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Reason and unreason in decision making


Abstract and Figures

The current state of Decision Making Theories reflects the intersection of three major theoretical approaches: Expected Utility, Heuristics and Bias and Holistic Intuition. The relations between these approaches are not immediately evident nor even established in the literature, as some of these tendencies are quite new. My objective is to help to fill this gap by offering a general overview of the field, with particular attention to the epistemological conditions to which each new development responded and to the limitations of those responses. This overview will enable the reader to comprehend the conceptual foundations of intuitive decision making and to establish a critical position with respect to this emerging concept.
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s i c o l o g i a
São Paulo, abril/junho, 2010, 21(2), 391-416.
Álvaro Machado Dias
Resumo: Tal como se apresenta na atualidade, o campo de Teorias de Tomadas
         
Palavras-chave: 
 avant la lettre,
1 Agradeço à Prof. Dra. Emma Oa (PSE-IPUSP) pelas discussões crícas, sugestões e revisão atenciosa, ao Prof. Dr.
Luiz Roberto G. de Brio (ICB-USP), pela orientação da pesquisa de doutorado (NEC-USP), do qual este argo é
parte, e ao economista Maracajaro Mansor pelas sugeses para tornar a discussão matemáca mais intuiva.
Este argo foi realizado com apoio da bolsa de doutorado do CNPQ.
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
    -
lha entre commodities
preconizam um dos grandes temas em destaque no campo de análise de
pode ser estabelecida com rigor, tal como, mais amplamente, o recorte de
de pensamentos com que se associa, mediante a qual sempre carregará
alguma dose de arbitrariedade.
rica de liberdade e que assim delinearam um debate paradigmático para o
      
para a escolha entre commodities.
       
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
s i c o l o g i a
São Paulo, abril/junho, 2010, 21(2), 391-416.
 
         
compromisso em contemplar um modo de agir e pensar, no qual a racio-
os processos de escolha.
 
          
         
Fenomenologia da Per-
cia, nunca tentaram entender.
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
        -
os modelos racionalistas são psicologicamente inconsistentes (p. 1449).
interessados em tomadas de decisão passassem a se mobilizar para enten-
geral, pode-se dizer que as trocas materiais são predominantemente de
soma não zero.
Focando especialmente os jogos de dois jogadores com soma zero,
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
s i c o l o g i a
São Paulo, abril/junho, 2010, 21(2), 391-416.
   
meses). O jogo pode ser jogado em rodadas nas quais entram em jogo as
   -
        
       
seja implicitamente assumida sobre o comportamento do outro jogador.
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
será iniciar as jogadas denunciando-lhe.
 
  -
age teleologicamente.
2 
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
s i c o l o g i a
São Paulo, abril/junho, 2010, 21(2), 391-416.
), simultane-
commodity, ao grau de incerteza e/ou
de jogadores sociais,
        -
ponha que a utilidade de um agente seja expressa por . Se um jogo
promete R$4 ou nada, o jogador terá utilidade igual a 2 ou zero respec-
 
terá uma utilidade maior do que se ele participar do jogo. De onde decorre
de por , chegaríamos exatamente ao resultado oposto, em que o agente
tar, teríamos um comportamento que a maioria das pessoas julgaria como
 -
4 
5 
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
    
poderia ser categoricamente problematizado por um agente externo,
  
         
  
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
s i c o l o g i a
São Paulo, abril/junho, 2010, 21(2), 391-416.
      
     
probabilidade de um resultado.
para tomadas de decisão, dando origem a um importante conceito sobre o
Particularmente, quando as pessoas são impelidas a decidir se um
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
     Framing Effects)
       
       -
mente contingente (ancoragem), passando subsequentemente para uma
          -
6 correlações entre esmavas bayesianas e pensamento ulitarista, mas as duas coisas não
podem ser confundidas.
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
s i c o l o g i a
São Paulo, abril/junho, 2010, 21(2), 391-416.
 
       -
mente constantes entre os estabelecimentos e, assim, conhecidos dos con-
      
  
correlacionada ao quanto se pratica.
       
 -
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
     
   
Figura 1. 
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
s i c o l o g i a
São Paulo, abril/junho, 2010, 21(2), 391-416.
um processo heurístico, que de antemão excluísse a imensa maioria das
         
       
et al., 2005).
outra área.
      
 
      
mento intencional.
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
 
tínios do sistema 2.
    
  
atingi-la, apenas não podemos ingenuamente considerar que esta condi-
   
   
inputs já assimilados
           
         
(cognitive-experiential self-theory
enquanto em segunda ins-
     
 
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
s i c o l o g i a
São Paulo, abril/junho, 2010, 21(2), 391-416.
 
co de Freud (1900/1953).
   
