Fig 4 - uploaded by Mee Teck Kho
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(A) Canonical analysis of principal coordinates (predictive power, Q 2 : 30·4%) scores plot derived from fecal TRFLP profiles of infected and control animals. (B) PCA time trajectory plots derived from TRFP data of infected animals showing differentiation of pre-infection (PI) from post infection at each time point (days 7, 14, 21, 28, 36 and 42). (C) Causal Model derived using structural equation modelling. A total of three models were built based on the sequelae of responses from cytokines, bacterial and metabolic profiles. Among the three models, model 3 was selected as the best fit model. Key: , PI; , Day 7; , Day 14; , Day 21; , Day 28; , Day 36; , Day 42.
Source publication
Toxoplasmosis affects a third of the global population and is of particular concern for immunologically compromised individuals. Toxoplasmosis induces host physiological events ranging from immunological to metabolic responses across multiple biological compartments. To understand the sequence of host responses during acute and chronic Toxoplasma g...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... significant lower Pielou's evenness (J′) was detected (T = 2·67, P = 0·009) in the infected arms in comparison to the con- trols (J′ infected 0·77 ± 0·01, J′ control = 0·80 ± 0·01). When the gut microbial distribution pattern was ordinated on the CAP plot ( Figure 4A), partitioning in accordance to infection and control groups was observed on the vertical axis (CAP2 -P = 0·01, Q 2 = 30·4%). Further, among the infection arm, separ- ation of samples collected on day 14 was apparent. ...
Context 2
... among the infection arm, separ- ation of samples collected on day 14 was apparent. However, the same pattern was not detectable under the PCA trajectory plot for the infection group ( Figure 4B). The significance of the sample partition- ing was validated using PERMANOVA (Table 1). ...
Context 3
... 3 assumed that immunological responses modulate both microbial and metabolic responses while the latter two cross influencing each other. From the three hypothesized models (Figure 4C), model 3 exhibited significantly (P < 0·05) lower Chi- square value (0) in comparison with models 1 (17·627) and 2 (12·409). The AIC and BIC scores of model 3 were recorded at 4225·80 and 4246·80, re- spectively. ...
Context 4
... studied (Benson et al. 2009;Caballero and Pamer, 2015). However, the reverse had received little atten- tion. We acknowledged that the model will be more complete if parasites related factor such as cyst size, gene expression pattern is included in the model. However, since that the parasitic factors are equal across the three proposed models (Fig. 4C), Model 3 is likely to remain as the best model even if add- itional factors are included. Using multivariate re- gression, we also exhibited close interaction between gut microbial and metabolic dynamics. For instance, the 45% of the variance in TRFLP profiles can be explained by NMR profiles, while 12·2% was explained vice versa ...
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