Marc Makhani

Marc Makhani
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center · Department of Medicine


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Publications (12)
Traumatic injury of the esophagus is extremely uncommon. The aims of this study were to use the Pennsylvania Trauma Outcome Study (PTOS) database to identify clinical factors predictive of esophageal trauma, and to report the morbidity and mortality of this injury. A cross-sectional review of patients presenting to 20 Level I trauma centers in Penn...
Nasogastric lavage (NGL) is often performed early in the management of GI bleeding. This practice assumes that NGL results can assist with timely risk stratification and management. We performed a retrospective analysis to test whether NGL is associated with improved process measures and outcomes in GI bleeding. Propensity-matched retrospective ana...
A growing body of literature suggests an association between methane and constipation. Studies also link degree of methane production to severity of constipation and have shown constipation is improved following antibiotics. We aim to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the cumulative evidence regarding the association between...
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disorder often subdivided into constipation-predominant and diarrhea-predominant forms. Earlier studies have shown that IBS patients with methane detected on lactulose breath test (LBT) are more likely to have constipation. The goal of this study was to conduct a factor analysis to determine whether there...
Studies suggest that subjects with IBS have altered gut flora. Among these findings, methane production is more commonly associated with constipation-predominant symptoms. In this study, we prospectively evaluated the role of methane as a diagnostic test. Consecutive Rome I positive IBS patients referred for a lactulose breath test were eligible to...


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