Fagner Junior Gomes

Fagner Junior Gomes
University of São Paulo | USP · Departamento de Zootecnia (LZT) (ESALQ)

Doctor in Science - Animal Science and Pastures
Post Doctoral fellow in Animal Science and Pastures by "Luiz de Queiroz" College of Agriculture.


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Post Doctoral fellow in Animal Science and Pastures and Doctor in Science by "Luiz de Queiroz" College of Agriculture. Major in Animal Science by Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT); Master and It has experience in Forage and Grassland in matters: Microclimate Effect in Forage Plants; Silvopastoral Systems Management; Pasture Management; Ecophysiology of Forage Plants; Mathematical Modeling of Forage Growth.


Publications (34)
The search for efficiency in forage-based systems has intensified in recent years, increasing the need to reduce environmental impacts of animal agriculture. Reducing the dependence on fossil fuels for nitrogen (N) input with the use of microorganisms (e.g., biological nitrogen fixation, BNF) and grass-legume mixed stands has become an important pr...
Context Defoliation management by grazing or clipping, combined with nitrogen (N) fertilisation, can increase forage production in tropical grasses. Use of pasture canopy height as a practical tool for monitoring forage mass and accumulation has been proposed because of the relationship between height and canopy light interception. However, this re...
Among the strategies for integrating crops, livestock, and forestry, silvopastoral systems must be highlighted due to their inherent microclimatic conditions, mainly in tropical countries such as Brazil, where cattle are frequently subjected to unfavorable thermal conditions. However, according to some studies, shading can potentially worsen herds´...
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This study evaluated how integrated crop–livestock–forestry systems affected the expression of sexual traits in Nellore heifers. The serum concentration of insulin-like growth factor type-I (IGF-I), follicular diameter, rump fat thickness (RFT), and weight gain were assessed in 48 prepubertal Nellore heifers (14–16 months old, initial average live...
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Canopy adaptation to shade can make forage nutritive value in a silvopastoral system similar or even greater than of open pasture. Our objective was to evaluate the shading effect on nutritive value of Marandu palisade grass [Urochloa brizantha (Hochst A. Rich) Stapf] under clipping in a silvopastoral system (SPS) with Eucalyptus urograndis (hybrid...
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Timing of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application can influence grass regrowth, so it is important to identify how tropical grasses respond to delays in applying fertilizer after defoliation. Our objective was to identify the effects of timing of N fertilizer application after harvest on the productive, morphogenic and structural characteristics of 3 t...
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Alterações no ambiente luminoso provocam mudanças adaptativas nas plantas, na tentativa de manter o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento. Objetivou-se com esta revisão investigar e descrever o efeito do ambiente luminoso no crescimento e desenvolvimento de forrageiras de clima tropical em sistemas silvipastoris. A compreensão da influência do ambiente...
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Diversification of monoculture grass pastures may provide opportunity for increased productivity, efficiency, and sustainability of forage-livestock systems. Our objective was to compare herbage accumulation (HA), nutritive value, and animal performance on a grass monoculture control and two alternative systems, all based on ‘Marandu’ palisadegrass...
Sustainable intensification of livestock production systems has become a global demand. In silvopastoral systems, contrasting shading levels caused by the presence of trees interferes in the productive responses of the pasture under grazing. The environment in which plants develop in a pasture canopy is dynamic and complex due to the nature of soil...
In silvopastoral (SP) systems, forage responses depend on the microenvironment in which the plants develop. Our objective was to evaluate canopy and tillering character-istics of shaded 'Marandu' palisadegrass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst A Rich) Stapf, syn. Urochloa brizantha] under continuous stocking in a SP system. Treatments were one full sun...
Forage grass canopies may be affected by the shaded microclimate in silvopastoral (SP) systems throughout the year. This in turn may affect forage plant characteristics. Our objective was to assess microclimate effects on the responses of Marandu palisadegrass {Urochloa brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) R. D. Webster [syn. Brachiaria brizantha (Hochs...
