Fig 3 - available from: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
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A Twitter user's multimodal performance and how, as a re-framer, that user views the Covid-19 virus. Translation: Tried, no. [He has] sabotaged. An irresponsible [president], who might have committed a succession of crimes: against Public Health, charlatanism, [and a presidential crime of] responsibility. See his Ministry of Health: the medical doctors left, and the inept military men stepped in. Hydroxychlroroquine is their business. That does not cure Covid-19. Aftermath? The tragedy.
Source publication
This paper focuses on the centrality of media practices to discuss in a transdisciplinary way how the Covid-19 crisis has been framed and communicated in Brazil across different media spaces, whereas the country became the second in the world with most deaths due to the spread of the Covid-19 infection. This discussion mobilises Foucauldian genealo...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... panorama has shown a dispute regarding the way that a co-framer perceived the virus. Figure 3 indicates that more disputes have emerged, when re-framers entered the discursive arena of the thread. ...
Context 2
... we can see in Fig. 3 19 , re-framers enter the transmedia arena and seem to direct their reframing focus towards selective invisibilisation and/or discursive dislocations. In this way, a repertoire of reinterpretation is co-constructed or expanded, and not necessarily sustained/preserved (as an effect of governmentality) like co-framers would do. In this ...
Context 3
... sustained/preserved (as an effect of governmentality) like co-framers would do. In this regard, it is important to observe how discursive hybridity interconnects the journalistic, juridical and medical-scientific discursive domains here. They project interconnexions that allow for co-constructions (e.g. "Tried, no. [He has] sabotaged"). In Fig. 3, we can also perceive discursive expansions that point to biopolitical implications ...
Context 4
... relation to how the coronavirus has been re-framed, after being viewed as "the Chinese plague", it becomes visible that the participant in Fig. 3 redirects the virus to the medical-scientific discursive field. That field contributes to activating a repertoire of reinterpretation that relates the virus to the disease it causes (i.e. " Covid-19"). This activation and its related reorientation emerge with help of multimodal and discursive contributions. The graph, exposing ...
Context 5
... " Covid-19"). This activation and its related reorientation emerge with help of multimodal and discursive contributions. The graph, exposing scientific data and the rise of death curves, is one of the semiotic resources produced by the domain of expert discourses that, through digital repetition and circulation, 'co-authorises' the re-framer in Fig. 3 to resist the discursive-semiotic minimisation and/or instrumentalisation of the ...
... How the tracing of anti-programs was carried out The corpus consists of observations made in physical stores and online. As retailers had a presence in both physical stores and online environments, the acting can be considered to have taken place in a transdimensional way, meaning that both the online and offline dimensions were captured (Akdeniz, 2022;de Souza Junior, 2021. The two types of observations are then seen as complementary, assisting in creating a more oligoptic view that moves away from a panopticon (de Souza Junior, 2021Latour, 2005). ...
... As retailers had a presence in both physical stores and online environments, the acting can be considered to have taken place in a transdimensional way, meaning that both the online and offline dimensions were captured (Akdeniz, 2022;de Souza Junior, 2021. The two types of observations are then seen as complementary, assisting in creating a more oligoptic view that moves away from a panopticon (de Souza Junior, 2021Latour, 2005). I frame such texts and images as part of five different anti-programs against the COVID-19 virus program of action (in line with Latour, 2005). ...
The aim of the paper is to demonstrate how programs of action and anti-programs, concepts developed by Bruno Latour, are of excellent value in interpreting current world developments through a study of the effects and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The study was inspired by actor-network theory (ANT) and Bruno Latour's inclusion of nonhuman actors. In this case, I have studied how signs and other artifacts leave traces of anti-programs against the COVID-19 pandemic. Observations, in physical stores and online, are presented as the main empirical material used to identify traces of five anti-programs.
The five types of anti-programs identified were, namely (1) fighting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic through prompts, (2) verbalizing responsibility, (3) creating a feeling of collectivity, (4) aspiring to heroism and (5) mobilizing support for continued business. The anti-programs were organized via a connection between human and nonhuman actors.
The study illustrates the usefulness of Latour's terminology in exploring contemporary sequences of events by means of using programs of action and anti-programs to study the case of retailers' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study echoes ANT and Latour's ideas about including nonhuman actors in social studies. Moreover, the study demonstrates how these concepts can be productively introduced into studies of complex phenomena, by discussing the choice of viewpoint, how actors can be conjoined into one entity, the inclusion of nonobservable actors and the co-existence of an actor in both the program of action and the anti-programs.
... A pandemia de covid-19 surgiu no ano de 2020, acarretando, além da necessidade de isolamento social para a preservação da vida, sofrimento e morte. O Brasil, por exemplo, aparece como o segundo país no mundo com o maior número de mortes devido à infecção causada pelo vírus (Souza Júnior, 2021). Não bastasse o problema sanitário, instalou-se no país uma crise política sem precedentes, na qual o próprio presidente da república colocava em dúvida a gravidade da doença, a necessidade de isolamento social e, futuramente, a eficácia das vacinas, provocando um verdadeiro caos na saúde pública Lima;Lobo, 2021). ...
