Table 3 - uploaded by Yusniza Kamarulzaman
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Significant changes are taking place in post-secondary tourism and hospitality education in Australia. Along with an expansion of degree offerings by universities, vocationally focused degrees are also emerging from Vocational Education and Training (VET) organisations also registered as Higher Education Providers (HEP). Among the many implications...

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... As a result, competitive edge is acquired by means of intelligent recognition and satisfying customers through superior customer service tools that are swifter and better than rivals (Abiodun, 2008). When passengers appraise the positive aspects of service airlines, their mindset is affected, which in turn affects their purchasing behavior (Boey et al., 2012). ...
The aim of this study was to ascertain the extent of the relationship between new service concept and investor satisfaction of aviation firms in Rivers State. This study adopted causal research, involving cross sectional survey design and used structured copies of questionnaire. The population of this study comprised of eight (8) airlines registered with the Rivers State ministry of commerce and industry. 20 Copies of questionnaire was distributed to management staff in each of the airlines. The total number of respondents for the study was one hundred and sixty (160). The hypotheses were tested using Spearman Ranking Order Correlation with the aid of SPSS Version 21. The study unveiled a very strong relationship between new service concept and investor satisfaction. This study therefore concluded that increased investor satisfaction can be achieved if aviation firms in Rivers State provide new and innovative service concept.
... Air transport is currently confronted by increasing competition and advanced technological innovations, which have improved the nature of air transport operation, particularly by making it available and accessible to many travelers and tourists (Sultan and Simpson 2000). There are several studies (Koech & Macario, 2023;Bauner & Liu, 2022;Garaus & Hudakova, 2022;Munoz & Laniado, 2021;Sidiq et al., 2021;Lin & Zhang, 2021;Mazareanu, 2020;Lee et al., 2019;Bietsch &Egrie, 2018 andVopola et al., 2012) on choice of airline among air passengers focusing on numerous areas. ...
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The patronage or choice of an airline is determined by the airline’s ability to offer numerous service qualities toher passengers’ satisfaction. Several studies have identified numerous factors determining passengers’ choice ofairlines. However, there is still a paucity of information on the degree of determinants of these determiningfactors. This paper, therefore, examines the degree of influence these determinant factors have on domestic airpassengers’ choice of an airline in Lagos, Nigeria. Primary data were adopted using the structured questionnairethat focused on the demographic profiles of domestic air passengers, ranking of airline service qualities and thedeterminants of their choice of airline. The primary data were collected through 352 structured questionnaireforms administered by systematic random sampling method to 400 domestic air passengers at both the departureand arrival lounge of the domestic wing of Murtala Muhammed Terminal 2 (MM2) in Lagos. The resultsrevealed that Air Peace and Max Air ranked first and second respectively among the top ten operational airlinesin terms of service quality preference. Furthermore, the results of the hypothesis indicated that the passengerairfare and route availability influence domestic passengers’ choice of airline. The stepwise multiple regressionresults further indicated that passenger airfare exerted more influence at 89.2% (F=27889.785, p<0.05). Thestudy will help the airline’s marketing unit to identify the airline service quality they need to improve on, and itwill help policymakers not only in Nigeria but also all over the sub-continent to think about long-term strategiestowards the provision of sustainable airline services.
... This essence is not only felt within a geographical space of a country but across the globe. Air transport is currently confronted by increasing competition and advanced sophisticated technological innovations, which has improved the nature of air transport operation, particularly by making it available and accessible to many tourists (Sultan & Simpson, 2000;Boey et al., 2012). Nigeria air traffic (passengers and freights) has increased in recent years. ...
... When passengers appraise the positive aspects of service airlines, their mindset is affected, which in turn affects their purchasing behavior (Boey et al., 2012). This study is similar to studies on satisfaction. ...
