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Abstract and Figures

Adaptive optics is implemented in a harmonic generation microscope using a wavefront sensorless correction scheme. Both the second- and third-harmonic intensity signals are used as the optimization metric. Aberration correction is performed to compensate both system- and specimen-induced aberrations by using an efficient optimization routine based upon Zernike polynomial modes. Images of live mouse embryos show an improved signal level and resolution.
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Adaptive harmonic generation microscopy
of mammalian embryos
Alexander Jesacher,1Anisha Thayil,1Kate Grieve,1Delphine Débarre,1Tomoko Watanabe,2Tony Wilson,1
Shankar Srinivas,2and Martin Booth1,*
1Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ, UK
2Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QX, UK
Corresponding author:
Received July 21, 2008; revised September 8, 2009; accepted September 11, 2009;
posted September 18, 2009 (Doc. ID 114531); published October 9, 2009
Adaptive optics is implemented in a harmonic generation microscope using a wavefront sensorless correction
scheme. Both the second- and third-harmonic intensity signals are used as the optimization metric. Aber-
ration correction is performed to compensate both system- and specimen-induced aberrations by using an
efficient optimization routine based upon Zernike polynomial modes. Images of live mouse embryos show an
improved signal level and resolution. © 2009 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 180.0180, 180.4315, 110.1080, 170.3880, 180.6900, 190.4160.
Harmonic generation microscopy (HGM) was pro-
posed as a method for label-free imaging of biological
specimens [1]. Using the nonlinear optical properties
of the tissue, third- and second-harmonic generation
(THG, SHG) are produced at the focus of a short-
pulsed laser beam, revealing cellular structure with
three-dimensional resolution. Implementations of
combined SHG and THG imaging have often used ex-
citation wavelengths around 1200 nm [24]. This
choice was influenced by the relatively low absorp-
tion of this wavelength by biological tissues and the
convenient placement of the SHG and THG around
600 and 400 nm, respectively, permitting the use of
standard optics and detectors. A disadvantage of this
excitation wavelength is that high-numerical-
aperture objectives required for such imaging are not
typically specified for this wavelength. One should
therefore expect reduced performance both in terms
of transmission and aberrations. Furthermore, aber-
rations are introduced by the specimens themselves,
particularly by thick specimens to which HGM is of-
ten applied [5]. As the harmonic generation is nonlin-
early dependent on the excitation intensity, these fac-
tors could have a significant effect on the imaging
One application area where HGM has shown prom-
ise is in imaging for developmental biology [3,2,4]. In
early-stage mouse embryos, THG images reveal cel-
lular structure and sub-cellular features, whereas
SHG has shown mitotic spindles and the zona pellu-
cida. It has also been shown that large aberrations
are induced when focussing through embryos [5].
When combined with the system aberrations arising
from the nonoptimal objective lenses, the effects can
cause a significant reduction in signal level and res-
olution. Adaptive optics has been used to compensate
for aberrations in various microscopes [6]. In this
Letter we demonstrate the use of adaptive optics for
the correction of system and specimen-induced aber-
rations in the HGM of live mouse embryos.
A schematic of the adaptive microscope is shown in
Fig. 1. The chromium forsterite laser (Mavericks, Del
Mar Photonics) emits 65 fs pulses at a repetition rate
of 100 MHz, center wavelength =1235 nm and out-
put power around 200 mW. The expanded beam was
steered by two-axis galvanometer mirrors that are
imaged onto a deformable membrane mirror (MIRAO
52-e, Imagine Eyes). The deformable mirror (DM)
was imaged onto the pupil plane of the microscope
objective. The illumination power in the focus was
approximately 30 mW. The harmonic emission was
collected in trans-configuration by an oil immersion
condenser NA=1.4. The SHG and THG were sepa-
rated by a dichroic filter and were detected simulta-
neously by using two photomultiplier tubes. Speci-
men scanning in the axial zdirection was enabled
by a piezo actuator attached to the sample stage. The
objective lens (Olympus UApo/340 water immersion,
40, NA=1.15) was chosen because of its high trans-
mission (60% at =1235 nm) compared with other
objectives that were tested. For in situ DM character-
ization, three beam-splitter cubes were inserted into
the optical pathway to form a Mach–Zehnder inter-
ferometer (dashed outline in Fig. 1) using a helium–
neon laser =633 nm.