O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a polêmica velada veiculada por memes sobre o ensino remoto emergencial, vivenciado durante a pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil. Para tanto, por meio do aporte teórico-metodológico da Análise Dialógica do Discurso, especialmente da noção de polêmica velada, analisamos três memes que circularam nas redes sociais durante os anos de 2020 e 2021. Os resultados apontam que os autores dos memes utilizam a polêmica velada como uma forma de hostilizar aspectos dos denominados discursos capitalista, pedagógico tradicional e tecnológico. Dessas relações dialógicas, são produzidos sentidos, efeitos de sentidos, que vão em direção a uma crítica social mais ampla. Essa crítica revela tanto as fragilidades do ensino remoto emergencial quanto as desigualdades sociais que dificultaram a sua viabilidade.
... На фоне интеллектуальных баталий о разных биополитиках вклад массмедиа в продвижение биополитических проектов -правительственных, от бизнеса или от общественных активистов -анализируется лишь в единичных случаях [de Souza Júnior, 2021;Yatsyk, 2022]. Государство, реализуя биополитические проекты, использует СМИ (государственные и негосударственные) для информирования и просвещения населения, однако это не лишает массмедиа возможностей следовать государственной биополитике, ориентируясь на редакционную политику и профессионализм журналистов. ...
Теоретическое поле биополитики — активно создающееся и изменяющееся в настоящее время, — в данном исследовании используется как основа для понимания действий правительств и сообществ, представленных государственными и негосударственными медиа, во время пандемии COVID-19. Медийные нарративы о пандемии анализируются в контексте теории биополитики Мишеля Фуко, Джоржа Агамбена и Карстена Шуберта. Предполагается, что в неолиберальных режимах Европейского союза массмедиа будут транслировать идеи, созвучные государственным биополитическим проектам. Также в рамках исследования ставилась цель оценить возможность массмедиа стать акторами «демократической биополитики». Для проверки гипотезы используется сравнительный анализ российских, немецких и французских СМИ, публиковавших материалы о пандемии в течение четырех «волн» (январь 2020 — март 2022). Всего было проанализировано 21 658 текстов трех российских СМИ, 59 149 — немецких и 58 432 — французских. Исследование базируется на модели пропаганды Э. Хермана и Н. Хомского, а на инструментальном уровне используется прием поиска «контекстуальных идеологем». Ключевую роль в анализе медийного дискурса играет контекстуальная идеологема «вакцинация». Результаты исследования показывают, что СМИ являются акторами биополитики и каналом коммуникации, связывающим государство, бизнес и общество, а массмедийный дискурс может рассматриваться как инструмент редакционной политики, за которым стоит собственник, непосредственно не вовлеченный в фармацевтический бизнес, но по разным причинам поддерживающий биополитические практики правительства. Взаимодействие со СМИ в области биополитических программ со стороны государства и бизнеса требует продолжения исследований. Благодарность. Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда № 22-28-00015.
... Our contemporaneous lives are no longer confined to an offline physical space but are instead brought into an online space. Online and offline spaces and the texts they produce are connected in complex ways; thus, we have become increasingly aware that at least some social actions in an offline space can be conditioned and even made possible by online infrastructures and algorithms (Blommaert and Maly, 2019;de Souza Júnior, 2021). However, the approaches to data collection, selection, and sampling employed by traditional discourse studies do not sometimes suit the particularities of studying the discourse of social media. ...
This study explores how South Korean individuals managed the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in their daily lives during a time of continuous and sustained social distancing using 8241 Instagram posts from May 6 to June 16, 2020. Co-word analysis found two main theme clusters highlighting individuals’ endeavors in daily life management and their fear of COVID-19 infection. DMR topic modeling analysis resulted in five higher-order themes, each reflecting different aspects of people’s COVID-19 experiences. Overall, the results shed light on individuals’ resilience in managing their daily lives despite the fear and discomfort caused by the pandemic. Results also highlight the possibility that the discursive practices of Social Network Services (SNS) reinforce hatred against social minorities and frame otherizing COVID-19 patients as legitimate. The present study suggests the need for a range of social support to help individuals and communities during the prolonged pandemic, including a long-term, large-scale psychological quarantine system. Deliberate social measures also need to be taken to promote the process of social sharing through media texts and SNS to resist hateful frames and othering of social minorities. Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are provided.
