Table 4 - uploaded by Sufiana Khatoon Malik
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2.1.3 shows statements about the academic writing

2.1.3 shows statements about the academic writing

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The science education in 21st century has become more challenging with reference to educating students in 21st century skills in addition to imparting scientific attitude, knowledge and skills required for science education. The present paper investigated the biology textbook of higher secondaryschool published by national book foundation Islamabad...

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This study aims to determine the practicality of life skill based student worksheets (LKPD) of class XI of high school on respiratory system material. The method used in the study was a research and development. The data source of this research was from two science teachers and thirty one students of class XI. The LKPD practicalities data was obtai...


... Yaki (2022) studies Biology secondarylevel students and the integrated STEM approach to developing critical thinking among students. In the same way, critical thinking has been focused by education policy documents (Jamil et al., 2020), textbooks (Bhatti et al., 2015;Tufail et al., 2016), teachers' perceptions and practices (Jamil, 2021;Jamil & Muhammad, 2019;. These studies show the importance of using textbook analysis to investigate life skills education integration and suggest further improvements. ...
... Although some of these skills might be slightly promoted through group work and class discussion, the textbook lacked explicit content to build them. This result aligns with earlier studies, which demonstrated that textbooks do not integrate certain life skills (Rakhmawati & Priyana, 2019;Tufail et al., 2016). The analysis of the study underscores the importance of the life skills in education that are needed for Biology textbook. ...
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The current qualitative study focused on integrating 12 core life skills in secondary school Biology textbooks identified in the UNICEF MENA report (2017). The textbook was selected through purposive sampling, which was employed when choosing the textbook. The data analysis was done using qualitative content analysis facilitated through NVivo 14. The analysis revealed specific aspects of critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and participation skills in different activities, questions, and practical work from the textbook analysis. Some concerns were that creativity and communication skills were neglected, although only a few activities were suggested to address these areas. Furthermore, no specific content and activities taught students about cooperation, negotiation, self-management, resilience, respect for human diversity, and empathy. The current study indicates that though the Biology textbook has some specific necessary life skills, there may be a gap in the coverage of the necessary life skills identified by UNICEF. As a result of the present research, it is suggested that textbook content should be matched to fundamental life skills to ensure positive outcomes in students' everyday lives. The information can be helpful in future textbook writing and updating to enhance the delivery of life skills education in secondary schools.
... These recommendations can be forwarded to the Department of Education to review, refine, revise and re-align the learner's material to make it research-based, relevant, and responsive to the needs of the learners. In accordance, Tufail et al. (2016) analyzed biology textbooks for higher secondary students concerning 21stcentury life skills. Findings reported that the textbook did not meet the requirements of the 21 st -century for students of secondary level. ...
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Learning materials aid in conceptual retention, stir learning motivation, increase academic engagement, and enhance student achievement. This study is a descriptive-evaluative research that described the science teachers’ assessment of the Grade 8 Science K-12 learner’s material produced by the state education department. The study was conducted in three government-owned secondary schools in Zambales, Philippines. The science teachers used a modified Learning Resource Assessment Tool developed by Prince Edward Island (2008) in evaluating the K-12 material. Results revealed that the learner’s material is satisfactory in terms of content, instructional design, and technical design. However, the teachers cited some problems encountered such as inadequacy of the materials for the learners, incongruence of the topics to the learning competencies, and lack of instructional time to cover all the topics. The teachers also laid some recommendations that can be forwarded to the Department of Education to review, refine, revise and re-align the learner’s material to make it research-based, relevant, and responsive to the learners' needs.
... Kreativitas mengacu pada menciptakan produk yang asli dengan menggunakan pengetahuan sebelumnya, menerapkan teori ke situasi dunia nyata, dan mampu bekerja di dalam kelompok untuk mengembangkan ide-ide baru (Tufail, Ali, & Malik, 2016). ...