Fig. 1. Schematic of the microscope. Lx, lens; BSx, beam
splitter; Mx, mirror; DM, deformable mirror; O, objective;
C, condenser; Dx, detector.
3154 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 34, No. 20 / October 15, 2009
0146-9592/09/203154-3/$15.00 © 2009 Optical Society of America
The aberration correction procedure involved the
sequential correction of Zernike polynomial modes
through the maximization of a metric defined as the
total image intensity, i.e., x,yIx,y, where Irepre-
sents the image. A similar approach has been em-
ployed in other adaptive microscopes and provides
rapid correction with a small number of metric mea-
surements [7,8]. The metric value I0was measured
for the initial aberrated image. An amplitude bof a
chosen mode was added to the DM, and the corre-
sponding image metric I+was measured. An amount
bwas then added, and the value Iwas measured.
The correction aberration amplitude was then calcu-
lated through a parabolic maximization as a=bI+
I/2I+−4I0+2I. This was repeated for each mode
of interest. For this demonstration, we chose to cor-
rect 18 low-order Zernike modes (excluding piston,
tip, tilt, and defocus). As the I0measurement is com-
mon to all modes, the correction of nmodes requires
2n+1 measurements. Hence, the total number of
scans per correction cycle was 37.
System aberrations were corrected by optimizing
the THG from the rear glass/air interface of a cover-
glass of 170
m thickness. The objective adjustment
collar was set to the corresponding glass thickness.
Prior to the correction, the DM surface was flat up to
an rms value of less than /12 at =633 nm. The
plots in Fig. 2(a) show the THG axial response before
and after five repeated correction cycles. The peak in-
tensity increased by almost 50%, and the FWHM de-
creased by 14% to 1.22
m, compared with a calcu-
lated value of 1.15
m for an unaberrated system.
The procedure was repeated to check whether further
improvement could be obtained. The signal rapidly
converged on a maximum, which shows that for this
particular specimen Zernike modes have a mostly in-
dependent effect on the THG signal. Figure 2(b)
shows the signal improvement achieved with each
correction cycle (blue dashed curve), together with
the accordingly retrieved phase aberration. The total
correction aberration had an amplitude of 0.37 rad
rms at =1235 nm. This procedure could be repeated
before imaging each specimen, for example, to miti-
gate the effects of any variations in the coverslip
In another experiment, aberrations induced by
mouse embryo specimens were corrected. Figure 3
shows frames from a three-dimensional image stack
of an embryonic day 5.5 stage mouse embryo. The
cover glass in the culture dish had a nominal maxi-
mum thickness of 130
m, which corresponded to the
objective correction collar’s minimum setting. First,
the system aberrations were compensated by the pro-
cedure previously described, resulting in the correc-
tion phase of amplitude 0.58 rad rms. This consisted
mainly of spherical aberration, probably due to in-
complete coverglass compensation in the objective
lens. A THG image stack covering 40
m within the embryo was acquired from a re-
gion approximately 90
m deep in the sample [Fig.
Fig. 2. (Color online) Correction of system aberrations. (a) THG axial response at a glass/air interface before (blue dashed
line) and after correction. (b) THG signal (blue dashed line) and incremental retrieved phase aberration for subsequently
applied correction cycles.
Fig. 3. (Color online) (a) THG images of a 5.5 day old live
mouse embryo with correction of only system aberrations
(left) and after additional correction of specimen-induced
aberrations (right). The dashed lines show where the xy
and xz planes intersect. The corresponding correction
phase functions are also shown. (b) Intensity profiles along
the solid lines A–B and C–D as drawn in (a).