 -
         -
10 
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
  
versusRational Experintial Inven-
 
        
o superego existia antes da decisão, bem como permanecerá existindo
        
Iowa Gambling Task-
11      -
esses atuais.
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
s i c o l o g i a
São Paulo, abril/junho, 2010, 21(2), 391-416.
Para chegar a esta conclusão, os autores partiram da premissa de que
        -
deste momento em diante, elas passam a se expressar quando os sujeitos
correlacionadas a maus desempe-
etapa no processo de entendimento dos processos decisionais não racio-
12 
13 -
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
estatísticas consistentes para a probabilidade de um sujeito experimentar
longa trilha a se distender desde o utilitarismo algorítmico da primeira
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
s i c o l o g i a
São Paulo, abril/junho, 2010, 21(2), 391-416.
work in progress”
tas um output-
fuzzy) aos representantes de um esque-
ma decisional.
     
     
         -
amodal”, mas dependente da corporeidade.
if  as if)
potencial para que surjam modelos estatísticos que associem respostas
ad hoc (em par-
 
as if
 Ál v a r o Ma c h a d o di a s
Reason and unreason in decision making
Abstract: 
           
Keywords: 
Raison et déraison dans les prises de décision
Résumé: 
       
          
              
     
Mots clés: 
Razón y desrazón en las tomas de decisión
Resumen: Tal como se presenta en la actualidad, el campo de
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          
           
a posicionarse de manera crítica, respecto del mismo.
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original publicado em 1900)
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           
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One of the main themes that has emerged from behavioral decision research during the past three decades is the view that people's preferences are often constructed in the process of elicitation. This idea is derived from studies demonstrating that normatively equivalent methods of elicitation (e.g., choice and pricing) give rise to systematically different responses. These preference reversals violate the principle of procedure invariance that is fundamental to all theories of rational choice. If different elicitation procedures produce different orderings of options, how can preferences be defined and in what sense do they exist? This book shows not only the historical roots of preference construction but also the blossoming of the concept within psychology, law, marketing, philosophy, environmental policy, and economics. Decision making is now understood to be a highly contingent form of information processing, sensitive to task complexity, time pressure, response mode, framing, reference points, and other contextual factors.
How do consumers decide how many units to buy? Whereas prior research on individual consumers’ purchases has focused primarily on purchase incidence and brand choice, the authors focus on the psychological process behind the purchase quantity decision. The authors propose that a simple anchoring and adjustment model describes how consumers make purchase quantity decisions and suggests how point-of-purchase promotions can increase sales. Two field experiments and two lab studies show that anchor-based promotions—presented as multiple-unit prices, purchase quantity limits, and suggestive selling—can increase purchase quantities. The final study shows that consumers who retrieve internal anchors can counter these anchor-based promotions effectively. Firms might receive net benefits from anchor-based promotions depending on whether increases in unit sales reflect increased category consumption, brand switching, variety switching, store switching, or stockpiling.
This is the classic work upon which modern-day game theory is based. What began more than sixty years ago as a modest proposal that a mathematician and an economist write a short paper together blossomed, in 1944, when Princeton University Press published Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. In it, John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern conceived a groundbreaking mathematical theory of economic and social organization, based on a theory of games of strategy. Not only would this revolutionize economics, but the entirely new field of scientific inquiry it yielded--game theory--has since been widely used to analyze a host of real-world phenomena from arms races to optimal policy choices of presidential candidates, from vaccination policy to major league baseball salary negotiations. And it is today established throughout both the social sciences and a wide range of other sciences. This sixtieth anniversary edition includes not only the original text but also an introduction by Harold Kuhn, an afterword by Ariel Rubinstein, and reviews and articles on the book that appeared at the time of its original publication in the New York Times, tthe American Economic Review, and a variety of other publications. Together, these writings provide readers a matchless opportunity to more fully appreciate a work whose influence will yet resound for generations to come.
Many decisions are based on beliefs concerning the likelihood of uncertain events such as the outcome of an election, the guilt of a defendant, or the future value of the dollar. Occasionally, beliefs concerning uncertain events are expressed in numerical form as odds or subjective probabilities. In general, the heuristics are quite useful, but sometimes they lead to severe and systematic errors. The subjective assessment of probability resembles the subjective assessment of physical quantities such as distance or size. These judgments are all based on data of limited validity, which are processed according to heuristic rules. However, the reliance on this rule leads to systematic errors in the estimation of distance. This chapter describes three heuristics that are employed in making judgments under uncertainty. The first is representativeness, which is usually employed when people are asked to judge the probability that an object or event belongs to a class or event. The second is the availability of instances or scenarios, which is often employed when people are asked to assess the frequency of a class or the plausibility of a particular development, and the third is adjustment from an anchor, which is usually employed in numerical prediction when a relevant value is available.
It is no accident that mental illnesses are also referred to as emotional disorders. Laypeople and professionals alike recognize that emotions lie at the heart of many disorders in living. It is noteworthy, in this respect, that the three primary negative emotions (in the sense that they are observable in nonhuman animals), fear, sadness, and anger, have their counterparts in major classes of psychological disorders, namely, anxiety disorders, depression, and anger-hostility-related disorders, including paranoia and antisocial personality.