Figure 6 - uploaded by Timothy Patten
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A representative farm layout used in whole farm experiments. White lines indicate field boundaries. Red lines indicate segments of the inter-field road network. 

A representative farm layout used in whole farm experiments. White lines indicate field boundaries. Red lines indicate segments of the inter-field road network. 

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Conference Paper
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Farmers are under growing pressure to increase production, a challenge that robotics has the potential to address. A possible solution is to replace large farm machinery with numerous smaller robots. However, with a large number of robots it will become increasingly time consuming for the farmer to monitor and control them all, hence the need for a...

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... define paths for the robots to travel between different fields or to their refuelling stations. Roads are defined by two or more points and represented by a red line between the points Figure 6 Refuelling points define the location which robots can travel to in order to recharge their batteries or refill their spray containers. Each refuelling location is defined by a latitude and longitude and a facing direction measured from due north. ...

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This paper presents a comprehensive review of ground agricultural robotic systems and applications with special focus on harvesting that span research and commercial products and results, as well as their enabling technologies. The majority of literature concerns the development of crop detection, field navigation via vision and their related challenges. Health monitoring, yield estimation, water status inspection, seed planting and weed removal are frequently encountered tasks. Regarding robotic harvesting, apples, strawberries, tomatoes and sweet peppers are mainly the crops considered in publications, research projects and commercial products. The reported harvesting agricultural robotic solutions, typically consist of a mobile platform, a single robotic arm/manipulator and various navigation/vision systems. This paper reviews reported development of specific functionalities and hardware, typically required by an operating agricultural robot harvester; they include (a) vision systems, (b) motion planning/navigation methodologies (for the robotic platform and/or arm), (c) Human-Robot-Interaction (HRI) strategies with 3D visualization, (d) system operation planning & grasping strategies and (e) robotic end-effector/gripper design. Clearly, automated agriculture and specifically autonomous harvesting via robotic systems is a research area that remains wide open, offering several challenges where new contributions can be made.
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Conference Paper
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Introducing the supervision system architecture of an agricultural robotic system enable the improved performance overcoming the complexity that current autonomous robots face due to the dynamic and unstructured agriculture environment. This requires the design of a human-robot interface. When designing a user interface several principles must be considered aiming to improve the usability of the user interface. This paper describes the design of the GUI web application and the coverage planner suitable for controlling the UV-Robot for typical coverage style greenhouse mildew treatment operations. The cross-platform user interface allows the farmer to specify their farm including fields, roads and docking stations, as well as controlling the whole operation. The contribution of this paper is to specify the design guidelines and the development of a user interface for a human-agricultural robot, in the case of UV treatment. Along with identifying the supervision system architecture and the communication control development, connecting the farmer, the UV-Robot and the cloud server associated.
Auch in der Landwirtschaft beginnt sich zunehmend ein höherer Grad an Automatisierung durchzusetzen. Hier spielen speziell Roboter eine wichtige Rolle, da auf Äckern, Feldern und im Wald eine hohe Variabilität gegeben ist und entsprechend eine hohe Flexibilität bei den eingesetzten Systemen gefordert wird. Einen sehr hohen Stellenwert nimmt hier vor allem die Sensorik ein, da eine korrekte Erfassung der Umwelt sowie der zu bearbeitenden Bereiche Grundvoraussetzung für ein erfolgreiches System ist. In dieser Arbeit werden exemplarisch realisierte Sensorlösungen auf Basis bildgebender Systeme vorgestellt, die in der Agrarrobotik sowie in der Landtechnik zukünftig hohes Einsatzpotenzial haben werden. Ihre Leistungen im Einsatz werden beurteilt, evaluiert und auf dieser Basis Anforderungen und Herausforderungen für zukünftige Systeme in diesem Segment diskutiert.
Farmers are under growing pressure to intensify production to feed a growing population while managing environmental impact. Robotics has the potential to address these challenges by replacing large complex farm machinery with fleets of small autonomous robots. This article presents our research toward the goal of developing teams of autonomous robots that perform typical farm coverage operations. Making a large fleet of autonomous robots economical requires the use of inexpensive sensors, such as cameras for localization and obstacle avoidance. To this end, we describe a vision-based obstacle detection system that continually adapts to environmental and illumination variations and a visionassisted localization system that can guide a robot along crop rows with a complex appearance. Large fleets of robots will become time-consuming to monitor, control, and resupply. To reduce this burden, we describe a vision-based docking system for autonomously refilling liquid supplies and an interface for controlling multiple robots.