October 15, 2009 / Vol. 34, No. 20 / OPTICS LETTERS 3155
3(a), left]. There was no significant SHG from this
portion of the embryo. One cycle of the correction pro-
cedure was performed at the x–y section shown in the
figure. The correction aberration amplitude was
0.67 rad rms at =1235 nm. The image stack was re-
acquired with the phase correction applied. The re-
sult is shown in Fig. 3(a) right. Cell boundaries and
organelles are clearly visible. The total signal from
the corrected x–y section increased by 54%. A second
correction cycle, performed to verify the initial correc-
tion, showed no significant improvement. Fig. 3(b)
shows intensity profiles, as indicated by the solid
lines in (a), along the xand zdirections both before
and after correction of the specimen aberrations. Ab-
erration correction has improved both signal and res-
olution. It can be seen that the increase in brightness
of small features is more significant than the in-
crease in background signal.
Both SHG and THG can be used separately as the
optimization metric. Figure 4shows images from a
live embryonic day 2.5 stage mouse embryo. A strong
THG signal is observed from cytoplasmic structures
(possibly lipid vesicles); SHG is seen from mitotic
spindles in one of the cells at a 45
m depth. We per-
formed SHG-based correction using an xyimage
containing the spindle and the THG-based correction
to a plane in close vicinity, where sufficient THG
could be observed. Two cycles were performed for
each correction procedure. As expected from the
smaller imaging depth, the aberrations had smaller
amplitude than in the 5.5 day old embryo. The corre-
sponding Zernike coefficients, shown in the bar chart,
are similar, which is expected as both SHG and THG
channels are affected by the same aberrations. This
shows that THG and SHG signals can both be used
independently for the correction procedure. After cor-
rection, the total signal increased by 21% and 9% for
SHG and THG, respectively. This difference in im-
provement is attributed to the different specimen
structures. Preliminary studies show that the effect
of aberrations on the image intensity varies, such
that the intensity from fine structures is reduced
more than that from larger features.
Aberration correction leads to more efficient imag-
ing and could permit the use of lower illumination
power for the same image signal-to-noise ratio. This
has important consequences for imaging of live speci-
mens in HGM, where the illumination dose can affect
long-term viability. In this Letter, we have shown
that both system and specimen-induced aberrations
have detrimental effects on the imaging properties of
HGM. Adaptive optics have been used to mitigate
these effects and restore the signal level and reso-
lution of these microscopes. In these experiments
THG and SHG signals have proved to be a suitable
metric for aberration correction, where improved res-
olution corresponds to higher intensity. It is possible
that for certain objects this relationship between res-
olution and intensity is different. For example, when
several interfaces are near the focus, a maximized
THG signal does not necessarily correspond to mini-
mum aberrations. In such situations, other metrics
such as image sharpness or the use of spatial averag-
ing could be incorporated.
Support from the following grants is acknowl-
edged: Biotechnology and Biological Science Re-
search Council (BBE0049461), Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/E055818/1),
Austrian Science Fund (J2826-N20).
1. D. Yelin and Y. Silberberg, Opt. Express 5, 169 (1999).
2. S. W. Chu, S. Y. Chen, T. H. Tsai, T. M. Liu, C. Y. Lin,
H. J. Tsai, and C. K. Sun, Opt. Express 11, 3093 (2003).
3. D. Débarre, W. Supatto, E. Farge, B. Moulia, M. C.
Schanne-Klein, and E. Beaurepaire, Opt. Lett. 29,
2881 (2004).
4. C. S. Hsieh, S. U. Chen, Y. W. Lee, Y. S. Yang, and C. K.
Sun, Opt. Express 16, 11574 (2008).
5. M. Schwertner, M. J. Booth, and T. Wilson, Opt.
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6. M. J. Booth, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 365,
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7. D. Débarre, M. J. Booth, and T. Wilson, Opt. Express
15, 8176 (2007).
