Fig 2 - uploaded by Zurina Yasak
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A learning hierarchy derived through a learning task analysis

A learning hierarchy derived through a learning task analysis

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Conference Paper
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From the perspective of cognitivism, any complex learning task can be broken down into its supporting components which when acquired will lead to the learning of the complex task. Failure to identify the supporting components will lead to non-achievement of the intended learning goal. The procedural task analysis and the learning task analysis tech...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... completion of the learning task analysis process, the learning hierarchy in Fig. 2 is constructed which represents the hierarchical relationship between the knowledge and skills related to the top most objective. From the hierarchy, it can be seen that for a trainee to be able to learn to troubleshoot an AC system, they must have acquired the three learning outcomes namely, "able to conduct routine maintenance", ...
Context 2
... usefulness of the skills identifications through the techniques is not limited to designing and sequencing instructions but also useful for constructing assessment items especially in formative or diagnostic testing. The learning task analysis in Fig. 2 however, only gives the skills profiles for three domains (intellectual, affective and motor skills domains) excluding the verbal information domain and cognitive strategies domain to reduce the complexities of the hierarchy. The task can be further analyzed to identify those skills. ...


... Multiple studies examine the effects of implementing a learning hierarchy into different types of classrooms. Yasak and Alias used a learning task analysis in the context of a technical and vocational education and training program to demonstrate the different skills that a task requires [21]. They assert that instructors benefit from viewing the hierarchical relationships of these skills since they can assess where and when training may need to occur so students can be successful [21]. ...
... Yasak and Alias used a learning task analysis in the context of a technical and vocational education and training program to demonstrate the different skills that a task requires [21]. They assert that instructors benefit from viewing the hierarchical relationships of these skills since they can assess where and when training may need to occur so students can be successful [21]. Additionally, implementation of a learning hierarchy in an 8 th grade female classroom found that it was effective in improving both the cognitive and metacognitive skills of the students [22]. ...
... This may involve the development of assistive technologies, such as screen readers or captioning tools, to accommodate different learning needs. By prioritizing accessibility, E-learning can become a more inclusive and equitable educational platform for all learners (Afriansyah et al., 2020;Alharbi & Newbury, 2020;Gowda & Suma, 2021;Impedovo, 2011;Yasak & Alias, 2015). Moreover, the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in E-learning is gaining traction. ...
Full-text available
This research is a literature review study that intends to determine trends in the use of E-learning for education, The method used is a literature study method where researchers search literature from 2018 to 2023 from various articles that have been published and journals indexed by Scopus, Sinta, Wos, Ebsco, Copernicus and Google Scholar. The result of this study is that currently the use of learning media has changed which previously only used blog-based media and changed to Virtual reality and is currently most widely used as a learning media. This can make it easier for learners to visualize learning. The conclusion obtained is that the use of e-learning media can increase learning value and can facilitate the understanding of lessons. The trend that is changing today is to use Virtual reality-based learning media. Researchers hope that this article will have a significant impact on learning and teaching staff can use learning media that are currently trending. The use of Virtual reality learning media makes it easier for students to understand visual learning and in terms of cost can be more efficient.
... The learning task of interest can be identified from the set of job tasks identified from a job task analysis. The learning hierarchy technique application to be demonstrated here is based on the troubleshooting procedure for a vehicle airconditioning (AC) system previously reported in [5]. The terminal objective (learning outcome to be achieved) is "able to troubleshoot an AC system". ...