Tobias Kurze

Tobias Kurze


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Publications (13)
Ubiquitous access to existing scientific data is one of the key enablers for rapid development and progress of empirical and without doubt, also non-empirical sciences. Management, in particular the long-term preservation of said data presents a major challenge. Universities, scientific and cultural organisations, international collaborations and p...
Conference Paper
With the number of different cloud providers growing the importance for reliable and up-to-date performance data increases to make qualified decision on what providers to use to carry out different tasks. To cope with this issue, this paper proposes a framework usable for distributed and self-organized continuous benchmarking of hybrid and heteroge...
The Software as a Service (SaaS) methodology is a key paradigm of Cloud computing. In this paper, we focus on an interesting topic—to dynamically host services on existing production Grid infrastructures. In general, production Grids normally employ a Job-Submission-Execution (JSE) model with rigid access interfaces. In this paper, we implement the...
Conference Paper
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Cloud Federation is one concept to confront chal-lenges that still persist in Cloud Computing, such as vendor lock-in or compliance requirements. The lack of a standardized meaning for the term Cloud Federation has led to multiple conflicting definitions and an unclear prospect of its possible benefits. Taking a client-side perspective on federated...
Cloud storage services such as the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) are widely accepted and are reaching an ever-expanding range of customers. Especially services providing S3-compatible interfaces enjoy great popularity due to S3's simplistic, yet powerful approach to store and retrieve data via web protocols. While cloud storage services presen...
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The advent of advanced virtualized IT infrastructures that can be provisioned as on-demand services, known as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Cloud Computing, has created new research challenges and opportunities. The capability to rapidly allocate and deallocate seemingly infinite amounts of system resources is a defining characteristic of this...
Zusammenfassung Das Paradigma des Cloud Computing ist in den vergangenen zwei Jahren mit eindrucksvoller Geschwindigkeit auf den ersten Platz der IT-Hitparade aufgestiegen. Rund um dynamische IT-Dienstleistungen hat sich im Internet ein lukratives Geschäft entwickelt. Neben kommerziellen Angeboten von öffentlich verfügbaren Dienstleistungen, die be...
Conference Paper
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This paper suggests a definition of the term Cloud Federation, a concept of service aggregation characterized by interoperability features, which addresses the economic problems of vendor lock-in and provider integration. Furthermore, it approaches challenges like performance and disaster-recovery through methods such as co-location and geographic...
Using cloud technologies, it is possible to provision HPC services on-demand. Customers of the service are able to provision virtual HPC systems in a self-service portal and deploy and execute their specific application without operator intervention. The business model foresees to only charge the amount of resources actually used. There remain open...
Conference Paper
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The Software as a Service (SaaS) methodology is a key paradigm of Cloud computing. In this paper, we focus on an interesting topic - to implement a Cloud computing functionality, the SaaS model, on existing production Grid infrastructures. In general, production Grids employ a Job-Submission-Execution (JSE) model with rigid access interfaces. In th...
Conference Paper
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Cyberinfrastructure offers a vision of advanced knowledge infrastructure for research and education It integrates diverse resources across geographically distributed resources and human communities. Cy-beraide is a service oriented architecture and abstraction framework that allows us to access cyberinfrastructure through Web 2.0 technologies, whic...


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