8. D. Débarre, E. J. Botcherby, M. J. Booth, and T.
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Fig. 4. (Color online) Equivalence of correction using SHG
and THG signals. (a) Overview of the 2.5 day old embryo
showing SHG (solid red) and THG. (b) Sections used for the
SHG- and THG-based corrections. The sections are located
in close vicinity. Upper image pair, before correction; lower
image pair, after correction. (c) Zernike coefficients and
phase functions retrieved by both correction procedures.
3156 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 34, No. 20 / October 15, 2009
... [96,58,111,74,135]. Panel E adapted with permission from Ref. [120] © Optica. ...
... The definition of the optimization metric depends upon the image formation process of the microscope. For example, in confocal or non-linear microscopes (like two-photon or harmonic generation microscopes), the total image intensity (equivalently, the sum of pixel values) is an appropriate metric ( Fig. 1(E)) [119][120][121][122][123][124][125], as this quantity is decreased with all aberration modes that affect image quality. This metric would not however be appropriate in a widefield microscope, where the total image intensity is invariant with aberration content. ...
... For STED, an increase in resolution can be accompanied by the reduction in fluorescence signal due to a better confined focus [127]. For third harmonic generation (THG) microscopy, minimal aberrations may not necessarily maximize the signal when several interfaces are near the focus due to the coherent nature of THG [120]. ...
Full-text available
Optical microscopy is widely used to visualize fine structures. When applied to bioimaging, its performance is often degraded by sample-induced aberrations. In recent years, adaptive optics (AO), originally developed to correct for atmosphere-associated aberrations, has been applied to a wide range of microscopy modalities, enabling high- or super-resolution imaging of biological structure and function in complex tissues. Here, we review classic and recently developed AO techniques and their applications in optical microscopy.
... For more than 20 years, different MP-AO approaches have been proposed to deal with this natural limitation (see [24][25][26] as general references). Although these procedures are broadly used to correct for aberrations in static samples, their implementation when imaging thick dynamic/living specimens has also reported interesting and useful results in different living tissues including mouse embryos [27], and mouse, zebrafish and fly brains [28][29][30]. ...
... MP-AO procedures have been shown to improve MP microscopy images [24][25][26]. Although they were originally restricted to static samples, it use has been extended to living specimens [27][28][29]. On the other hand, the implementation of deconvolution techniques into different microscopes has been reported an alternative approach with interesting results [31][32][33][34][35][36][37]. ...
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Second harmonic generation (SHG) imaging microscopy of thick biological tissues is affected by the presence of aberrations and scattering within the sample. Moreover, additional problems, such as uncontrolled movements, appear when imaging in-vivo . Deconvolution methods can be used to overcome these limitations under some conditions. In particular, we present here a technique based on a marginal blind deconvolution approach for improving SHG images obtained in vivo in the human eye (cornea and sclera). Different image quality metrics are used to quantify the attained improvement. Collagen fibers in both cornea and sclera are better visualized and their spatial distributions accurately assessed. This might be a useful tool to better discriminate between healthy and pathological tissues, especially those where changes in collagen distribution occur.
... Prominent approaches to lift this limitation and increase the imaging depth include multi-photon techniques [1] and adaptive optics (AO) [2,3]. For the present work, we rely on a combination of both, two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) microscopy as well as sensorless AO -an approach that has been followed successfully in a variety of different ways in the recent past, by many groups worldwide [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11], including ours [12][13][14]. ...
... The wavefront modulator itself is kept constant during the (fast) piezo scanning operation and only has to be switched once per algorithm iteration (after the aberration field has been determined), wherefore the wavefront modulator switching time is in general not too limiting for the total algorithm speed. Besides this speed advantage, F-SHARP exhibits a very robust operation: in contrast, e.g., to modal wavefront sensing techniques [4,5], the F-SHARP algorithm converges reliably even if the aberrations are comparatively strong [10]. ...
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Adaptive optics, in combination with multi-photon techniques, is a powerful approach to image deep into a specimen. Remarkably, virtually all adaptive optics schemes today rely on wavefront modulators that are reflective, diffractive or both. This, however, can pose a severe limitation for applications. Here, we present a fast and robust sensorless adaptive optics scheme adapted for transmissive wavefront modulators. We study our scheme in numerical simulations and in experiments with a novel, optofluidic wavefront shaping device that is transmissive, refractive, polarisation-independent, and broadband. We demonstrate scatter correction of two-photon-excited fluorescence images of microbeads as well as brain cells and benchmark our device against a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator. Our method and technology could open new routes for adaptive optics in scenarios where previously, the restriction to reflective and diffractive devices may have staggered innovation and progress.
... Prominent approaches to lift this limitation and increase the imaging depth include multi-photon techniques [1] and adaptive optics (AO) [2,3]. For the present work, we rely on a combination of both, two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) microscopy as well as sensorless AO -an approach that has been followed successfully in a variety of different ways in the recent past, by many groups worldwide [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11], including ours [12][13][14]. ...
... Besides this speed advantage, F-SHARP exhibits a very robust operation. In contrast, e.g., to modal wavefront sensing techniques [4,5], the F-SHARP algorithm converges reliably even if the aberrations are comparatively strong [10]. ...
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Adaptive optics in combination with multi-photon techniques is a powerful approach to image deep into a specimen. Remarkably, virtually all adaptive optics schemes today rely on wavefront modulators which are reflective, diffractive, or both. This, however, can pose a severe limitation for applications. Here, we present a fast and robust sensorless adaptive optics scheme adapted for transmissive wavefront modulators. We study our scheme in numerical simulations and in experiments with a novel, optofluidic wavefront shaping device which is transmissive and refractive. We demonstrate scatter correction of two-photon-excited fluorescence images of microbeads as well as brain cells and benchmark our device against a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator. Our method and technology could open new routes for adaptive optics in scenarios where previously the restriction to reflective and diffractive devices may have staggered innovation and progress.
... However, non-linear microscopies, due to their inherent principle of operation, always involve higher excitation power, which poses a risk of photodamage 11 . Moreover, with the exception of autofluorescence-based techniques 12 and non-linear microscopies based on harmonic generation 13 , most of these microscopies are qualitative and require external stains to be added to the sample. The addition of any external reagent not only carries a risk of chemical toxicity but may also cause perturbation of the inherent natural state of the sample microenvironment, which in turn can potentially alter the measurements obtained. ...
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The combination of a good quality embryo and proper maternal health factors promise higher chances of a successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure leading to clinical pregnancy and live birth. Of these two factors, selection of a good embryo is a controllable aspect. The current gold standard in clinical practice is visual assessment of an embryo based on its morphological appearance by trained embryologists. More recently, machine learning has been incorporated into embryo selection “packages”. Here, we report EVATOM: a machine-learning assisted embryo health assessment tool utilizing an optical quantitative phase imaging technique called artificial confocal microscopy (ACM). We present a label-free nucleus detection method with, to the best of our knowledge, novel quantitative embryo health biomarkers. Two viability assessment models are presented for grading embryos into two classes: healthy/intermediate (H/I) or sick (S) class. The models achieve a weighted F1 score of 1.0 and 0.99 respectively on the in-distribution test set of 72 fixed embryos and a weighted F1 score of 0.9 and 0.95 respectively on the out-of-distribution test dataset of 19 time-instances from 8 live embryos.
... However, non-linear microscopies, due to their inherent principle of operation, always involve higher excitation power, which poses a risk of photodamage 20 . Moreover, with the exception of autofluorescence-based techniques 21 and non-linear microscopies based on harmonic generation 22 , most of these microscopies are qualitative and require external stains to be added to the sample. The addition of any external reagent not only carries a risk of chemical toxicity but may also cause perturbation of the inherent natural state of the sample microenvironment, which in turn can potentially alter the measurements obtained. ...