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Kreativitas merupakan keterampilan yang diperlukan di era 21. Penggunaan pendekatan STEM dalam pembelajaran memfasilitasi siswa dalam belajar sehingga siswa mampu mengimplementasikan ilmu yang didapat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pembelajaran IPA dapat ditunjang dengan penggunaan buku ajar, namun buku ajar yang ada saat ini masih memisahkan materi yang ada sehingga pembelajaran belum sesuai dengan era 21 dan guru masih mengajarkan sesuai dasar pendidikannya. Tujuan dari penelitian dan pengembangan adalah untuk menghasilkan pengembangan buku ajar berpendekatan STEM untuk mengembangkan kreativitas siswa pada tema tekanan. Hasil dari pengembangan buku ajar menunjukkan materi pada buku siswa sebesar 94,8%, media buku siswa sebesar 91,3%. Materi buku guru sebesar 90,7% dan media sebesar 91,8%. Buku guru dan buku siswa aspek materi dan media dapat dikategorikan sangat layak
... The inception of the innovation-driven age, also known as the digital age, has led to a drastic technological revolution. The scientific and technological innovations have accelerated the practices of teaching and learning (TnL) through diversity of resources and technology, thereby, has also placed enormous demands on students to get ready proficiently for their future work, career and life (Tufail & Malik, 2016). Voogt and Pareja (2010) commented that economic and societal changes are the major factors that have geared the recent developments in technology and therefore the requirements for successful jobs and the home environment seem to be regarded as the most important drivers of needs for 21 st century skills (Voogt & Pareja Roblin, 2010). ...
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In today's contemporary world, it has become increasingly important for educational institutions to provide students with a curriculum that not only imparts academic knowledge but also equips them with essential life skills which can be incorporated into our daily life. This article delves into a comprehensive analysis of the Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) Secondary Science Curriculum, with a specific focus on the integration of life skills components in the Class-IX textbook. The content analysis of the textbook is done by following the Life Skills Components proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) which are in three domains-Thinking skills, social skills, and Emotional skills while keeping in mind the criteria of the ideal science curriculum given by NCF-2005. From the analysis of the textbook, it is identified that Critical thinking skills are the majority in number with a percentage of 39.63%, followed by Problem-solving skills with 35.45% and Creative thinking skills with 24.91% but ignored Social Skills and Emotional Skills domain in the textbook. The science textbook employed by the Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) enabled the students to utilize their Critical Thinking Skills and enabled the students to understand science theoretically and meaningfully in their daily lives.
21. yüzyıl becerileri her alanda önem kazanan birtakım yeterlilikleri kapsamaktadır. Yeni yetişen bireylerin teknolojik değişimlerin oldukça hızlı olduğu bir dönemde çağa uyum sağlayabilmeleri adına 21. yüzyıl becerilerini bilen ve uygulayabilen kişiler olması zorunluluğunu doğurmaktadır. Bireylere bu becerileri kazandırmanın temel yolu eğitimden geçer. Bu nedenle öğretim programlarının 21. yüzyıl becerilerini içerme zorunluluğu oluşmaktadır. Fen bilimleri dersi öğrencilerin bilimsel düşünme becerileri kazanmaları ve değişen çevreye uyum sağlayabilmeleri açısından oldukça önemli ve en elverişli bir derslerden birisidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı fen bilimleri 7. Sınıf ders kitabındaki deneysel etkinliklerin 21. yüzyıl becerileri açısından incelenmesidir. Bu çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan doküman analizi yöntemine tabi tutularak yapılmıştır. Bu bağlamda 7. Fen bilimleri dersinde okutulan fen bilimleri ders kitabı doküman analizine tabi tutularak incelenmiştir. Yapılan araştırmada 7. Sınıf fen bilimleri ders kitabında bulunan Işığın madde ile etkileşimi ünitesindeki deneysel içerikler 21. yüzyıl becerileri açısından incelenmiş ve sonuç olarak deneysel içeriklerin 21. yüzyıl becerilerini yeterince içermediği sonucuna varılmıştır.
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In this study, we tried to show how a good leader positively impacts employees, which leads to job satisfaction while working in an organization/business. Under this study, we are trying to examine the meaning and importance of Leadership towards job satisfaction of employees, how good leadership help in helping their employees, and they feel satisfied with their current working job. This study is based on two leadership styles: Responsible Leadership Style and Ethical leadership Style. A reliable leadership style shows a relationship between the leaders and their stakeholders; under this style, a leader must analyze stakeholders' needs and wants. Ethical leadership style is when a leader has to do their moral duties and work with honesty; under this style, the leader tries to make fair decisions in the organization and make a positive environment for employees. Based on this study, we are wanted to highlight how a leader is essential for every organization. If there is a good leader in the organization, employees can feel comfortable to share their views and problems related to their job.