... The study found that cost is the most preferred attribute followed by flight ease and regularity of flight. Boey et al. (2012) examined variables determining the preference of full-service airlines and low-cost carriers using the case of Malaysia. It was found that safety is the most significant factor in choosing full-service airlines. ...
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In recent years domestic airlines are improving their services, and the major airlines in Nigeria are ahead of others based on superior strategies; in fact, some airlines are not fully utilized, which affects their profitability, while others are highly utilized. Market dynamics and regulatory forces are the key variables that influence airline attributes, features, and developments, but this is most evident where each airline competes for passengers despite the different route choices and airports of departure. This study aimed to examine the significant variables that are currently influencing air travelers’ preference for domestic airlines in Nigeria. Primary data were obtained through systematic and random sampling of air passengers, and a questionnaire was employed for data analysis. In Lagos and Abuja airports, 757 and 682 questionnaires were administered respectively with 71.1% and 61.9% returned respectively. Regression analysis was utilized to analyze the primary data. The study found that time, safety, and fare are the most influencing factors determining passenger choice of domestic airlines in Nigeria. The current findings are crucial for policymaking, particularly during the phase of airline planning and management especially during the Covid-19 pandemic era that has challenged the economic buoyancy and the purchasing power of passengers.
... In terms of passenger behaviors, LCC and FSC passengers appear to be driven by different factors in their travel mode choices. Numerous studies have found that price is the major determinant of the intention to travel by LCCs (Chang and Sun 2012;Jung and Yoo 2014;Ong and Tan 2010;Sai et al. 2012), while service-related factors like onboard service and flight frequencies are not significant in the choices made by LCC passengers, especially in the traditional LCC markets such as Europe and North America (Mikulić and Prebežac 2011). FSC passengers, in contrast, are less sensitive to price and would be willing to pay more in exchange for better services (Mikulić and Prebežac 2011). ...
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China’s low-cost carriers (LCCs) are poised for fast growth, thanks to the changing competition dynamics and aviation policies in the domestic market. This new trend calls for an in-depth investigation of the characteristics and behavioral intentions of LCC passengers. In particular, passenger demographics must be carefully considered given the likely demographic diversity in China’s emerging LCC market. This study performed a cluster analysis using age, education, and income as joint clustering variables to examine the demographic patterns of LCC passengers in China. The results indicate three distinct LCC passenger segments, which were labeled as Mature Travelers, Elite Travelers, and Young Starters based on the passenger characteristics in each segment. To further investigate the passengers’ behavioral intensions, this study considered the role of control when passengers plan and conduct an LCC trip. Despite the importance of controllability on the passenger side to complete a low-cost trip, given the operational and service characteristics of LCCs, it has not been adequately studied in the literature. Specifically, this study examines the impact of three control-related factors—perceived behavioral control, technology self-efficacy, and uncertainty avoidance—on the intention to use LCCs across the three passenger segments. The findings demonstrate that technology self-efficacy significantly influenced the mode use intention of the three passenger groups, while perceived behavioral control and uncertainty avoidance only affected the Elite Travelers. This study contributes to our understanding of LCCs by providing a new perspective of the composition and behavioral intentions of LCC passengers. Practical implications for the LCC success in China are discussed.
... Previous studies have found that market stimulus is an important cause of individual behavior (Xu et al., 2017). Boey et al. (2012) confirmed that price and service significantly affect passengers' decision-making when it comes to adopting low-cost airlines. Reasonable commodity prices make obtaining goods relatively easy for consumers; stable purchase channels and a reliable supply of goods also reduce the perceived difficulties for consumers (Pan and Truong, 2018). ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge in the demand for medical masks over the past few months. Many countries and regions have experienced a shortage of masks and raw materials, as well as soaring prices. Understanding mask-saving behavior is an important way to help improve medical resource sustainability and respond to the outbreak. This study integrates the theory of planned behavior and normative activation to propose a new comprehensive theoretical framework, which aims to reveal people’s mask-saving intentions (MSI) and behaviors in the post-pandemic period. Using the partial least squares structural equation modeling method, a total of 1057 questionnaires randomly collected from China were measured and empirically analyzed. Results indicate the following: (i) Reducing the frequency of going-out is the main approach to saving masks in China, and the majority of people reuse a mask from two to five times. (ii) Personal norms, subjective norms, attitudes and perceived behavioral control all have significant positive effects on MSI; awareness of consequences and ascription of responsibility also indirectly affect MSI through personal norms. (iii) As for extended factors, environmental concerns, perceived risk and information publicity positively affect MSI, but supply chain performance does not have a significant role. (iv) Excessive information publicity may weaken the impact of personal norms, subjective norms and perceived risk on MSI. Given the above findings, some insightful management implications are proposed.
... Air transport has a vital contribution in the travel and tourism industry, most especially with the increasing competition and advancing technology in place, air transportation became more affordable to wider ray of tourists (Sultan and Simpson, 2000;Sai, Ekit, and Kamarulzaman, 2011). In the developed and the developing economies, the roles of air transport sector in an economy cannot be overemphasized. ...
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Broadly, transport economics and air transport economics in specific can be considered to be the engine of economic activity because of its derived nature. It is pertinent to note that an increase in economic activities will inevitably result in an increasing need for transport. The study aimed at examining the econometric analysis of air passenger transport in Nigeria. The study adopted a combination of descriptive and inferential statistics, and it relied on information obtained from secondary sources especially published relevant government institutions and agencies in Nigeria. Econometric model was employed to estimate the contributions of air passenger demand on the economy. Observatory data were gathered on international and domestic air passenger demand between year 2009 and 2018 (10 years) from the FAAN. Also, observatory data were collected on GDP and GNI between the same periods. The study found a weak correlation between air passenger travel demand and economic indices. Also air passenger travel demand contributes little to GNI and GDP by 9.4 percent. This is an implication that air passenger travel has little or no contribution to the nations' GNI and GDP. It is therefore recommended that there should be better fare policies which will enable more passengers to travel.
... Additionally, existing literature of LCC passengers in Southeast Asia, especially in Malaysia and Thailand, stressed the predominant impact of airfares on the decision to use LCCs (Sai et al., 2012;Chan, 2014;Chantruthai et al., 2014). While the low-price effect reasonably reflects the behaviors of low-income populations in these countries, the overemphasis on airfares could weaken or distort the importance of other underlying factors for selecting LCCs. ...
... Among all the regions in Asia, Southeast Asia stands out with the highest acceptance of LCCs, which captured substantial academic attention (Poon and Waring, 2010;Forgas-Coll et al., 2015;Hanaoka et al., 2014;Bowen, 2016;Wang et al., 2017). There is extensive research of LCC passengers in major Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia (O'Connell and Williams, 2005;Wong and Musa, 2011;Sai et al., 2012;Ariffin et al., 2010;Ong and Tan, 2010;Yeoh and Chan, 2011;Chan, 2014;Kalaiarasan et al., 2015), Thailand (Saha and Theingi, 2009;Thanasupsin et al., 2010;Charoensettasilp and Wu, 2013;Chantruthai et al., 2014;Lerrthaitrakul and Panjakajornsak, 2014;Kuosuwan, 2015;Buaphiban and Truong, 2017), Vietnam (Sung et al., 2013;Yang et al., 2017), and Indonesia (Sihite et al., 2015). In these markets, the intention to travel by LCCs is primarily determined by price, but the influence of service-related factors is also evident. ...
... The findings indicated a strong effect of price on LCC passengers, while FSC passengers focused more on service elements such as frequency and on-time performance. In Asia, ticket price exhibits a significant effect on passengers in the new LCC market in China (Pan and Truong, 2018) and fast-growing LCC markets in Southeast Asia (Sai et al., 2012). It is especially the case in Thailand, where fares are the primary factor for LCCs to attract passengers from FSCs (Kuosuwan, 2015) and HSR (Chantruthai et al., 2014). ...
The purpose of this paper is to develop an extended Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) model to examine how Southeast Asian passengers' internal behavioral factors and external stimuli affect their buying intention and actual purchase of Low-Cost Carrier (LCC) tickets. In addition, how ticket price changes the behaviors of those factors in that model is also examined. A survey of 781 passengers was conducted in two major airports in Thailand to test the hypotheses. The results indicate the important role of passengers' attitudes, social norms, and perceived behavioral control in LCC passenger's buying behavior. More importantly, the presence of the ticket price does change how other factors predict the behavioral intention and actual use of LCCs in Southeast Asia.
... การศึ กษาจ านวนมากพบว่ าราคาไม่ ได้ เป็ นเพี ยงปั จจั ยเดี ยวที ่ ผู ้ โดยสารใช้ ตั ดสิ นใจเลื อกสายการบิ น แต่ ยั งมี คุ ณลั กษณะด้ านอื ่ นอี กที ่ มี ผลต่ อการตั ดสิ นใจ (Boey, Ekiz, and Kamarulzaman, 2012;Buaphiban, 2015;Lin and Huang, 2015) ...
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This study investigated the influence of customer orientation of low-cost airlines’ service employee (C.O.S.E.) at the firm level (cultivated by the airline) and the individual level on true loyalty. Factors affecting the C.O.S.E. at both levels were also examined. The questionnaire was used to collect data from 373 service employees of 3 major Thai low-cost airlines. This study applied MANOVA to test the hypotheses. The result showed that service employees, from different airlines and those who had different types of employment, duration of employment, and ranges of income, had different degrees of perception toward the firm-level C.O.S.E. Also, service employees, from different airlines and those who had different ages, duration of employment, and ranges of income, had different degrees of perception toward the individual-level C.O.S.E. Multiple Regression Analysis was also used to test the hypotheses. The results revealed that both levels of C.O.S.E. positively influenced true loyalty of service employees (p < .01). The results also showed that organizational socialization (organizational commitment, the climate for service, and motivational direction) positively influenced the firm-level C.O.S.E. These factors also influenced employees’ behaviors in person-to-person interaction of positively (p < .01). The dimensions of person-to-person interaction namely motivation to serve, social skill, and technical skill positively affected the individual-level C.O.S.E. (p < .01). Also, basic personality traits namely the need for activity, agreeability, and conscientiousness, positively influenced the individual-level C.O.S.E. However, openness for experience negatively influenced the individual-level C.O.S.E. (p < .01). บทคัดย่อ งานวิจัยนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาอิทธิพลของความมุ่งเน้นลูกค้าของพนักงานบริการ (C.O.S.E.) ทั้งระดับ องค์กร (Firm-level) ซึ่งเกิดจากกระบวนการภายในของสายการบิน และระดับบุคคล (Individual-level) หรือ จากตัวพนักงานต่อความภักดีที่จริงแท้ของพนักงาน รวมทั้งศึกษาปัจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลต่อ C.O.S.E. ทั้งสองระดับ ผู้วิจัยใชแ้ บบสอบถามในการเก็บข้อมูลจากพนักงานบริการของสายการบินต้นทุนต่ารายใหญ่ของไทย 3 ราย จานวน 373 คน จากนั้นวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลด้วยสถิติ MANOVA พบว่า พนักงานสังกัดสายการบินต่างกัน มีรูปแบบ การจ้างงาน อายุงานและช่วงรายได้ต่างกัน รับรู้ Firm-level C.O.S.E. ในระดับท่ีต่างกัน และผู้ท่ีสังกัดสายการบิน ต่างกัน มีอายุ อายุงานและช่วงรายได้ต่างกันรับรู้ถึง Individual-level C.O.S.E. ในระดับที่ต่างกัน ส่วนผลการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลด้วยสถิติ Multiple Regression พบว่า C.O.S.E. ทั้งสองระดับมีอิทธิพล เชิงบวกต่อความภักดีที่จริงแท้ของพนักงานบริการ (p < .01) ส่วนกระบวนการหล่อหลอมขัดเกลาทางสังคม ในด้านความผูกพันกับองค์กร บรรยากาศภายในองค์กรท่ีเอื้อต่อการบริการและทิศทางจากแรงจูงใจมีอิทธิพล เชิงบวกต่อ Firm-level C.O.S.E. (p < .01) ปัจจัยเหล่านี้ยังมีอิทธิพลเชิงบวกต่อพฤติกรรมในการปฏิสัมพันธ์ แบบตัวต่อตัวของพนักงาน (p < .01) เช่นกัน นอกจากนี้ยังพบว่าการปฏิสัมพันธ์แบบตัวต่อตัวของพนักงาน ในมิติแรงจูงใจในการบริการ ทักษะเชิงสังคมและทักษะเฉพาะมีอิทธิพลเชิงบวกต่อการรับรู้ถึง Individual- level C.O.S.E. (p < .01) อีกท้ังความต้องการในกิจกรรม การยอมรับผู้อื่น ความรอบคอบของพนักงานบริการ เป็นปัจจัยลักษณะบุคลิกภาพพื้นฐานของพนักงานก็มีอิทธิพลเชิงบวกต่อ Individual-level C.O.S.E. ขณะที่ การเปิดรับประสบการณ์ใหม่ มีอิทธิพลเชิงลบต่อ Individual-level C.O.S.E. (p < .01)
... Thus, Pricing is one of the main problems facing the administration (Donnelly & Harrison, 2010) and it has been an age-old management issue (Cho et al., 2009). Although LCCs were able to attract passengers on the basis of value for money (Pels&Rietveld, 2004;Sai et al., 2012;Rajaguru, 2016), they discovered awkwardness in retaining and building loyal passenger base (Chacon & Mason, 2011;Rajaguru, 2016). Thus, In order to struggle the rivalry and to be sustainable, airlines have to take in consideration the cornerstones of air transport industry, apply a convenient strategy, and improve continuously (Fedosova, 2016). ...
... This is evident from research including Ishii et al. (2009), who found that passengers consider several of the airline attributes before zeroing on a particular airline for their travel. These factors are not limited to ticketing price (Adiele and Etuk, 2017; Xia et al. 2004), airline safety (Buaphiban, 2015;Naser et al., 2013;Sai et al., 2011), flight availability and scheduling (Sokolovskyy, 2012), and in-flight entertainment and refreshment (Heinitz and Hirschberger, 2017;Naser et al., 2013). The factors could include cabin crew courtesy (Morrow, 2016;Delta Airline, 2016) and certainly, passengers may complement their decisions with additional factors that were not necessarily part of the survey before choosing the airline, such as the airline aesthetics (Hess, 2010;Wang, 2005;Vowles, 2000;Proussaloglou and Koppelman, 1995). ...
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The proliferation of airlines plying the international routes, triggered by the needed deregulation policies, has equally caused prospective air travelers to be constantly faced with critical pre-flight decisions, especially as they regard airline choice making for scheduled and on-demand flights. Considering the international bound passengers for scheduled flights at MMIA, this paper examines seventeen variables, wilfully or unconsciously thought-out by the passengers before choosing the airline to travel with. Factor analysis unveils that there are five components with Eigenvalue higher than the critical (1.000) and with an appreciable cumulative percent of variance (62.336 percent), indicative that there are five latent factors determining international passengers' airline choices from a developing country. The Varimax rotated component matrix placed eleven variables with factor loading (>0.70) on these five factors. The paper concludes that the service quality of the full spectra of the airlines' pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight services could be more carefully considered, maintained and regularly upgraded in order to attract and, or retain passengers.