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The combination of a good quality embryo and proper maternal health factors promise higher chances of a successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure leading to clinical pregnancy and live birth. Of these two factors, selection of a good embryo is a controllable aspect. The current gold standard in clinical practice is visual assessment of an embryo based on its morphological appearance by trained embryologists. More recently, machine learning has been incorporated into embryo selection 'packages'. Here, we report a machine-learning assisted embryo health assessment tool utilizing a quantitative phase imaging technique called artificial confocal microscopy (ACM). We present a label-free nucleus detection method with novel quantitative embryo health biomarkers. Two viability assessment models are presented for grading embryos into two classes: healthy/intermediate (H/I) or sick (S) class. The models achieve a weighted F1 score of 1.0 and 0.99 respectively on the in-distribution test set of 72 fixed embryos and a weighted F1 score of 0.9 and 0.95 respectively on the out-of-distribution test dataset of 19 time-instances from 8 live embryos.
... Conventionally, sensorless AO operates based on the principle that the optimal image quality corresponds to the best aberration correction 12,13 . A suitably defined metric, such as the total signal intensity [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27] or a spatial frequency based sharpness metric [28][29][30][31][32][33] , is used to quantify the image quality. Phase is modulated by the AO while this quality metric reading is measured and optimised. ...
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The resolution and contrast of microscope imaging is often affected by aberrations introduced by imperfect optical systems and inhomogeneous refractive structures in specimens. Adaptive optics (AO) compensates these aberrations and restores diffraction limited performance. A wide range of AO solutions have been introduced, often tailored to a specific microscope type or application. Until now, a universal AO solution -- one that can be readily transferred between microscope modalities -- has not been deployed. We propose versatile and fast aberration correction using a physics-based machine learning (ML) assisted wavefront-sensorless AO control method. Unlike previous ML methods, we used a bespoke neural network (NN) architecture, designed using physical understanding of image formation, that was embedded in the control loop of the microscope. The approach means that not only is the resulting NN orders of magnitude simpler than previous NN methods, but the concept is translatable across microscope modalities. We demonstrated the method on a two-photon, a three-photon and a widefield three-dimensional (3D) structured illumination microscope. Results showed that the method outperformed commonly-used modal-based sensorless AO methods. We also showed that our ML-based method was robust in a range of challenging imaging conditions, such as extended 3D sample structures, specimen motion, low signal to noise ratio and activity-induced fluorescence fluctuations. Moreover, as the bespoke architecture encapsulated physical understanding of the imaging process, the internal NN configuration was no-longer a ``black box'', but provided physical insights on internal workings, which could influence future designs.
... The variation in the generation of second or third harmonic radiation is used as a contrast to visualise cellular structure in three dimensions. AO was used to overcome the system-and specimeninduced aberrations, resulting in more efficient and higher resolution imaging(138). Fluorescence fluctuation microscopy analyses the spatial and/or temporal fluctuation in fluorescence signal to reveal morphological and functional characteristics of a biological tissue. AO has been able to measure and correct for single cell-induced aberrations allowing for more precise measurements(139). ...
This is a comprehensive review of the principles and applications of adaptive optics (AO) in ophthalmology. It has been combined with flood illumination ophthalmoscopy, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, as well as optical coherence tomography to image photoreceptors, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), retinal ganglion cells, lamina cribrosa and the retinal vasculature. In this review, we highlight the clinical studies that have utilised AO to understand disease mechanisms. However, there are some limitations to using AO in a clinical setting including the cost of running an AO imaging service, the time needed to scan patients, the lack of normative databases and the very small size of area imaged. However, it is undoubtedly an exceptional research tool that enables visualisation of the retina at a cellular level.
... Many sensorless AO approaches have proved to be effective on various types of microscopes. These include the modal method, [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] pupil segmentation zonal methods, [14][15][16][17] and pixelated piston-based methods. [18][19][20] Unfortunately, no study has systematically compared, discussed, and summarized the trade-offs of these methods since different approaches were all developed separately for different applications, meaning a fair comparison among the methods was difficult to conduct. ...
