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A Use Case Model of LD Tool

A Use Case Model of LD Tool

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Contribution to Prolearn Summerschool, 7-6-2006; Bled; Slovenia. Slides of the lecture and the 'user questions' we produced in the workshop. The task in the workshop was to identify learning questions that a user could have for the TENCompetence system. These questions should be a) hard to answer using current systems like Google, 43 things, etc. a...


... The fuzzy nature of competence description is explained in[16]. Moreover, there is a number of high quality scientific journals with special issue dedicated only to competence including: Competence Management in Industrial Processes[17], Skills Management – Managing Competencies in the Knowledge-based Economy[18], Learning Networks for Lifelong Competence Development[19], Assessment of Competencies[20], Competencies Management[21]. Competence-based approaches have proved to be a critical tool in many organizational functions, such as employment planning, recruitment, trainings, raising work efficiency, personal development, managing key competencies[22]. ...
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Growing role of intellectual capital within organizations is affecting new strategies related to knowledge management and competence development. Among different aspects related to this field, knowledge diffusion has become one of interesting areas from both practitioner and researchers perspective. Several models were proposed with main goal to simulate diffusion and to explain the nature of these processes. Existing models are focused on knowledge diffusion and they assume diffusion within a single layer using knowledge representation. From the organizational perspective connecting several types of knowledge and modelling changes of competence can bring additional value. In the article we extended existing approaches by using multilayer diffusion model and focused on analysis of competence development process. The proposed model describes competence development process in a new way through horizontal and vertical knowledge diffusion in multilayer network. In the network, agents collaborate and interchange various kind of knowledge through different layers and this mutual activities affect the competences in a positive or negative way. Taking under consideration workers cognitive and social abilities and the previous level of competence the new competence level can be estimated. The model is developed to support competence management in different organizations.
... Plačias perspektyvas suaugusiesiems atveria naujausių IKT diegimas ir naudojimas mokymo procese, nes sudaromos sąlygos susisiekti visur ir visada, palaikyti santykius su kitais, tada žmogus jaučiasi saugus ir tiki, kad gali pasiekti geresnių rezultatų. IKT taikymas mokymo procese nemažai tyrinėtas lietuvių ir užsienio mokslininkų , ypač šiais aspektais: mokomųjų kompiuterinių priemonių naudojimas (Petrauskas , 2005; Kumar, 2009 ir kt.); IKT taikymo suaugusiųjų švietime reikšmingumas (Hargreaves, 2003; Rimkutė ir kt., 2003 ir kt.); nuotolinio mokymo organizavimas ir taikymo galimybės (Teresevičienė ir kt., 2008; Jatkauskienė ir kt., 2011 ir kt.), inovatyvių metodų taikymo užsienio šalyse patirtis (Koper ir kt., 2006; Sendova ir kt., 2007, 2008; Dichev ir kt., 2010 ir kt.). Nors šis klausimas jau keliolika metų nagrinėjamas Lietuvos mokslininkų (Targamadzė ir kt., 2008; Dagienė ir kt., 2008; Rutkienė, ir kt., 2009; Teresevičienė ir kt., 2008; Butrimė ir kt., 2009; Ignatova ir kt., 2012; Vilkonis ir kt., 2012; Abromavičienė, 2013 ir kt.), jis vis dar aktualus analizuojant mokymą, kurio metu naudojamos IKT ar interneto svetainės ir akcentuojamas nuotolis tarp švietimo paslaugos teikėjų ir tos paslaugos vartotojų. ...
The first paragraph is dedicated to theoretical insights into the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in in the process of adult education. It analyzes the significance of ICT application in educational process, functional capabilities of the use of educational portals, educational programs, Google service system in educational process and presents the theoretical model of the realization of ICT in adult education. The second part of the paragraph is devoted to empirical research in order to present the approach of adult learners to the use of Google service system as the possibility of functional application of a separate ICT unit in adult education. The article conceptualizes the realization vista of ICT in adult education. The investigation reveals the aspects of services of Google system as ICT, its usage and realization. KEY WORDS: information and communication technologies, adult education/learning, Google’s service system. DOI: