Fig 1 - uploaded by Bedir Tekinerdogan
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A partial view of the architectural tactics space for Recovery in Fault-Tolerance  

A partial view of the architectural tactics space for Recovery in Fault-Tolerance  

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Each software architecture design is the result of a broad set of design decisions and their justifications, that is, the design rationale. Capturing the design rationale is important for a variety of reasons such as enhancing communication, reuse and maintenance. Unfortunately, it appears that there is still a lack of appropriate methods and tools...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... cause a system failure. Error recovery is generally defined as the action, with which the system is set to a correct state from an erroneous state [20]. The domain of recovery is quite broad due to the different type of errors and the different requirements imposed by different type of systems (e.g. safety-critical systems, consumer electronics). Fig. 1 shows a partial view of the feature diagram of recovery, which organizes the set of architectural tactics for fault tolerance. In fact the feature diagram defines the architectural tactics space, that is the possible set of architectural tactics for the given quality domain. Features are derived using a domain analysis process [20] ...
Context 2
... can now enhance the Mplayer architecture for particular recovery features, which are selected from the feature diagram in Fig. 1. Obviously, many different feature decisions can be made and each of them will possibly lead to a different architecture design alternative. Architecture design alternatives may differ with respect to the granularity for recovery, the error detection protocols, the criticality of components ...

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... Design rationale has been studied in different disciplines including engineering design in AI, human computer interaction and software engineering. Various surveys have been published that compare different systems that capture and use design rationale [25] [17]. These studies have shown that design rationale is considered important by practitioners, but it is rarely captured in practice. ...
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... Each software architecture design is the result of a broad set of design decisions and their justifications, that is, the design rationale. 25 To capture and communicate these architecture decisions, a proper documentation of the software architecture is needed. The architecture documentation usually includes a set of architecture views that are developed on the basis of the corresponding architecture viewpoint. ...
... A feature diagram is a tree that is in particular used to model the commonality and variability of a specific domain or system. The feature diagram includes a root node representing the domain or system that includes features representing the essential characteristics or externally visible properties of the system (Tekinerdogan, Sozer, & Aksit, 2012). Features may have sub-features which can lead to a hierarchical tree. ...
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SUMMARY IoT (Internet of Things) enables anytime and anyplace connectivity for anything by linking the objects of the real world with the virtual world. In the near future, it is predicted that more than 50 billion of things will be connected to the internet. This will lead to many different IoT-based systems that will have a huge impact on the society. Often, these IoT systems will not be standalone but will be composed with other different systems to create additional value. Hence, with the heterogeneity and the integration of IoT-based systems with other IoT-based or non-IoT-based systems has become an important challenge. In this thesis, the main objective is to analyze, design and integrate IoT-based systems and to answer the following research questions: RQ1. What are the characteristic features of IoT systems? RQ2. How to design the architecture for an IoT-based system? RQ3. What are the identified obstacles of the data distribution (DDS) middleware? RQ4. What are the solution directions for the identified obstacles of DDS? RQ5. What are the approaches for integrating multiple IoT-based systems? RQ6. How to design a DDS-based IoT system? RQ7. How to derive feasible deployment alternatives for DDS-based systems? In order to answer these research questions, three different research methodologies were used: Systematic Literature Review, Design Science Research, and Case Study Research. In chapter 2, we have applied a feature driven domain analysis of IoT systems. We have presented the reference architecture for IoT and discussed the corresponding layers. Among these layers, we have focused on the session layer of the IoT. The protocols in this layer are related with the communication sessions of the IoT systems and hence determine the communication characteristics of the IoT systems. We have presented the common and variant features of the most commonly used session layer protocols, namely AMQP, CoAP, DDS, MQTT, and XMPP which are used for communication between M2M (machine-tomachine), M2S (machine-to-server), and S2S (server-to-server). Further, we have provided an evaluation framework to compare session layer communication protocols. Among these protocols, we focused on the DDS that is mainly used for M2M communication in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). In chapter 3, we have described an architecture design method for architecting IoT systems for the Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) domain. Hereby, we have also developed a family feature diagram to represent the common and variant features of IoT-based FMIS. In order to illustrate our approach, we have performed a systematic case study approach including the IoT-based wheat and tomato production with IoT-based FMIS. The case study research showed that the approach was both effective and practical. In chapter 4, we have presented the method for designing integrated IoT systems. We showed that integration of IoT-based systems can be at different layers including session layer, cloud layer and application layer. Further we have shown that the integration is typically carried out based on well-defined patterns, that is, generic solutions structures for recurring problems. We have systematically compiled and structured the 15 different integration patterns which can be used in different combinations and likewise supporting the composition of different IoT systems. We have illustrated the use of example patterns in a smart city case study and have shown that the systematic structuring of the integration patterns is useful for integrating IoT systems. A systematic research methodology has been applied in chapter 5 to identify the current obstacles to adopt DDS and their solution directions. We have selected 34 primary studies among the 468 identified papers since the introduction of DDS in 2003. We identified 11 basic categories of problems including complexity of DDS configuration, performance prediction, measurement and optimization, implementing DDS, DDS integration over WAN, DDS using wireless networks and mobile computing, interoperability among DDS vendor implementations, data consistency in DDS, reliability in DDS, scalability in DDS, security, and integration with event-based systems. We have adopted feature diagrams to summarize and provide an overview of the identified problem and their solutions defined in the primary studies. DDS based architecture design for IoT systems is presented in chapter 6. DDS is considered to be a potential middleware for IoT because of its focus on event-driven communication in which quality of service is also explicitly defined. We provide a systematic approach to model the architecture for DDS-based IoT in which we adopted architecture viewpoints for modeling DDS, IoT and DDS-based IoT systems. We have integrated and represented the architecture models that can be used to model DDS-based IoT systems for various application domains. When designing DDS-based systems typically multiple different alternatives can be derived. Chapter 7 presents an approach for deriving feasible DDS configuration alternatives. For this we have provided a systematic approach for extending the DDS UML profile and developed an extensible tool framework Deploy-DDS to derive feasible deployment alternatives given the application model, the physical resources, and the execution configurations. The tool framework Deploy-DDS implements a set of predefined algorithms and can be easily extended with new algorithms to support the system architect. We have evaluated the approach and the tool framework for a relevant IoT case study on smart city engineering. Chapter 8 concludes the thesis by summarizing the contributions. - - - - - - - - - - - - Please note that it is a public thesis. You might download it from the below links:
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Smart farming adopts advanced technology and the corresponding principles to increase the amount of production and economic returns, often also with the goal to reduce the impact on the environment. One of the key elements of smart farming is the farm management information systems (FMISs) that supports the automation of data acquisition and processing, monitoring, planning, decision making, documenting, and managing the farm operations. An increased number of FMISs now adopt internet of things (IoT) technology to further optimize the targeted business goals. Obviously IoT systems in agriculture typically have different functional and quality requirements such as choice of communication protocols, the data processing capacity, the security level, safety level, and time performance. For developing an IoT-based FMIS, it is important to design the proper architecture that meets the corresponding requirements. To guide the architect in designing the IoT based farm management information system that meets the business objectives a systematic approach is provided. To this end a design-driven research approach is adopted in which feature-driven domain analysis is used to model the various smart farming requirements. Further, based on a FMIS and IoT reference architectures the steps and the modeling approaches for designing IoT-based FMIS architectures are described. The approach is illustrated using two case studies on smart farming in Turkey, one for smart wheat production in Konya, and the other for smart green houses in Antalya.