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Adaptive optics (AO) methods are widely used in microscopes to improve image quality through correction of phase aberrations. A range of wavefront-sensorless AO schemes exist, such as modal, pupil segmentation zonal, and pixelated piston-based methods. Each of these has a different physical implementation that makes direct comparisons difficult. Here, we propose a framework that fits in all sensorless AO methods and facilitates systematic comparisons among them. We introduce a general model for the aberration representation that encompasses many existing methods. Through modeling and experimental verification in a two-photon microscope, we compared sensorless AO schemes with a range of aberration representations to correct both simulated and sample induced aberrations. The results show that different representations can provide a better basis for correction in different experimental scenarios, which can inform the choice of sensorless AO schemes for a particular application.
Polarized light imaging modalities provide qualitative as well as quantitative information regarding the molecular and structural alignment of collagen, reticulin, and several others. Polarization technique has the ability for selective visualization of anisotropic structures or compounds, based on its birefringence property, which has been a great help for pathologists. In the biomedical field, collagen plays a very important role as a biomarker for aging, wound healing, and several other pathologies such as atherosclerosis, fibrosis, and diabetes. Hence, the study of biological specimens under polarized light can provide contrast-enhanced imaging and early disease diagnosis. This chapter presents various imaging modalities employed with polarization light imaging in different disease diagnosis, starting from conventional polarization microscopic technique to optical coherence tomography, fluorescence microscopy, second-harmonic generation microscopy, and so on.KeywordsPolarization microscopycollagen imagingoptical coherence tomographyfluorescence microscopyStokes–Mueller formalismsecond-harmonic generation
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Oocyte and embryo selection governs the success of assisted reproductive technologies. The imaging tools applied for selecting embryos may need to contain several key properties: noninvasiveness, high 3D resolution, and the contrast capability to provide as much information about the embryos as possible, such as spindle fibers, zona pellucida, and organelles. Currently adopted imaging techniques can only provide one or two of these desired properties and are with limited contrast of the embryos. Some image techniques can even damage the embryos. Previous studies have shown that harmonic generation microscopy (HGM), a virtual-transition based technology, can provide noninvasive imaging in zebrafish embryos with a sub-cellular 3D resolution and a millimeter penetration depth, and thus could be a suitable tool for future oocyte and embryo selection of assisted reproductive technologies. However to evaluate HGM in clinical use, the intrinsic contrast origin of the second harmonic generation (SHG) and third harmonic generation (THG) inside the mammal embryos has to be studied. In this work we performed HGM studies on the in vitro cultured mouse oocytes and embryos by combining the SHG and THG modalities, with a focus on the contrast origin evaluation. Through the noninvasive HGM imaging, we can clearly identify various structures in the whole oocytes and embryos, including spindle fibers, zona pellucida, polar bodies, cell membranes, and the laminated organelles in the cells. The origin of the THG contrast was further confirmed through the standard staining studies. Through SHG signals, we could not only observe the spindle fibers when the oocytes were arrested at metaphase II or during the cleavage of the embryos, but can also distinguish and analyze the thickness of the three layers of the zona pellucida. Combining two different higher-harmonic generation modalities, SHG and THG, HGM successfully revealed the sub-cellular structures of the whole mouse embryos with a high 3D spatial resolution.
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We present a wave front sensorless adaptive optics scheme for an incoherent imaging system. Aberration correction is performed through the optimisation of an image quality metric based upon the low spatial frequency content of the image. A sequence of images is acquired, each with a different aberration bias applied and the correction aberration is estimated from the information in this image sequence. It is shown, by representing aberrations as an expansion in Lukosz modes, that the effects of different modes can be separated. The optimisation of each mode becomes independent and can be performed as the maximization of a quadratic function, requiring only three image measurements per mode. This efficient correction scheme is demonstrated experimentally in an incoherent transmission microscope. We show that the sensitivity to different aberration magnitudes can be tuned by changing the range of spatial frequencies used in the metric.We also explain how the optimization scheme is related to other methods that use image sharpness metrics.
