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(A) Illustration of some of the knots relevant to the present study and their nomenclature. The chirality is consistent with that in Brasher et al.²¹. The green arrows along the unknot 01 represent the two reconnection sites. The sites shown are equidistant and in direct repeats. A complete table of prime knots with up to 10 crossings and information on how they compare to those in Rolfsen²⁰ can be obtained from the authors upon request. (B) Nomenclature for two component links relevant to the present study. The green arrows represent the reconnection sites, which confer an orientation to each link component. The nomenclature is described in the Supplementary Methods and in Supplementary Fig. S5. For 2-component links with 9 or more crossings we revert to the default Knotplot naming convention. (C) The four possible combinations of chirality and orientation for the 4-crossing torus link. A comparison between the nomenclature used in this paper and that in Rolfsen²⁰ and in works by Kanenobu28,29 is included in Supplementary Fig. S5. Arrows indicate the relative orientations of the sites.

(A) Illustration of some of the knots relevant to the present study and their nomenclature. The chirality is consistent with that in Brasher et al.²¹. The green arrows along the unknot 01 represent the two reconnection sites. The sites shown are equidistant and in direct repeats. A complete table of prime knots with up to 10 crossings and information on how they compare to those in Rolfsen²⁰ can be obtained from the authors upon request. (B) Nomenclature for two component links relevant to the present study. The green arrows represent the reconnection sites, which confer an orientation to each link component. The nomenclature is described in the Supplementary Methods and in Supplementary Fig. S5. For 2-component links with 9 or more crossings we revert to the default Knotplot naming convention. (C) The four possible combinations of chirality and orientation for the 4-crossing torus link. A comparison between the nomenclature used in this paper and that in Rolfsen²⁰ and in works by Kanenobu28,29 is included in Supplementary Fig. S5. Arrows indicate the relative orientations of the sites.

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In Escherichia coli DNA replication yields interlinked chromosomes. Controlling topological changes associated with replication and returning the newly replicated chromosomes to an unlinked monomeric state is essential to cell survival. In the absence of the topoisomerase topoIV, the site-specific recombination complex XerCD- dif-FtsK can remove re...

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In Escherichia coli DNA replication yields interlinked chromosomes. Controlling topological changes associated with replication and returning the newly replicated chromosomes to an unlinked monomeric state is essential to cell survival. In the absence of the topoisomerase topoIV, the site-specific recombination complex XerCD- dif -FtsK can remove r...


... In [14,16], it is shown that the XerCD-dif-FtsK system unlinks replication DNA catenanes in a stepwise manner. The link types of the replication catenanes are torus link T (2, c). ...
... As an application, we can uniquely characterize the unlinking pathway of the replication catenane of type T (2, c) if we assume that the crossing number goes down at each recombination. In [16], we relaxed the assumption a little and considered the case where cr(L ′ ) = cr(L) for a smoothing on L = T (2, c). Then L ′ satisfies σ(L ′ ) = 2−cr(L ′ ). ...
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... In the real world, where fluids are not ideal, knots decay and can change their topology. The study of the sequences of knots, knot cascades, that can occur during such processes is an active area of research [48,30], see also [38] for a study of knot cascades in DNA. ...
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... In turn, this provided strong evidence that the simplification action of specific DNA enzymes is driven by a geometric selection of sites [3]. One further potential use of grid diagrams is to help with the search of band changes and the determination of Gordian distance between knot types [17,25,5,6]. ...
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... See Figure 1 for examples. Knots and links can be found in many biological, chemical, and physical systems, including closed circular DNA [1][2][3][4][5], proteins [6][7][8], and topological vortices [9]. For references on knot theory and its applications, see [10][11][12][13][14][15], for example. ...
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... Rigorous methods to characterize these changes are necessary. In recent decades, measures from knot theory have been applied to biopolymers [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30] and in particular to proteins to classify their conformations [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]. One of the simplest measures of conformational complexity of proteins dates back to Gauss: the writhe of a curve [37][38][39][40][41][42][43]. ...
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... In this representation topological complexity is simply given by the crossing number q ≥ 2N, and topological change by the reduction of q due to a single reconnection event (supposedly taking place in the encircled region of figure 1a-f ). The topological sequence (2.4) was observed in the unlinking pattern of DNA catenanes subject to site-specific enzyme recombinations (Shimokawa et al. 2013;Stolz et al. 2017), while the last stages of the sequence were observed experimentally in the evolution of a vortex trefoil knot in water (Kleckner & Irvine 2013) and in GPE simulations (see, for instance, Kleckner et al. (2016) and ZR17). A more dramatic reduction of topological complexity occurs when multiple reconnections take place concurrently; if n ≤ q simultaneous reconnections occur, we have T ( p, q) → T ( p, q − n) with a drastic reduction of topology. ...
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... A smooth knot allows for arbitrary large curvature, which does not model the rigidity of DNA. Recently, lattice knots were used to study Escherichia coli DNA in [6]; vertex distortion may relate to the "unlinking pathway" of chromosomes since it measures the proximity of points weighted by their closeness to being antipodal along the knot. ...
The first two authors introduced vertex distortion and showed that the vertex distortion of the unknot is trivial. It was conjectured that the vertex distortion of a knot is trivial if and only if the knot is trivial. We will use Denne-Sullivan's bound on Gromov distortion to bound the vertex distortion of nontrivial lattice knots. We will then conclude that trivial vertex distortion implies the unknot, proving the conjecture. Additionally, the first conjecture in vertex distortion's debut article is proven and a vertex distortion calculator is given.
... Many physical systems are composed of entangled filamentous structures whose complexity affects their mechanical properties and their function [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. Under some conditions, we can see these filamentous structures like mathematical curves in 3-space whose entanglement we can measure using tools from knot theory [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. A knot (link) is one (or more) simple closed curve(s) in 3-space, and knots (links) are classified using the notion of topological equivalence. ...
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In this article, we define Vassiliev measures of complexity for open curves in 3-space. These are related to the coefficients of the enhanced Jones polynomial of open curves in 3-space. These Vassiliev measures are continuous functions of the curve coordinates; as the ends of the curve tend to coincide, they converge to the corresponding Vassiliev invariants of the resulting knot. We focus on the second Vassiliev measure from the enhanced Jones polynomial for closed and open curves in 3-space. For closed curves, this second Vassiliev measure can be computed by a Gauss code diagram and it has an integral formulation, the double alternating self-linking integral. The double alternating self-linking integral is a topological invariant of closed curves and a continuous function of the curve coordinates for open curves in 3-space. For polygonal curves, the double alternating self-linking integral obtains a simpler expression in terms of geometric probabilities.
... Unfortunately, attempts to create reproducible knots by colliding vortex rings have not been successful [29]. Moreover, most of the theoretical studies focus on the dissolving of knots and links [2,4,7,20,[30][31][32][33] or head-on collisions [34,35], where only standard reconnections occur. In this process, the reduced complexity of the topological structures is identified through stepwise reduction, which shows the transfer of helicity of the system evolves only in one direction from knotted (linked) structures to helical coils [4,36]. ...
... As described in Refs. [2,31], the stepwise simplification during DNA untying or vortex knots and/or links dissolution in viscous fluids for an L2a1 linked configuration (a K3-1 knotted configuration) should follow the link-ring-rings pathway (knot-link-ring-rings) with decreasing crossing numbers. ...
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