Der Artikel zeigt, wie die brasilianische Armee ihren Twitter-Account nutzt, um die Profile ziviler Internetnutzer, die sich kurz vor der Einberufung zum Militärdienst befinden, zu ›interpellieren‹ und mit dieser Dynamik zur Konstruktion einer institutionellen Online-Identität der Armee beizutragen. Ausgehend von einer Rekonstruktion der militärischen Perspektive einer »Ordnung des Diskurses« arbeite ich in den Reaktionen des Twitter Profils der brasilianischen Armee auf Beiträge, die die Kurzform ihres institutionellen Namens (exército) enthalten, die Entwicklung von Wittgenstein’schen »Sprachspielen« heraus, die in der erkenntnistheoretischen Perspektive der digitalen Semiotik neuinterpretiert werden. Ausgehend von dieser Perspektive, diskutiert der Artikel ›exército‹ als Wort und Metadatum. Durch die ungebetenen ›Antworten‹ auf andere Nutzer lenkt das Armee-Profil den Blick auf ein aufkommendes Konzept, das ich als »selbstperformatives Potenzial« fasse: eine metadiskursive Ressource, die eine digitale Vulnerabilität bei den interpellierten Nutzern erzeugt, während sie zugleich Ideen von (Selbst-)Validierung, Ordnung und Disziplinierung nach außen projiziert, die auf Zivilisten abzielen – und dies, obwohl der Raum, in dem die Interaktionen stattfanden, virtuell und öffentlich war. Auf der Nachrichtenseite Buzzfeed wurden diese militärischen Online-Praktiken als ›natürliche‹ Verfahren eingeordnet, während sie auf Facebook unterschiedliche Wahrnehmungen hervorbrachten. Dieses Szenario führt mich dazu, transdisziplinär und kritisch über die Beziehung zwischen Diskurs, digitaler Technologie, Ethik, Medienpraktiken, Sprache, Vulnerabilität, den Einsatz von Macht, Demokratie und Meinungsfreiheit in der Gegenwart nachzudenken.
Mike Baynham is Emeritus Professor of TESOL at the University of Leeds, a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and former Chair of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL). He was a Visiting Professor at York St John University (2020–2023) and an Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney (2019–2022). His recent publications include: Narrating Migrations from Africa and the Middle East: A Spatio-Temporal Approach (with R. Breeze and S. Gintsburg, Bloomsbury, 2022) and Translation and Translanguaging (with T. K. Lee, Routledge, 2019). In retirement he has become engaged with writing and translating poetry and various types of performance. He translates from Spanish and Arabic mainly and has published translations of the poetry of the Moroccan poet Abdallah Zrika (Baynham 2020). He is currently translating the poetry of the Moroccan zajal poet Adil Latefi and the Kurdish Syrian poet Ceger Hillo. His translation of a poem by Adil was awarded second prize in the 2023 Stephen Spender Poetry Competition. He works as a poetry editor at The Other Side of Hope magazine, setting up a bilingual poetry section, working title Other Tongue / Mother Tongue . In this interview, Mike first elaborates on the reasons behind his involvement with narrative studies and how it became clear that the Labovian model of narrative is not always valid with all types of narrative data. He then reflects on the definition of narrative, the role space and time have in it and offers, as an example of non-linear narrative a “picaresque” story, in the Arab tradition of storytelling. In conclusion Mike offers his vision of the future of narrative studies.
Influenced by Trumpism, Jair Bolsonaro, the president of Brazil, has been presenting unsubstantiated claims about the existence of purported vulnerabilities in the local electronic voting system during the 2022 presidential race. As Bolsonaro gives visibility to such claims, that system (and consequently democracy) can be performatively (or ‘productively’) discredited and targeted through digital circulation and textual violence. This research resorts to Foucauldian constructs and transdisciplinary perspectives to trace different media spaces. These point to how disputes and dynamics of (de)naturalisation of violence become (in)visible in Brazil’s 2022 electoral context.
This paper seeks to examine the COVID-19 crisis in Russia, France, Germany, and the UK, as covered by the Russian state media outlet RT (formerly Russia Today). I view the RT coverage through the prism of biopolitics and critical discourse analysis (CDA) to demonstrate multiple discrepancies in its “post-truth” knowledge production strategies. I argue that these strategies aim to expose the hybrid and controversial nature of biopolitical governance in Western democracies during the COVID-19 pandemic as they struggle to strike a balance between imposing social restrictions and safeguarding public health. I also show how the (post)liberal biopolitical debate on personal responsibility and state resilience in times of emergency could be applied by authoritarian regimes for self-description.
In this paper, I readdress some of the concepts discussed in Souza Júnior (2020),
such as translation, frame, communication, translingual practices,
transmediatisation and textual disputes, aiming to explore in an oligoptic way
(Latour, [2005] 2012) the relevant dynamics and (re)articulations that emerge
through such concepts and processes. They point to traces of communication in
more than one media space (i.e. professional journalism and social media
websites), generating networks of signification and, as an effect, the
transmediatisation of the War in Syria. In such networks language emerges as a
central element, and that leads me to explore and problematise it in an
interdisciplinary way (Moita Lopes, 2006, p.14). More specifically, that centrality
is located in the relations of (dis)association, (re)framings and textual disputes,
which expand through the use of the following expressions, respectively, in
Turkish and in English, #KiyiyaVuranInsanlik/ #HumanityWashedAshore, along
with the transit of a picture that (re-)framed A(y)lan Kurdi, a 3-year-old refugee
boy, who, unhappily, passed away, whilst trying to flee the war in Syria.
Considering this panorama, I highlight the role of translation, multisemiotic and
translingual media practices directed by the specific meanings of #Insanlik and
#Humanity. In turn, I qualitatively discuss a set of posts and project a few
associations regarding how a complex and productive/performative language game
(Wittgenstein, [1953]1999) is operated via semiotic work (Kress, 2015).