Fig 2 - uploaded by Anuj Baskota
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A) Ultrasonic image of tissue slice consisting of fat and muscle layers. The fat layers have greater reflected echo compared to muscle cells due to lower ultrasound absorption. B) Ultrasonic and optical image of individual onion cells.
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... ultrasonic image of the biopsy slice shows areas with higher reflected ultrasonic echoes separating fat tissues from muscles ( Figure 2A). As fat cells have lower acoustic impedance than muscles, they absorb less ultrasound, causing higher reflected echo magnitude to be received by the transducers [5]. ...
Context 2
... fat cells have lower acoustic impedance than muscles, they absorb less ultrasound, causing higher reflected echo magnitude to be received by the transducers [5]. The ultrasonic images of onion cells also reveal clear contrast between the cell walls and individual cells, which appear as compartments ( Figure 2B). Similarly, the length and width of individual cells extracted from ultrasonic images (n=18) were 338 ± 33 μm and 85 ± 12 μm, respectively. ...
Context 3
... ultrasonic image of the biopsy slice shows areas with higher reflected ultrasonic echoes separating fat tissues from muscles ( Figure 2A). As fat cells have lower acoustic impedance than muscles, they absorb less ultrasound, causing higher reflected echo magnitude to be received by the transducers [5]. ...
Context 4
... fat cells have lower acoustic impedance than muscles, they absorb less ultrasound, causing higher reflected echo magnitude to be received by the transducers [5]. The ultrasonic images of onion cells also reveal clear contrast between the cell walls and individual cells, which appear as compartments ( Figure 2B). Similarly, the length and width of individual cells extracted from ultrasonic images (n=18) were 338 ± 33 μm and 85 ± 12 μm, respectively. ...
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