The understanding of plant morphological and physiological responses to shading can contribute to developing sustainable silvopastoral systems (SPS). Our objective was to evaluate the shading effect on herbage accumulation (HA), plant-part composition, physiology, and canopy structural characteristics of Marandu palisadegrass {Urochloa brizantha (H...
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The intensification of pasture-based livestock production is a global challenge. Silvopastoral systems are characterized by conforming to a new mode of land use. Few studies aim to simulate the growth of tropical forage species in shaded environments, making for the need to test and adapted models to different soils, climates, and management. The o...
The effects of three canopy heights (10, 25 and 40 cm) and two N rates (50 and 250 kg ha�1 year�1) on herbage accumulation (HA), participation of leaf categories in the leaf area index (LAI) and photosynthesis of grazed “Mulato II” brachiariagrass (Brachiaria brizantha 9 B. decumbens 9 B. ruziziensis) were investigated during two summer growing sea...
The effects of three canopy heights (10, 25, and 40 cm) and two N rates (50 and 250 kg ha–1 yr–1) on herbage accumulation (HA), participation of leaf categories in the leaf area index (LAI) and photosynthesis of grazed “Mulato II” brachiariagrass (Brachiaria brizantha × B. decumbens × B. ruziziensis) were investigated during two summer growing seas...
Conference Paper
The trial was carried out in Piracicaba-SP, Brazil, during two summer rainy seasons (2012/2013 and 2013/2014).-A RCB design was used, with a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement, corresponding to three steady-state canopy heights (10, 25, and 40 cm) maintained by continuous stocking and two N rates (50 and 250 kg ha-1 yr-1), with three replications (Figure...
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In creating a pasture system still prevalent in Brazil during the dry season has low potential for weight gain due to lack of rainfall which affect the quality and quantity forage limiting. The use of co-products can take the cheaper the cost of producing ruminants, especially the use of supplements provided in the dry season. Co-product can be obt...
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Intercropping is the practice of associating in the same area by planting various crops to increase yield, enrich the biological life of the soil and protect against erosion. However, the establishment and management of the consortium should be prioritized, as legumes and tropical grasses exhibit striking morphological and physiological differences...
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Although Brazil holds one of the largest commercial cattle herd in the world, about 209 million head (IBGE, 2011), it is observed that the average stocking rate is very low, resulting in lower potential productivity of the livestock sector. Among the various factors that contribute to this low productivity, can highlight the seasonality in food sup...
RESUMO: A demanda por proteína animal tem aumentado consideravelmente. Diante da situação faz-se necessário tecnologias que permitam acréscimos na produtividade com vista na sustentabilidade. Dessa forma, considerando os sistemas em pasto serem a forma mais barata de produzir carne, a suplementação deve ser considerada ou as condições de subnutriçã...
Conference Paper
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The dairy industry presents itself as a prominent aspect in socioeconomic Brazilian agribusiness. The activity is exploited in almost all Brazilian municipalities, being the sixth leading agricultural economic output in Brazil, exploited by 1.36 million farms. This study aimed to identify and quantify benchmarks (benchmarks) of dairy farming in nor...
Conference Paper
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This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of calcium oxide inclusion level (0, 0.5 and 1.0% fresh matter of sugarcane) and the exposing time (0 or 3 days) under sugarcane based diets on the synthesis and efficiency of synthesis of ruminal microbial nitrogen compounds (RMNC). The urinary purine derivatives excretion (UPD) or abomasum purine...
Conference Paper
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RMicrobial efficiency and ruminal characteristics in beef heifers fed diets based on sugarcane silage with different levels of whitewash (0.0, 0.75 and 1.5%), fresh sugarcane or corn silage. The sugarcane was corrected for protein content 10.5%, using urea and ammonium sulfate (9:1), as well as corn silage. Five heifers cannulated in the rumen and...
Conference Paper
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This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of calcium oxide inclusion level (0, 0.5 and 1.0% fresh matter of sugarcane) and the exposing time (0 or 3 days) under sugarcane based diets on the urinary purine derivatives excretion (UPD) and the ruminal microbial composition. Six Nellore heifers with mean body weight of 250 ± 19 kg, ruminally an...


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