Figure 1 - uploaded by Meryem Yalcin
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A four year old childs' 'structure design' made of blocks which represents structures built jux- taposition.
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This article offers an alternative view of design education, emphasising on its introduction in kindergarten and proposing a curriculum that covers design issues for introduction in kindergarten. This approach is suited to developing creative thinking skills. In an environment where children imagine, create, practice, modify, recognise, manipula...
... Pendidikan anak usia dini sangat penting dalam mendorong pertumbuhan fisik, sosial, dan emosional anak. Lebih jauh, diketahui bahwa pembelajaran pada anak usia dini merangsang keterampilan berpikir kreatif tingkat lanjut pada anak (Yalcin, 2015). Dorongan bagi semua anak untuk mendapatkan pendidikan pra-sekolah guna memelihara perkembangan anak usia dini sejalan dengan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam memastikan pendidikan yang inklusif dan adil. ...
The purpose of this community service is focused on the revitalization of kindergartens in rural areas as an effort to stimulate public interest in early childhood education. This upgraded kindergarten is believed to be able to increase students' motivation and interest in learning. The method used in this study is based on a descriptive approach to identify problems in the target area. Data was collected using qualitative methods including interviews and field observations. The data was then analyzed to be used as a basis for decision making and choosing the right actions to address the problem. Practical application, kindergarten revitalization plays a major role in children's learning experiences. These spaces provide comfortable outdoor activities and act as learning stimuli for children to gain knowledge about nature. Furthermore, attractive landscapes can encourage people to enroll their children in early childhood education. The conclusion of this community service aims to revitalize kindergartens to create comfortable outdoor spaces and act as learning aids for students. This service has succeeded in providing a better landscape for kindergartens that contributes to a broader student learning experience. A more attractive view gives the school a new look to attract public interest in early childhood education.
... Early childhood education is essential in fostering the growth of children's physical, social, and emotional development. Furthermore, it is known that learning in early childhood stimulates advanced creative thinking skills in children (Yalcin, 2015). Encouragement for all children to have pre-primary education to nurture early childhood development is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in ensuring inclusive and equitable education. ...
Purpose: This community service focuses on the revitalization of a kindergarten landscape in rural areas as an effort to stimulate the public’s interest in early childhood education. The upgraded kindergarten’s landscape is believed to increase students’ motivation and learning interest.Method: The methods employed in the study were based on the descriptive approach to identify the issues in the targeted areas. The data was collected using qualitative means which include interviews and field observations. The data was then analyzed to form the basis for decision-making and to choose the appropriate course of action to address the issues.Practical Applications: The revitalization of the kindergarten landscape plays a major role in the children’s learning experience. These spaces provide convenient outdoor activities and act as learning stimuli for the children to gain knowledge about nature. Furthermore, the appealing landscape could encourage the public to set their children in early childhood education.Conclusion: This community service aims to revitalize the kindergarten landscape to create convenient outdoor spaces and act as a learning aid for the student. This service succeeds in providing an improved landscape for the kindergarten which contributes to the broader student learning experience. The more appealing landscape gave the school a fresh look to entice the public interest in early childhood education.
... Kindergarten is the ideal time to start fostering a child's creative thinking abilities since it allows them to recognize, envision, and create a wide range of concepts and behaviors. Early on, parents and other caregivers should develop a perceptual, conceptual, and analytical point of view for children because this is the time when they begin to develop the foundations of their own creativity, which will influence them later in life (Yalcin, 2015). ...
This study aimed to determine the application of STEAM Education-based learning to improve early childhood creativity abilities. A literature review conducted to gathering and evaluating library data and connecting it to research to find solutions to issues. The study's conclusion is that early childhood creativity can be enhanced by the STEAM approach. High creativity is characterized by flexible thinking, innovative thinking, detailed/elaborative thinking, and fluid thinking.
... The development of creative thinking skills must begin since the child is in the kindergarten, where at this stage the child needs to be encouraged to imagine, create, and recognize various knowledge and practices. It is important for both parents and teachers to build students' perceptual, conceptual and analytical points of view from an early age, because at this stage they begin to build self-creativity that will affect their future (Yalcin, 2015). ...
