FiGure 4 - uploaded by Nicolás Gutiérrez Morales
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A. Santander department in the Eastern Andes of Colombia, the specific region is marked to the south. B. Satellite images of the forest fragments that harbors the two new species, along with several other endemic orchid species, within a highly transformed landscape. Photos by Wikipedia (A) and Google Earth (B).
Source publication
Two new pleurothallid species of the genera Lepanthes and Pleurothallis, native to cloud forest remnants of the eastern Andes of Colombia, are described and illustrated. Lepanthes pseudoabitaguae is compared with Lepanthes abitaguae, from which it differs by the color of the flowers and by the oblong and biglandular appendix. Pleurothallis falcata...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... considerations. With the discovery of these two new taxa, we have identified seven new species from five orchid genera in this area of fragmented cloud forest. Interestingly, all the species are within 5 km from each other, within an elevational range of 2350 to 2570 m (Fig. 4B, 7C-D). Our comparisons of the orchid community between fragments indicates a high species turnover (Gutiérrez Morales unpubl.). For example, there is no more than 2.6 km between the three Lepanthes species described, Lepanthes agatarum J.S.Moreno, N.Gut. & S.Vieira-Uribe, Lepanthes marielana N.Gut., J.S.Moreno & S.Vieira-Uribe, and ...
A new species of Lepanthes from the eastern Colombian Andes from the department of Santander has been discovered. Here it is described, illustrated, and compared with species with morphological affinities, particularly with the sympatric Lepanthes rabei, from which it can be separated by a combination of traits: the larger plant length, reaching up to 8.28 cm in height, the elliptical-lanceolate leaves, concolor, the sepals not denticulate, the lip blades ovate-oblong, obtuse, slightly falcate at the apex, the long cilia at the lip tip and the appendix minute, reflexed downwards, pubescent. Information about its distribution, phenology, and conservation status is also provided.