Harvey Reed

Harvey Reed
MITRE · L188


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Publications (6)
Conference Paper
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Today, satellite launches, on-orbit operations, and deorbiting by space faring countries is manual-intensive and safe. However, projected increases in number of space faring nations, and volume of space traffic, will strain Space Traffic Management (STM) processes and operations, requiring increased automation. STM processes and operations require...
Conference Paper
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This paper provides a socio-technological *transformative architecture as a mechanism to advance international space innovation objectives in support of Long-Term Sustainable (LTS) guidelines in space among nations and organizations, public and private. It enumerates, in the context of an International Space Reference Architecture (ISRA), how the m...
Conference Paper
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Today, satellite launches, on-orbit operations, and deorbiting by space faring countries is manual-intensive and safe. However, projected increases in number of space faring nations, and volume of space traffic, will strain processes and operations, and require increased coordination and automation. Coordination depends on Space Situational Awarene...
Conference Paper
Network-centric warfare and, increasingly, joint operations, demand vastly increased interdependencies and relationships among net-centric participants to produce net-centric capabilities and increase mission effectiveness. A net-centric conversation (NCC) captures a set of organizing principles that encompass a formal description and management of...


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