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Morphological changes and complex developmental processes inside vertebrate embryos are difficult to observe noninvasively with millimeter-penetration and sub-micrometer-resolution at the same time. By using higher harmonic generation, including second and third harmonics, as the microscopic contrast mechanism, optical noninvasiveness can be achieved due to the virtual-level-transition characteristic. The intrinsic nonlinearity of harmonic generations provides optical sectioning capability while the selected 1230-nm near-infrared light source provides the deeppenetration ability. The complicated development within a ~1.5-mm thick zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo from initial cell proliferation, gastrulation, to tissue formation can all be observed clearly in vivo without any treatment on the live specimen.
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We demonstrate the association of third-harmonic generation (THG) microscopy and particle image velocimetry (PIV) analysis as a novel functional imaging technique for automated micrometer-scale characterization of morphogenetic movements in developing embryos. Using a combined two-photon-excited fluorescence and THG microscope, we characterize the optical properties of Drosophila embryos and show that sustained THG imaging does not perturb sensitive developmental dynamics. Velocimetric THG imaging provides a quantitative description of the dynamics of internal structures in unstained wild-type and mutant embryos.
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The imaging properties of optical microscopes are often compromised by aberrations that reduce image resolution and contrast. Adaptive optics technology has been employed in various systems to correct these aberrations and restore performance. This has required various departures from the traditional adaptive optics schemes that are used in astronomy. This review discusses the sources of aberrations, their effects and their correction with adaptive optics, particularly in confocal and two-photon microscopes. Different methods of wavefront sensing, indirect aberration measurement and aberration correction devices are discussed. Applications of adaptive optics in the related areas of optical data storage, optical tweezers and micro/nanofabrication are also reviewed.
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We implement wave front sensor-less adaptive optics in a structured illumination microscope. We investigate how the image formation process in this type of microscope is affected by aberrations. It is found that aberrations can be classified into two groups, those that affect imaging of the illumination pattern and those that have no influence on this pattern. We derive a set of aberration modes ideally suited to this application and use these modes as the basis for an efficient aberration correction scheme. Each mode is corrected independently through the sequential optimisation of an image quality metric. Aberration corrected imaging is demonstrated using fixed fluorescent specimens. Images are further improved using differential aberration imaging for reduction of background fluorescence.
Aberrations are known to severely compromise image quality in optical microscopy, especially when high numerical aperture (NA) lenses are used in confocal fluorescence microscopy (CFM) and two-photon microscopy (TPM). The method of adaptive optics may correct aberrations and restore diffraction limited operation. So far the problem of aberrations that occur in the imaging of biological specimens has not been quantified. However, this information is essential for the design of adaptive optics systems. We have therefore built an interferometer incorporating high NA objective lenses to measure the aberrations introduced by biological specimens. The measured wavefronts were decomposed into their Zernike mode content in order both to classify and quantify the aberrations. We calculated the potential benefit of correcting different numbers of Zernike modes using different NAs in an adaptive CFM by comparing the signal levels before and after correction. The results indicate that adaptive correction of low order Zernike modes can provide significant benefit for many specimens. The results also show that quantitative fluorescence microscopy may be strongly affected by specimen induced aberrations in non-adaptive systems.
A laser scanning microscope using third-harmonic generation as a probe is shown to produce high-resolution images of transparent biological specimens. Third harmonic light is generated by a tightly focused short-pulse laser beam and collected point-by-point to form a digital image. Demonstrations with two biological samples are presented. Live neurons in a cell culture are imaged with clear and detailed images, including organelles at the threshold of optical resolution. Internal organelles of yeast cells are also imaged, demonstrating the ability of the technique for cellular and intracellular imaging.
  • D Débarre
  • M J Booth
  • T Wilson
D. Débarre, M. J. Booth, and T. Wilson, Opt. Express 15, 8176 (2007).
  • D Débarre
  • E J Botcherby
  • M J Booth
  • T Wilson
D. Débarre, E. J. Botcherby, M. J. Booth, and T. Wilson, Opt. Express 16, 9290 (2008).