL case, there are three nearby (≲50 pc) systems—V1412 Aql, RR Cae, and RT Pic—around which a Jupiter-like planet at a planet–star separation of ≳20 mas might be imaged with future ground- and space-based coronagraphs. A Venus-like planet at the same distance might be detectable around RR Cae and RT Pic. A habitable Earth-like planet represents a challenge; while the planet–star contrast at eclipse and planet flux are accessible with a 6–8 m space telescope, the planet–star separation is 1/3–1/4 of the angular separation limit of modern coronagraphy.
Context. Dozens of protoplanetary disks have been imaged in scattered light during the last decade.
Aims. The variety of brightness, extension, and morphology from this census motivates a taxonomical study of protoplanetary disks in polarimetric light to constrain their evolution and establish the current framework of this type of observation.
Methods. We classified 58 disks with available polarimetric observations into six major categories (Ring, Spiral, Giant, Rim, Faint, and Small disks) based on their appearance in scattered light. We re-calculated the stellar and disk properties from the newly available Gaia DR2 and related these properties with the disk categories.
Results. More than half of our sample shows disk substructures. For the remaining sources, the absence of detected features is due to their faintness, their small size, or the disk geometry. Faint disks are typically found around young stars and typically host no cavity. There is a possible dichotomy in the near-infrared (NIR) excess of sources with spiral-disks (high) and ring-disks (low). Like spirals, shadows are associated with a high NIR excess. If we account for the pre-main sequence evolutionary timescale of stars with different mass, spiral arms are likely associated with old disks. We also found a loose, shallow declining trend for the disk dust mass with time.
Conclusions. Protoplanetary disks may form substructures like rings very early in their evolution but their detectability in scattered light is limited to relatively old sources ( ≳5 Myr) where the recurrently detected disk cavities cause the outer disk to be illuminate. The shallow decrease of disk mass with time might be due to a selection effect, where disks observed thus far in scattered light are typically massive, bright transition disks with longer lifetimes than most disks. Our study points toward spirals and shadows being generated by planets of a fraction of a Jupiter mass to a few Jupiter masses in size that leave their (observed) imprint on both the inner disk near the star and the outer disk cavity.