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Souleymane Abdou

Souleymane Abdou
Institut Nationale de la Recherche Agronomique du Niger (INRAN) · Département des Cultures Pluviales (DCP)

PhD in plant breeding


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Souleymane Abdou currently works at the National Institute for Agricultural Research of Niger Republic. Souleymane does research in plant breeding especially on cowpea. Their current project is 'Development of cowpea varieties for high grain and fodder production under low input small scale farmers conditions'.


Publications (9)
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Cowpea grains constitute a nutritious food to humans, while resource-poor farmers use its fodder and shell in fattening livestock during the dry season in Niger. Owing to the high price of these commodities, especially in the hot, dry season, the development and adoption of dual-purpose varieties adapted that period may significantly lower the cost...
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Objective: In areas with short rainfall duration, the production of cowpea under rainfed conditions is affected by high incidence of terminal drought together with late season insects' infestation. The objective of the present work is to identify early maturing cowpea lines with high grain and fodder yields. Methodology and results: Thirty-seven ne...
Le niébé, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., est la principale légumineuse cultivée au Niger non seulement pour ses graines pour l’alimentation humaine mais aussi pour le fourrage. Cependant, cette culture fait face à des nombreuses contraintes parmi lesquelles figurent les plantes parasite, en particulier Striga gesnerioides qui provoque des pertes de...
INTRODUCTION Le niébé Vigna unguiculata L. Walp, est l'une des plus importantes légumineuses cultivées dans les zones tropicales semi-arides d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Au Niger, cette culture occupe la deuxième place en termes de production et de surface cultivées après le mil (FAO, 2017). Le niébé joue un rôle déterminant dans l'alimentation, la nutrit...
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In Niger, rice cultivation contributes significantly to the food security of populations. The various investments made by the country have made it possible to promote irrigated rice growing in the valley of the river with two crops of rice per year and thus to increase production significantly But it is clear that the technical standards that are s...
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Objectif: Cette étude est une contribution à la connaissance de la riziculture de bas fonds hors aménagement hydro-agricoles au Niger dans le département de Gaya.Méthodologie et résultats: Le travail s’est basé sur des questionnaires administrés à des producteurs de riz ainsi que sur des mesures aux champs. Il en ressort que dans le département de...
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Cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch) is a major pest of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) particularly in the drier regions of the tropics. Although aphid resistant varieties had been developed, resistance has recently broken down. The present study seeks to identify new sources of resistance. 105 cowpea cultivars and 92 wild cowpea accessions we...


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