This study aims at analyzing the extent to which the weekly planning by playgroup teacher in a bilingual early childhood education reflects on STEAM. This was qualitative research that involved a female playgroup teacher who teaches in a bilingual early childhood education in Denpasar, Bali. Meanwhile, the object of this research was 39 weekly plans with 15 themes in the academic year of 2020/2021. There were two methods of data collection used in this study, such methods as document analysis and interview. The instruments used were analysis form checklist and interview guide The weekly plans were analyzed by the document analysis method to determine the extent to which STEAM was reflected in the weekly plan. Meanwhile, a one-on-one interview was conducted to obtain data on teacher knowledge about STEAM. The results of this study found that all of the weekly plans reflected on STEAM. Even though each aspect STEAM was not evenly distributed since the goal of the school focuses on pre-literacy and pre-numeracy. Therefore, Science and Math were mostly appeared in the teacher’s planning. Furthermore, it was obtained from the interview that the teacher had a good comprehension about STEAM and its implementation. This study gives an insight to the other playgroup teachers about how to integrate STEAM in their planning. However, this research was conducted on a small scale and without classroom observations. Further research is expected to be carried out on a large scale and by observing the class.
... Pengembangan keterampilan berfikir kreatif harus dimula sejak anak duduk dibangku taman kanak-kanak, dimana pada tahap ini anak perlu didorong untuk membayangkan, menciptakan, mengenali berbagai pengetahuan dan praktik. Penting bagi orang tua maupun fasilitator dalam membangun sudut pandang perseptual, konseptual dan analitis anak sejak usia dini, karena pada tahap ini mereka memasuki akar kreativitas diri yang akan mempengaruhi masa depan mereka (Yalcin, 2015). ...
Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk menguji efek metode STEAM terhadap kreatifitas anak usia 5-6 tahun. Desain eksperimen menggunakan pretest dan post test dengan jumlah responden 25 anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan kreativitas dari sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Metode STEAM dapat meningkatkan kreatifitas anak. Kreativitas yang tinggi ditandai dengan Keterampilan berpikir lancar, Keterampilan berpikir fleksibel, Keterampilan berpikir orisinal dan Keterampilan berpikir merinci/elaborasi
The purpose of this study was to explore six-year-old Finnish preschoolers' collaboration during a designing session, where they received a task to collaboratively design and sketch forest animals' nests. Peer interaction is a natural part of craft, design and technology education because the learning situation itself provides various possibilities for collaboration. Craft making is traditionally seen as an individual execution, where makers are producing their own craft products instead of collaboration and shared outcomes. During this intervention, an experience of a shared designing and making situation was provided for children. The article focuses particularly on children's verbal and embodied interactions, as well as children's social roles in their groups, depending on their ability to use language during the designing process. Children's activities were examined within Vygotsky's sociocultural framework for learning and classified using a micro-level analysis methodology for tracking children's collaboration and meaning making in designing. The results showed that six-year-old pre-schoolers succeeded in working collaboratively and they managed to solve the designing task with their peers, but embodied expressions also played a notable role in designing. Four types of roles, which children had in their peer groups, were found.
Preschool age is most favorable for the development of creativity, artistic and creative abilities. One of the main means of formation and development of such abilities of senior preschool children is leisure activities, which includes works of musical, visual, decorative and folk art. However, the educational work in preschool educational institutes is not always systematic and holistic in nature, educators use only episodic and mostly traditional measures to develop of artistic and creative abilities of senior preschool children, without paying due of attention to leisure activities based on oral folk creativity as the most effective tool. To identify the level of development of artistic and creative development abilities and knowledge of folklore works, a diagnostic methodology was developed, which included practical tasks and questionnaires, which was implemented during an empirical study on the basis of the Center for Child Development – Kindergarten No. 58 in the city of Saransk, Republic of Mordovia. The monitoring was attended by 84 children aged 6-7 years. The experiment showed that the highest level of the artistic and creative development prevails in 28% (24 children), the medium level is in 54% (45 children), and the lowest level is marked in 18% (15 senior preschool children). Knowledge of oral folk creativity are mostly medium – 41% (34 children), and low levels – 41% (33 children). During the study, the author’s program “Sudarushka” was used. Testing the author’s program, based on the use of leisure activities based on folklore in the practice of preschool educational institutions, allowed to increase the level of development of artistic and creative abilities, which confirmed its effectiveness.
The conditions for psychological and pedagogical development of additional children education organization pupils' individual and creative abilities as well as pedagogical techniques for individual and creative abilities determination are described. The teaching methods promoting creative imagination and thinking formation are enumerated, psychological and pedagogical conditions for their effective development are singled out. Individual and creative abilities definition is given and the essence of this notion is characterized. The topicality of individual and creative abilities development both for educational process benefits in additional education organization and psychological and pedagogical practice in general is presented in the introduction. Pupils' individual and creative abilities development level assessment criteria and indicators are specified. The determination has been performed according to criteria: cognition, motivation and needs, activity and emotions and willingness. The hypothesis put forward that individual and creative abilities development in additional education organization pupils would be effective under the condition of meeting the list of psychological and pedagogical requirements has been experimentally proved.